View Full Version : No fish today

31-05-2014, 06:33 PM
Weather not to good this morning. Shohld have stayed at home. Pretty lumpy out front woody point.
no bites.
maybe tomorrow

31-05-2014, 09:50 PM
Oh well. Better than sitting at home with 'wat ifs' better luck next time

01-06-2014, 07:43 AM
Aint that the truth Brock.

01-06-2014, 07:06 PM
Think I may try tomorrow too Greg,
Went out in the Passage yesterday but turned a bit lumpy and I drastically changed the look of my new prop.
Should have stayed home but just needed to give it a crack, as you do.

02-06-2014, 09:59 AM
How did boat go Chris.
i think i might start to che some flathead. Seems everyone i talk to is catching them down my way.


02-06-2014, 10:08 AM
Gday seahorse, just wondering how woody point goes for snapper, can you expect a few most days or are they a rare catch ?, im in Albany creek so its nice and close for me..

02-06-2014, 12:15 PM
Alleycat, they are out there. Just right spot at right time. I found outgoing best.
from reports there has been some nice fish taken.

i have caught some nice ones around mid 50cm mark over last couple weeks.

mullet or pillies going well.


02-06-2014, 10:12 PM
Alleycat, for me Woody Pt is generally much slower going than some of the other Western bay squire spots but the fish quality is good, i seem to get very few undersize squire there. My best two caught in that area are 60cm and 70cm (last month).

03-06-2014, 09:48 AM
How did boat go Chris.
i think i might start to che some flathead. Seems everyone i talk to is catching them down my way.


Hey Greg,
Boat handled really well, with the usual messy wind against tide between Spinnaker and the Jetty.
That reverse chine hull thing really does cut through nicely and I didn't cop any spray whatsoever. I would have been soaked in my old tinny.
I'm just up for a new prop, should have known better than to go down past Toorbul on a falling tide. Been down there heaps of times but the old wrong place at wrong time adage etc... Prop still gets the boat around ok, but probably miss out on top end I'd say.
Getting onto a flew Flatties on the plastics, and there are a heap of Squid up here at the mo harrassing them too. Had a Snapper follow the plastic up to the boat at the drop off at White Patch on Thursday arv but the bugger didn't take it.
Squidgie Drop Bears seem to be the fave right now, Z Man in Motor Oil not getting a hit apart from by the Squid.
How's the new Renegade going? Happy with it? Have you been out again?