View Full Version : Well that didn't go to plan

19-01-2014, 03:57 PM
​After having my new boat (polycraft 4.5 cc) for about 6 weeks now this morning was to be its first proper fishing trip... So I thought. Up at 3am and at the ramp by 3:30 the plan was to jig up some pike on scarby reef then head to the beacons to try for some mackerel then stop at the bottom of the pearl channel to drift some livies while I made breakfast. Well it didn't quite go that way.

On the way to the ramp I had some discomfort in the guts which turned in to quite a bad pain. Sitting in the car park for about 10mins contemplating if I should put the boat in and though ohh nah I'll be right. Got to north reef and that's where I stayed haha. Manage 3 hours out there with some pilles out the back. Had 2 solid runs but by the time I pulled my sorry ass up off the front deck I missed them by a long shot.

By this point I'm thinking as much as I love being out in the boat today is horrible so I shot back to the ramp and home by 7:30 feeling like I'm on my death bed.

aaannnnnnnnd now at the hospital waiting to see if my appendix needs to be chopped out.

My lovely fiancés response was, well that's happens when you go fishing

Might have more luck next time... Hopefully

19-01-2014, 04:07 PM
Thats bad luck bowds. And on the best day of the weekend too.

Still, have to take care of one's health, otherwise nothing else matters!

Hope the Drs sort you out quick smart.

19-01-2014, 07:18 PM
How old are you buddy, it might be diverticulitis!, ive been told at age 50 half the population could be affected by this complaint ( pockets in bowel that become infected), I have it and let me tell you it can be painfull.

19-01-2014, 07:37 PM
Only 24 mate, after a few hours of them poking and priding me and a scan every thing looks to be normal and healthy. Got given the normal response. Here's a pack of painkillers and if the pain is still there in a few days come back.

hopefully it will fade away cause at this point I'll still be at work tomorrow haha


19-01-2014, 08:22 PM
Been eating any mexican food? Haha thats a bugger of a way to ruin ya day. Hope its all good

20-01-2014, 08:14 AM
Apparently it goes away after 3-4 days...or so my wife tells me anyway... ;)

Get well soon mate.


20-01-2014, 07:14 PM
Yes Bowds mustn't let anything interfere with a days fishing. We have to have our priorities correct. We either work to live or work to fish. You only have problems with this philosophy when the missus works it out ;) and finds that she is not the centre of your life :). Got to go the missus is coming.