View Full Version : Prawns at Rudy Maas
09-04-2014, 04:50 PM
Went today for a look and see down at Rudy Maas, Launched from Ramp early 5.30am.
Ended up with a bucket in little time.
Was using a net I purchased from pero, works brilliantly and opens great.
Here's a pic of prawns
09-04-2014, 05:27 PM
you on commission bondy?
09-04-2014, 10:09 PM
No commission here Roy, nor am I affiliated or a spruiker, just facts comparing nets I purchased from Pero v BCF & SureCatch or Wilsons brands. BCF, Surecatch and Wilsons are crap and very springy by comparison
10-04-2014, 04:32 PM
Bondy , I have also had nets from bcf, surecatch , pero and wazza, but I don,t go telling every one how good or bad they are at every opportunity, just sounds like a bit of an advertising campaign , just sayin, roy
10-04-2014, 05:00 PM
I think you just told everyone Roy ?????
10-04-2014, 06:28 PM
I think you just told everyone Roy ?????
No Phill, I just told them I have owned them, I didn,t say how good or bad they are
10-04-2014, 06:57 PM
Ok, then what's your opinion... as a matter of interest. ?
10-04-2014, 07:39 PM
Ok, then what's your opinion... as a matter of interest. ?
IN my opinion Phill, and thank you for asking, the bcf , surecatch etc , you get what you pay for, but basic nets for basic bucks, pero,s nets are good quality nets but a lot more expensive , but are a custom made net not mass produced, they are not necessarily better than wazza,s nets, that are well made quality custom made net as well and they are a fair bit cheaper than pero,s...... so there you have it Phill, cheers , roy
10-04-2014, 08:03 PM
Thanks Roy, appreciate the feedback as will others :)
10-04-2014, 11:10 PM
I was of the understanding you could not afford Pero's nets due to cost, not bad for a bloke who works at a mine site, FIFO. Mine workers are on a good dollar from what I've read in the media and in documentaries.
I purchased a net from a bloke at Redland Bay, made by a net maker, damn thing fell apart in less that 4 days, stitches came apart, real crap, that net was an expensive. That was about 2 years ago.
Just stating the facts and my experience with nets from various commercial retail outlets and private net makers.
I do take offence that you or anyone else to suggest / suggesting I'm an agent on behalf of a person or entity that makes nets.
Cheers, Bondy
11-04-2014, 07:23 AM
Surely it's just like someone saying they caught a flathead on some sort of atomic chicken plasticcy thing of a certain brand...... that is if anyone actually caught anything on a piece of plastic.:P
Forums are about opinions and feedback.... just read any thread on outboards.
11-04-2014, 07:30 AM
it is just a "phallacy" that Bondy works for Pero ;D hey bondy
11-04-2014, 08:39 AM
I could almost be on Yalta's payroll too if I mentioned the brand of my boat too many more times. It's that time of year Bondy gets fired up about prawns, you live for this time of year don't you mate? And the nets you are using are a far cry since the good ol days, I still have the two nets I showed you but they are really getting tired now. Can't spend the money right now. Comes with being a skipper, just forked out $629 for a routine service on the motor, so what are my chances of upgrading my net? All donations gratefully received!
11-04-2014, 04:43 PM
I was of the understanding you could not afford Pero's nets due to cost, not bad for a bloke who works at a mine site, FIFO. Mine workers are on a good dollar from what I've read in the media and in documentaries.
I purchased a net from a bloke at Redland Bay, made by a net maker, damn thing fell apart in less that 4 days, stitches came apart, real crap, that net was an expensive. That was about 2 years ago.
Just stating the facts and my experience with nets from various commercial retail outlets and private net makers.
I do take offence that you or anyone else to suggest / suggesting I'm an agent on behalf of a person or entity that makes nets.
Cheers, Bondy
Hi Bondy, How would you know if I could or could not afford a net from Pero, and is it any of your business? no.... And yes I do earn good money as a FIFO worker, and I work very long hours , and spend about 9 1/2 months away from my family living in a 3 x3 mtr box...but that is my choice and I do it for my families security. I sometimes think it wouldn,t be to bad to be on the dole and go prawning all the time, but that,s not my style, although the shit load of tax I pay in my FIFO job would surely support a lot of people who may be on the dole and doing what they like.
As far as nets go , some people take the time and tie knots on every mesh, say where the top pocket is attached to the net panel, and some people may thread a cord through the mesh, which is fine until the cord is damaged or comes untied, and then you have a hole in the top pocket you can drive a truck through. How do I know this? , I have nets that describe the above exactly, and I can show you the difference if you would like. What I am saying is , just because you may pay top dollar, you still may not get the quality you expect, they are still top nets and heaps better than mass produced nets, but there can be descrepancies with your top dollar nets as well.
You can also take as much offence as you like Bondy, but you do harp on about Pero,s nets a fair bit mate, so go ahead and be offended, cheers, roy
11-04-2014, 06:07 PM
you on commission bondy?
What you could have said - 1 - Nothing or,
2 - Well done bondy, nice catch of prawns!!
This forum is for fishing not for personal attacks. Take it easy buddy! ;)
Kris, (Royslaven) I have made nets for the past 6 years and No matter how well you make them, you expect problems and some negative feedback
. I have only had one complaint in that time. I'm sure there must be others too, that's ok.-
I sold a second hand net to a person, taught him how to throw the net with this 2 handed style. Told him where the prawns were located, He and his friend got a good feed.
Got a call from him a few weeks later. The call went something like this- "Stan I think this net is not right.I cant seem to open it the way I should" I said- "mate bring it in and show me whats wrong"
This fellow turned up and threw it in my yard and said "look, it hardly opened. Fortunately my mate Kev was also there at the time. He threw the net and it opened nicely.
So that's all fine.
11-04-2014, 06:56 PM
Stan , think it might have been , the guy wasn,t having much joy with the way he was throwing the net, not that the net was the problem,but the technique did not suit him and went down to your place and kevvy showed him another way to throw that suits him perfectly....that guy was me, and I thank you and kevvy for helping me out.
With regards to Bondy, yep , I should have just said , nice catch mate and be done with it , but you might have to admit, he sure seems to be your happiest customer. As far as nets go , they are obviously all different, and I was expressing my opinion, and how this effects my ability to afford or not afford any net is obviously none of his business.
If I have upset or offended you personally, then I whole heartedly apologize , cheers, kris (roy)
No probs there Roy, People who are pensioners or battlers get help from me. I have given Outsiderskip an net free. He said he couldn't afford one.
Bondy has 3 or 4 of mine got them for next to nothing too, Who would blame him for "peeing in my pocket" as a way of expressing his gratitude. And at least 3 others also, who I wont name as they might not like to be named on Ausfish.
And one last thing on my nets- they are nothing like the one you got years ago. The design has changed enormously.
Whenever you see one out there ask the owner what he thinks of it. they sell themselves. Hes getting value for money at $350.
12-04-2014, 02:00 PM
No probs also Stan, see you out there, cheers, roy
gr hilly
12-04-2014, 10:01 PM
Went today for a look and see down at Rudy Maas, Launched from Ramp early 5.30am.
Ended up with a bucket in little time.
Was using a net I purchased from pero, works brilliantly and opens great.
Here's a pic of prawns i never got a net??
13-04-2014, 11:11 PM
Kris (Royslaven),
I'm also offended, I don't like it when anyone tells the world that I'm on a commission or payroll or acting as an agent on behalf of an anyone when it's not true.
I quite readily tell anyone about a product if its good or bad, irrespective of the product, it's what's called product testing feedback.
Same as I have done about charter boats. There are good charter boat operators that do a good job and try to help their client to find and catch fish and there are shit charter boat operators that are not as good.
Same as nets mate, no different.
Cheers, Bondy
wags on the water
14-04-2014, 01:08 PM
Some people never learn....and the others go fishin.
There's always an assumption that FIFO workers got it good. As mentioned try being home once a month, working 12 hrs/day + being up for brekky/dinner so up at 4.00am go to work, home (4 walls and a single bed) shower, then feed, in bed by 8 or 9pm get up and do it all again - 11 days in a row, 1 day off, then 9 more then fly home. It takes a dedicated person to "live the lifestyle" and then have the understanding of family support - all to make life enjoyable with the ones they love. They get taxed the same as joe down the road, the only difference is joe is working 38hrs/wk and old mate is working 72. It's a kick in the guts when you work your arse off on a Sat & Sun and find out you have had to pay upward of $1400 TAX for 2 days work. Everyone has bills coming in - from rates and Electricity to healthcare and phone bills.
FIFO work is a lifestyle choice the same as joe down the road. FIFO isn't for everyone - just ask the ones who quit after 1 or 2 stints and the assumption that you work in the mines is BS too - 99% of FIFO workers are contractors on a casual basis - not Fulltime employment.
That'll do me before I get really pissed off.
Been there done that. try 84 hours a week.I Did it for 9 months and loved it. Anyone got jobs for me, I'm keen FIFO please!
And.... we had 2 10 minute breaks each day to eat. And..... was doing it near Roma we had 10 days in a row at 40 plus degrees.
And..... Concreting with a mix that was hi strentgh and 2 hours old by the time it arrived. (Mind you I was only 58 years old at the time) Been there, done it.!
And... not having a go at anyone about FIFO neither!
If anyone works for Leighton, Origin, Arrow energy, I'm keen! I'm 59 now, not as young as I was a year ago.
14-04-2014, 06:37 PM
Yeah stan , I hear you, my last job on the pipeline in qld, 12/13hrs a day, 28 days straight , no smoko , lunch , or even a toilet (in the bush)hot as , the job I am at now 4 weeks on 1 week off only 66 hrs a week, every second sunday off, smoko and lunch breaks and a toilet, LUXURY, ha ha , am 57 now as well , always good to get home though, cheers, roy
14-04-2014, 06:38 PM
PS stan pm sent, roy
14-04-2014, 09:11 PM
We used to live in a hole in the road,and get up every day and lick the road clean, bloody luxury ! (Insert Monty Python humour here )
Hi Kris (Royslaven) how are you mate. I to would recommend Stan’s (Pero) nets. I have used my far share of the cheep mass-produced nets when I had a young family and money was tight. Three years ago I started using the custom nets and brought three of Stan and they worked great and catch more prawns. I now make my own and think I have a prawning addiction. I have not only found Stan’s net great but Stan has also been very helpful, he taught me the two handed throwing style, gave me confidence in having a go at making my own nets and only last week helped me out with a swivel so I could make a net for my son. I can’t recommend any of the other net makers, as I have never used their nets.
Steve (Wags)
Now back to the prawns I was at Rudy Mass last Tuesday and a bucket in less than 10 min. I couldn’t wait to go back on Wednesday but got only 12 prawns but fun being out on the water.
Steve (Wags)
Now back to the prawns I was at Rudy Mass last Tuesday and a bucket in less than 10 min. I couldn’t wait to go back on Wednesday but got only 12 prawns but fun being out on the water.
Steve (Wags)
Great effort, Steve.
Shawn 66
15-04-2014, 05:41 AM
We used to live in a hole in the road,and get up every day and lick the road clean, bloody luxury ! (Insert Monty Python humour here )
You had a hole , you lucky , lucky bastard .
We used to dream of living in a hole .
15-04-2014, 09:25 AM
You had a hole , you lucky , lucky bastard .
We used to dream of living in a hole .
You had a dream? You must have been rich in comparison to us!
15-04-2014, 12:11 PM
God oh mighty,poor old Bondy simply mentioned that this particular net the liked.
Gee i would hate to see what is said behind my back when i state that GARMIN IS NO,1.
Cmon fella's,lets move on and just go
15-04-2014, 12:45 PM
he taught me the two handed throwing style,
Steve (Wags)
I would love someone to teach me the one handed throwing style :-) ...
God oh mighty,poor old Bondy simply mentioned that this particular net the liked.
Gee i would hate to see what is said behind my back when i state that GARMIN IS NO,1.
Cmon fella's,lets move on and just go fishing
Nicely put, Mick.
15-04-2014, 04:47 PM
anyone get any at nudgee in last few days? just moved from Brisbane to sunny coast and now I'm driving to brissy to prawn go figure! how does moon phase and a bit off fresh affect them when they are in season? will be out there tomorrow around sun up!
15-04-2014, 05:20 PM
anyone get any at nudgee in last few days? just moved from Brisbane to sunny coast and now I'm driving to brissy to prawn go figure! how does moon phase and a bit off fresh affect them when they are in season? will be out there tomorrow around sun up!
The trawlers have been smashing them at Nudgee and my spies tell me that the prawns have moved towards Woody Point.
Hope they come back into Nudgee before the season ends.
15-04-2014, 05:27 PM
thats too much info.i'm giving my spot x a go Thursday Friday.
15-04-2014, 07:12 PM
never prawned near woody point, if i did head that way what area would one head too without being to specific?
15-04-2014, 07:42 PM
the prawns went ballistic at Clontarf a few years ago, in real close to the ramp. Cant say I can remember seeing them off woody point, but who knows ...there are still a fair few in the pine, and I hear they are getting them in Newport canals so maybe out the front of scarborough might be worth a look?
15-04-2014, 07:45 PM
I'm going to my spot w.
I will be out Friday lunch time getting into them. spot F.
Spot w. is too far away !
15-04-2014, 09:51 PM
Spot A is much closer than spot F and Spot W is further afield
16-04-2014, 08:19 PM
just a update, was out at nudgee at 5.15 as sun was peaking up, prawns were skipping in packs, birds were working them, first cast 40 plus, got 7kg best to 23cm, most 15-18cms, hard work after 7 gone by 9
17-04-2014, 12:41 PM
Went out with Popgun19 this morning. There was about 80 boats out at Nudgee today some good quality prawns 18 to 25cm. Back at the ramp by 8.30
17-04-2014, 04:35 PM
Went out to southern bay today with my mate Burky, saw Stan out there as well as my other mate Bondy, stayed away from the other boats mostly and found them in thick patches, couple of throws of 1/3 of a bucket, easily got our 20 ltrs, medium prawns , with some small and larger varieties thrown in, top day, cheers, roy
17-04-2014, 11:04 PM
Was out in the southern bay, good to see old mate royslaven getting a few. Yeah they were patchy but had a few good ones amongst the mediums, only managed 1 kg one cast, rest about 1/2kg a cast. Managed to get a bucket and called it a day. Few small tigers amongst them. I agree , top day, conditions were good.
A few large cruisers passed by, one would have thought they would have slowed down, but nah, flat out like a lizard drinking.
Cheers, Bondy
gr hilly
18-04-2014, 06:33 AM
I GOT MY NET BONDY i suppose ill be on comm when i say i have never had one so well made and so good and may i say easy to throw hahaha ill get a bucket full quick now lol
18-04-2014, 01:37 PM
G'day Glynn,
Good to see you finally got your net. Now's the time to start using that net and get some of those tasty prawns before they disappear out to sea.
21-04-2014, 07:01 PM
Off topic but one of my mates said he was at this ramp (rudy Maas) today, got home to unhitch his boat and found someone had drilled the barrel out of his trailer lock. For what ever reason they weren't able to break it and flog his trailer. Keep an eye out hey.
22-04-2014, 09:30 PM
Hey pero I need you to teach me how to throw again I forgot.
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