View Full Version : Good Friday Prawning with Frank "The Casting Machine"

DNO 346
22-04-2014, 01:28 PM
After all of the prawing reports recently, I received the call last Thursday to head out and try my hand at prawing with Frank "The Fishing Machine". I have never been prawing before so was looking forward to the new experience.

After receiving the news from Alexander The Weapon the day before that the prawns were around, I thought we may be in with a shot.

Headed out into the bay at 4:30am in perfect conditions (as it was all weekend), I couldnt care if we caught nothing as the morning was glorious. Then mayhem unleashed as the sun came up............

A million boats in a small area, raincoats and aprons everywhere, birds going bazerk it was just madness - an unbelievable experience.

Franky did the casting whilst I skippered, dodged boats and bailed water out of the tinny :). Man, can he spread that net! We ended up with a tad over 7kg and a 42cm flatty - a perfect feed for the Easter weekend.

Cant wait to go again and try my hand at throwing a net.

Cheers Deano

22-04-2014, 04:06 PM
Your hooked Deano. Get Stan (Pero) to make you a custom net for next year after you practice with one of Franky's old nets.


DNO 346
22-04-2014, 08:11 PM
Yeah Baz that's the plan. I hear Pero's nets are the business.