View Full Version : Flathead jig heads

28-04-2014, 11:37 AM
Just wondering if anybody knows a good jig head with a decent barb, both myself and a mate have lost quite a few good fish because of the poor barbs you seem to find on popular jig heads ie tt headlock, any suggestions?.

28-04-2014, 04:32 PM
I use home made jobbies. Light gauge hooks. Tunaticer has all the details. PM him (or he will see this soon enough and give you the run down)

28-04-2014, 07:33 PM
Are you losing because the barb has torn through the lighter part of the fish's mouth? Not sure this is the fault of the barb, except I would find hooks with a wider gape so that you increase the chance of a hookup. Mustad BLN flippin jig hooks are perfect for this, Speak to Dayoo about a wider gape hook to use in his jigheads. A 2/0 or 3/0 suits 1/4oz and 3/8 oz.


ben kent
29-04-2014, 08:23 PM
I use the tt headlocked ones and never had any dramas just remember to keep your line tight and rod tip high. I have seen lots of my friends drop fish from keeping the rod to close to the water. Well that's my two cents.