View Full Version : Levuka @ Easter

19-03-2014, 04:13 PM
I'll be heading to Levuka over Easter 2014.

Camping, obvioulsy, and a bit of 4 x 4 stuff.

There is an " event " on and includes entertainment on Saturday and Sunday nights.

Might even take the kayaks, push bikes and fishing rods.

Hope anyone going ' offroad ' over Easter has a safe and enjoyable time.

cheers LP

gr hilly
19-03-2014, 06:58 PM
Good 4x4 country well it used to be i hav't been for 25 yeers i hope you have a ball LP
cheers G.R.Hill

19-03-2014, 08:41 PM
Flinders beach for me in new triton mn dual cab with 17.56-1 jayco expanda outback van. Have a good Easter LP and all ausfishers.

19-03-2014, 08:42 PM
I was there a few years ago when the gold coast 4x4 club used to run their event. (may even be them still) and it's a good weekend and they are all very well behaved for a family weekend.