View Full Version : 2/4/2014 pumicestone passage

03-04-2014, 08:32 PM
Well, i was out of work for abit and was starting again on the next day so thought why not spend my last day off trying for some more jewys in the same spot i got 2 not long ago, hit it early with 2 mates, i thought i'd be interesting because one never fishes and everytime i take him i end up rerigging his lines and untangling knots but ohhwell his fun company and the other mate is a extremely good plastic flicker and i wanted some tips to get jew on plastics instead of baits.

back to fishing.. went out at 5 in the morning ready for our first drift over my spot at first light. My flicker mate was first in the water and first cast he hooked something so i was like whoa this could be a good day! excited as we all were we didn't muck around throwing our plastics around and soon enough he landed the fish on 4lb braid and 4lb leader on a 1000 reel and it was a jew. Very good for a first cast! Caught on a silver 5inch zman similar to a paddle tail but different not sure the name of the plastic.

We finished that drift hooking up but losing multiple fish :'( so we did it again with the same result.. more loss of fish. We started getting frustrated thinking maybe we were using the wrong size jig heads or wrong plastic or something so for the third drift i changed too a 3inch gulp prawn and first cast with it within 3 seconds of it hitting the water i was on. Fishing with a 2500 sustain with 6lb braid and leader i started to get worried as it nearly spooled me after about 3minutes so my mate started the motor and began chasing this fish. Around 5minutes had past and it still wasn't stopping but decided to run directly towards 3 crab pots.. so we made the decision fast to reverse the boat away from him slowly trying to change his direction which actually worked in our favour and he began slowing fast. Eventually landed it and it was my first ever GT, was quite happy considering im still new to plastics and only ever caught flathead with them.

After that fish they went off the bite probably because of all the motor action right on the spot but ohhwell, decided to keep drifting over the flats for flathead and bream as the sun was well and truly up and got quite a few but my mate who can't fish hadn't caught anything at all the whole time so i got some liveys for him and some bait and he fished with bait while we flicked and started getting some finally. Livey rod went off and i gave it too him for his first shovel nose shark, he was pretty happy. Just after he got a photo with it my other little bait rod went off and another shovel nose shark appeared.
Anyway a good day in the boat plenty of small fish to keep the fun and found a new spot.
Will be going out this weekend as the wind looks good!

Ps the day before i hooked a thread fin salmon and lost it right next to the boat... wasn't happy.:'(

04-04-2014, 09:02 AM
Nice report with some good photos there Crossy.
Guess that was up around the Caloundra end of the Passage there?

04-04-2014, 10:13 AM
Great Trev mate now i'm all antsy to get out in the passage except I broke my hand on Sat night and now I cant fish for 6 bloody weeks when i get my plaster cast off damn it..

04-04-2014, 06:43 PM
Yeah Caloundra end of passage mate!

Bugger snagmaster! that would kill me! i can't stay sane without putting a line in the water every couple of days

06-04-2014, 04:32 PM
102321102321Slipped up the passage for a flick this morning, nice day but not too many fish about, water is still 26 degrees, on the last cast of the day I caught this ripper 79 cm model, she was so fat, a few pics and back she went.

06-04-2014, 04:42 PM
Good fish mate! I'm still yet to land a big flaty on a plastic, only ever got ones to go 51cm. I slept in this morning and went for 3 hours and got nothing, wind picked up and there were boats everywhere disturbing my peaceful drifts i usually do.

But good effort!

06-04-2014, 04:46 PM
Target the edges of the big sand banks crossy, that's where these guys sit, I use the atomic prong on a 1/4 oz head.

06-04-2014, 05:59 PM
Nice looking Flatty there alleycat, good solid fish, nice work.

Daryl McPhee
08-04-2014, 08:07 PM
Thanks for the post. What a scorcher of a trevally.

09-04-2014, 07:27 AM
102321102321Slipped up the passage for a flick this morning, nice day but not too many fish about, water is still 26 degrees, on the last cast of the day I caught this ripper 79 cm model, she was so fat, a few pics and back she went.

Thats a top fish there Alleycat!!! Well done. What did the damage and what gear were you running if you dont mind? Was she deep or in the shallows? Cmon, spill the bean s ;-)

09-04-2014, 09:19 AM
After a half dozen unsuccessful plastic only trips, I finally nailed my first flatty in the passage last week. A modest 56cm so certainly not disappointed. That 79 is a sensational fish, can't wait to hook into something like that and really make the rod bend. Really love the clean up after a day out plastic fishing, no mess (but I sure get a sore arm the next day :)

09-04-2014, 11:44 AM
Thats a top fish there Alleycat!!! Well done. What did the damage and what gear were you running if you dont mind? Was she deep or in the shallows? Cmon, spill the bean s ;-)

Gday funchy, I was using my favourite outfit, pflueger 2-4 kg 7ft with 1500 diawa sol filled with 4kg sunline pe braid and a 12 lb leader, 1/4 oz jighead with a atomic prong nuclear chicken colour, she was in 4 foot of water next to a big sandbank and to be honest when we first saw her under water I thought I had broken the metre mark, she looked just awesome coming up and looked awesome when I released her as well, she was so fat..

09-04-2014, 09:57 PM
Gday funchy, I was using my favourite outfit, pflueger 2-4 kg 7ft with 1500 diawa sol filled with 4kg sunline pe braid and a 12 lb leader, 1/4 oz jighead with a atomic prong nuclear chicken colour, she was in 4 foot of water next to a big sandbank and to be honest when we first saw her under water I thought I had broken the metre mark, she looked just awesome coming up and looked awesome when I released her as well, she was so fat..

Yeah they get the heart pumping don't they? When they get that size they seem to get wider rather than longer.
Well done

I use a similar set up but lighter line and jighead. Havent caught one over 80cms for a while though hope to get another big girl soon.