View Full Version : URGENT Help Needed - My Clutch Sh&tted Itself!

18-04-2014, 08:31 AM
So after getting all the rods and tackle ready, boat cleaned, checked and fueled, bait and eskies all stocked - the lutch in my Rodeo seems to have shat its pants :'(

From the horrible noise the transmission is making and the horrible noise when I change gears, I would say the throw bearing is on it's last legs. I have all next week off to fish and can't now unless I get this fixed.

Is anyone either a mechanic who can fix this or knows someone who can? I am guessing I am up for a complete new clutch kit plus fitting etc but main priority is to get back on the road.

Vehicle is a 2004 Holden Rodeo V6 done around 180ks

Any one able to assist please give me a call 0477725316

