View Full Version : Barotrauma in golden snapper

20-02-2014, 02:25 PM
Interesting video of Barotrauma in golden snapper, wonder if many other fish are affected the same way


20-02-2014, 04:04 PM
It's a good vid. Cod are another species that are similar, I think I read somewhere.


20-02-2014, 06:46 PM
Heaps get it. Black jews goldies tricky snapper. Sometimes balchins and trout. It was always a shame in darwin pullin in little dead jews and goldies

20-02-2014, 09:10 PM
golden snapper "fingermark" in QLD ;D
The fish were caught using conventional tackle to simulate how they would be taken by the average recreational angler.
does that mean they used 50 -100lb line and screamed the fish to the surface?
you hear people say that light lines are detrimental to a fishes health because of the added stress but on the other side of the coin
the slower you bring in a fish the less chance of barotrauma ie slowly rising to allow the body to adjust to the pressure
you notice the difference when you scream a fish to the surface from deep water their guts is either hanging out the mouth or the butt though a fish that takes a while to bring up is usually released much cleaner with bugger all evidence of barotrauma and they swim away well
I have caught fish like fingeries and small reds in forty metres on 10-15kg line and recaught the same fish an hour or so later showing no ill effects other than a second hole in the lip
on saying that when I go after big reds of course I am using 50lb braid and I do cause barotrauma no doubt
there really needs to be more study and next time they should try taking twice as long to bring the fish to the surface and see if that makes any difference


10-03-2014, 07:02 AM
Haha that big hammery was keen. Jew and threaddys pulled from deep water in the brissy get it aswell. I use a release weight to get them back down to the bottom and thought that took care of it. Maybe not!

10-03-2014, 08:48 AM
Haha that big hammery was keen. Jew and threaddys pulled from deep water in the brissy get it aswell. I use a release weight to get them back down to the bottom and thought that took care of it. Maybe not!

If their guts us hanging out you may as well be feeding them into the mouth of a shark. The damage is done.

10-03-2014, 02:53 PM
Nothing hanging out just a very firm balloon guts and cant get back down.