View Full Version : pumicestone pasage 21/03/2014

22-03-2014, 12:23 AM
Hit the water just before 4pm and thank god the wind was finally dropping! Went straight to my favourite spot which produced big Grunters/bream and Tailor last year as the water is starting to cool down hoping some would be on the bite! Within 3minutes of the first cast a grunter had already grabbed my hook! it carried on to be a great afternoon as the fish wouldn't let our baits sit there for longer then 5minutes without hitting it. Managed to catch small grunters, bream and fourline grunters all arvo untill the sun went down, i think we managed about 10-12 into the boat which was awsome fun on 6lb gear.
Although we didn't manage any elbow slappers they were great fun!

In the middle of all the small bites Something really peeled some line and it proved itself by aiming for the anchor rope multiply times but narrowly avoiding thank god! A shovel nose appeared and although it was good fun was alittle dissapointing was hoping it was a better fish!

Right on dark the bites slowed right down and just as we thought they had gone off the bite managed a double hook up with flathead and grunter

Anyway wind died right off and it was flat and peaceful so we decided to stay after dark in hope of picking up one or two more fish, caught a few eels and decided to use one as bait for bullsharks just for abit of fun and 1 hour had passed with no luck so we were ready to call it a trip when my little 2500 sustain was screaming in the rod holder! pulled up my first ever jewy and was stoked! Went 52cm and i was happy, within 5minutes of landing it my other 2500 stradic went off screaming and my mate grabbed it and pulled in another jewy that went 57cm! stayed out untill 10 in hope of more but no luck. Dropped 3 big fish due to poor knots but ohhwell:-?

Was a great afternoon and night was home by 10:30 boat cleaned in 20minutes and a feed in me. All fish went back to grow bigger and hopefully they are around tomorrow afternoon when i return! All fish caught on lightest possible gear and great fun!;D

22-03-2014, 12:52 AM
Ripper session, mate. liquorice all sorts. Those shovels fight hard, too. As do the Jews. Great report and thanks.


22-03-2014, 04:00 AM
Good stuff Dylan and congrats on your first Jewy. As it gets cooler hopefully they become more plentiful and a bit bigger. I'm heading out in the yak now to bag a few flattys for a change :-)

22-03-2014, 11:01 AM
Cheers cuzza and funchy, was a good session indeed!

Goodluck funchy should be nice wheather! get in before that wind turns crap

22-03-2014, 06:51 PM
Did the jew take the eel bait ??

22-03-2014, 08:07 PM
Did the jew take the eel bait ?? Yeah good question gunna was wondering the same thing myself.

23-03-2014, 10:45 AM
Na jew didn't take the eel bait but i cut it into slices with the backbone and guts still in it in chucks, ive heard rumors that jew will take eel slices on meat which im still testing but they are slimey and yuck to try and fillet! we did have a few smaller sized hits on the eel which were sucking and pulling bait runner but then leaving it which we wern't sure what it was

24-03-2014, 06:44 AM
..... we did have a few smaller sized hits on the eel which were sucking and pulling bait runner but then leaving it which we wern't sure what it was

Mud Crab perhaps?

24-03-2014, 12:12 PM
Crabs take eel bait??? I'd love to find some sort of use for the bitey bastards.

24-03-2014, 12:59 PM
could of been a crab, its hard to say