View Full Version : SHAREFARMERS......no respect for royalty

22-12-2013, 09:37 AM
I heard the Crabking got done again either late yesterday or during the night, leaving his pots open....

sooner rather than later some people will take the law into their own hands, SHAREFARMERS beware, it only a matter of time before you are caught

22-12-2013, 10:04 AM
I gave up crabbing due to thieves ! Fisheries need to do more,like the micro chipped crab in a pot,they got the thief at the ramp apparently.

22-12-2013, 10:49 AM
There out of control in the Pine rivers.
I was out Tues and lost 3 overnight in the South Pine while a mate lost 5 pots in the North Pine on Mon night.
His ropes were cut and the floats thrown on the bank.

Cheers Dazza

22-12-2013, 11:07 AM
15-20 knt winds the next few days should keep them away...hopefully this arvo I will have better luck..

Scott Ashe
22-12-2013, 01:07 PM
I know how you feel. Had trip out on Friday morning and put three pots on the inside Bank of the Rouse, as we were headed for Moreton. Returned approx 3 hours later and searched area for approx 40 minutes and no pots. They had about 4 metres of rope on them. Fish wise we ended up with a nice flathead and a Tailor.

Put my order in for some new pots for Christmas.

22-12-2013, 01:20 PM
I know how you feel. Had trip out on Friday morning and put three pots on the inside Bank of the Rouse, as we were headed for Moreton. Returned approx 3 hours later and searched area for approx 40 minutes and no pots. They had about 4 metres of rope on them. Fish wise we ended up with a nice flathead and a Tailor.

Put my order in for some new pots for Christmas.
The Rous can be hard on pots. I run long ropes and heavy pots but they can still move 50m or so on a big tide

22-12-2013, 04:14 PM
[QUOTE=Scott Ashe;1526851]I know how you feel. Had trip out on Friday morning and put three pots on the inside Bank of the Rouse, as we were headed for Moreton. Returned approx 3 hours later and searched area for approx 40 minutes and no pots. They had about 4 metres of rope on them. Fish wise we ended up with a nice flathead and a Tailor.

hope u meant at least 4 metres extra rope than the depth, i personally have 45ft leadweighted ropes on my pots, and maximum depth I crab is 30 ft, to allow for current

22-12-2013, 08:11 PM
I use 20 metres of weighted rope in the 8 meters i usually crab, and like Horse said Rouse canbe hard on the pots especially the sharks at times

Vitamin Sea
22-12-2013, 09:20 PM
15-20 knt winds the next few days should keep them away...hopefully this arvo I will have better luck..

How did you go today Rosco? I frequently go crabbing in 15 kts + of wind trying to beat the theives, assuming most are in small boats.

Only other effective way is to not put them under floats, but that entails other risks.

The sad thing about this issue is that i bet a lot of the theives are on this site.(shock, horror).


Shawn 66
23-12-2013, 04:59 AM
How did you go today Rosco? I frequently go crabbing in 15 kts + of wind trying to beat the theives, assuming most are in small boats.

Only other effective way is to not put them under floats, but that entails other risks.

The sad thing about this issue is that i bet a lot of the theives are on this site.(shock, horror).


Just curious , why would you assume that ?

Vitamin Sea
23-12-2013, 06:09 AM
Because i do not think that the bastards would want to be doing what they are doing in large conspicuos boats, just an educated guess.

There are a zillion tinnys running around the bay.

Vitamin Sea
23-12-2013, 06:24 AM
You think/know otherwise grunta, please fill me in

23-12-2013, 06:29 AM
How did you go today Rosco? I frequently go crabbing in 15 kts + of wind trying to beat the theives, assuming most are in small boats.

Only other effective way is to not put them under floats, but that entails other risks.

The sad thing about this issue is that i bet a lot of the theives are on this site.(shock, horror).


i also find the assumption that the thieves only have small boats ridiculous....I believe some of the biggest #######s in the world have big boats and would definitely check others pots and take the undersized/Jennie's as well.

Also why do you say that the thieves are members of this site....come on...name them if you know that....I am positive everyone will support you if you do...I know I will.

once again we have someone claiming someone stole their pots, just because they could not find them....seriously guys...inside the Rous, it runs like a bloody freight train sometimes, you need miles of weighted rope and a Bessie block in the pot to slow them down..

now I feel better, I have had my rant lol.

Vitamin Sea
23-12-2013, 07:08 AM
LOL, read the post champ.

1) Assuming most are in small boats, how much thieving goes on in rough weather? I know I've never had much of a problem and also refer to Roscos post, "15-20 kts should keep them away", obviously experienced similar to what I have, and Ross does a shi$load more crabbing than I do.
Ridiculous, don't think so.

2) Thieves members, or more specifically on this site.
Law of averages here, how many members, how many guests???????

3) Was not talking about the Rous pots, not hard to figure out what's happened there.


23-12-2013, 07:51 AM
can tell you fella the crabs are running during the day and females are working at nite,yesterday arvo we got around 20 bugger all females this morning we got another 12 but prob 40 females...head out this arvo and see how it goes....15-20 knts is uncomfortable in the cat where I crab but if you were in a smallish boat you would prob go ass up pullin my heavy duty 1300 round pots I use in 1mtr plus wind chop u get...if I was looking for a feed of crabs I would be dropping them at 4ish in the morning and going out in the arvo to pull them out...wouldn't waste good bait on a nite soak only to catch females

Shawn 66
23-12-2013, 07:57 AM
Because i do not think that the bastards would want to be doing what they are doing in large conspicuos boats, just an educated guess.

There are a zillion tinnys running around the bay.
Yeah , no worries . Everyone is entiteled to their opinion .

mini tinny
23-12-2013, 09:19 AM
I honestly believe that this situation has got out of control. Commercial crabbers outlay a huge sum of money both in licence fees and continual replacement of pots not to mention fuel and bait. They are continually feeling the effects of both crab and pot theft. This situation will eventually end in a fatality when they reach the end of their patience. I know of one crabber who had suspected thieves in the sights of his high powered rifle. I am a recreational crabber and know how angry I feel when I find pots stolen or interfered with. One solution is to get to know the pro's that work in your area. Meet up with them at the ramp and introduce yourself. identify their pots, colours and markings and agree to keep a watchful eye on them when you are working the same area. They in turn can do the same for you. I know I am being a bit naieve because not everybody is honest but it's a start.

23-12-2013, 10:09 AM
mini,its not only recs that raid pots ,I know a few honest pro crabbers then I also know a few that I wouldn't trust as far as I could kick them..last thing I will do is tell any1 where I am settin my pots.i have seen pro crabbers pull other peoples pots and have also seen recs pull pro pots...a joke yes..there is a pro crabbin near my pots at the moment,he beat me there this morning and my closest pot near his mind u 50mtrs away was the only pot I pulled that had no crabs in it at all and bugger all bait...bit suss when he steamed away as soon as I got there...I recon if I was another hr later the whole lot would of been clean out.

Vitamin Sea
23-12-2013, 10:17 AM
mini,its not only recs that raid pots ,I know a few honest pro crabbers then I also know a few that I wouldn't trust as far as I could kick them..last thing I will do is tell any1 where I am settin my pots.i have seen pro crabbers pull other peoples pots and have also seen recs pull pro pots...a joke yes..there is a pro crabbin near my pots at the moment,he beat me there this morning and my closest pot near his mind u 50mtrs away was the only pot I pulled that had no crabs in it at all and bugger all bait...bit suss when he steamed away as soon as I got there...I recon if I was another hr later the whole lot would of been clean out.

No question about that one either.

23-12-2013, 10:43 AM
I had known since the early 90s' when a pro crabber i knew was mentioning all the time how it wasn't only amateur crabbers raiding pots but some pro's as well, raiding each other's pots

BUT at least you would still get a good feed, with the odd tally left behind by the thieves, and I never had a problem with leaving pots overnight, to find some missing the next morning, the days of the honest thief are long gone, one never likes others to steal their crabs, but at least unlike today, you were not up for the cost of replacement gear

nowadays with there being a lot more people crabbing, and a lot more raiders around its a lot harder to get a feed unless you sit on our pots

23-12-2013, 12:21 PM
How did you go today Rosco? I frequently go crabbing in 15 kts + of wind trying to beat the theives, assuming most are in small boats.

Only other effective way is to not put them under floats, but that entails other risks.

The sad thing about this issue is that i bet a lot of the theives are on this site.(shock, horror).


LOL...champ...are you serious???

By the comment about not putting them under floats, I am ASSUMING (Tho you will probably come up with some unbelievable explanation) that you are prepared to bend/break the rules/laws that most of us on here abide by, to suit your own requirements. Says it all I reckon.

23-12-2013, 03:24 PM
Rosco's on it....last night i soaked 4 pots from 7.00 till 4.30am this morning and lost count of the jennies but only three sized males.

Vitamin Sea
23-12-2013, 04:55 PM
LOL...champ...are you serious???

By the comment about not putting them under floats, I am ASSUMING (Tho you will probably come up with some unbelievable explanation) that you are prepared to bend/break the rules/laws that most of us on here abide by, to suit your own requirements. Says it all I reckon.

Didn't you have your prunes today champ? So much hostility, santa comes Wednesday, take a chill pill.:)

Over before i start to take offence.


23-12-2013, 05:39 PM
LOL...champ...are you serious???By the comment about not putting them under floats, I am ASSUMING (Tho you will probably come up with some unbelievable explanation) that you are prepared to bend/break the rules/laws that most of us on here abide by, to suit your own requirements. Says it all I reckon.Mate - get down from that high horse. Considering crab pots are worth $20-40 bucks a pop, I don't blame anyone from deciding to take measures in ensuring their pots don't get nicked.As a kid, if we wanted to set a pot overnight we used to tie our pots to the bank with 100lb fishing line - no float. Yes, it's against the rules, but we never set more than 2 pots and we never had a pot stolen. It was the only way you could ensure not having your pot stolen.I wouldn't do it today purely because I don't need the drama of copping a fine from the fisheries - but geez it's disappointing that you can't leave your pots out of sight without worrying some gutless jobba will steal your crabs/pots

23-12-2013, 05:49 PM
Mate - get down from that high horse. Considering crab pots are worth $20-40 bucks a pop, I don't blame anyone from deciding to take measures in ensuring their pots don't get nicked.As a kid, if we wanted to set a pot overnight we used to tie our pots to the bank with 100lb fishing line - no float. Yes, it's against the rules, but we never set more than 2 pots and we never had a pot stolen. It was the only way you could ensure not having your pot stolen.I wouldn't do it today purely because I don't need the drama of copping a fine from the fisheries - but geez it's disappointing that you can't leave your pots out of sight without worrying some gutless jobba will steal your crabs/pots

Its quite legal to tie off to a tree etc. I think most of us were thinking along sand crabbing lines and its pretty irresponsible to sink your pots out in that sort of country

23-12-2013, 06:22 PM
LOL...champ...are you serious???

By the comment about not putting them under floats, I am ASSUMING (Tho you will probably come up with some unbelievable explanation) that you are prepared to bend/break the rules/laws that most of us on here abide by, to suit your own requirements. Says it all I reckon.

No offence GH but with over 400,000 members on this forum how could you possibly know most of them and how they all fish/crab?

I'm with you in the fact that I believe that the majority of people are responsible and that they respect other peoples property but the amount of pots being checked or lifted is out of control.

I will be out with a couple of very large and short tempered blokes chasing sandies tomorrow somewhere in the bay and will be within binocular distance of my pots all day so beware share farmers.

Merry Christams All :)

23-12-2013, 07:07 PM
rexwatto,wish my pots only cost 20-40 bucks a pot..some of mine are more than double that..i don't mind paying for a good pot there are plenty of ordinary pots out there..

23-12-2013, 07:27 PM
What pots do you use Rosco? Guessing you use the larger pots? If I paid any more than $20-40 I'd have a nervous breakdown if someone nicked one - its the only reason I don't shell out more cash.

23-12-2013, 08:21 PM
I get most of mine made by an x neighbour that use to be a pro crabber...depending what thickness ring u want they start at $50a pot..i use 1mtr round pots and have also got a few what are 1250-1300 round I use for deeper water...most of my pots are either 2 or 3 funnel pots,the only pots shop sell that catch near these pots are the Wilson heavy duty pots around $50 each..i have just got a few heavy duty bcf pots the $40 dollar ones, they work ok as well but after 4 days of crabbing with them I am already repairing them....

mini tinny
23-12-2013, 08:28 PM
Rexwatto I'm with you on this. Some of my large pots are Christmas and Birthday presents. Lots of sentimentality so naturally I wouldn't like to lost them. That's why I use cheaper pots overnight and save the better ones for during the day when I am close by.

23-12-2013, 11:24 PM
Another way (if you got the money, and if they are small enough) is to invest in a submersible buoy / float. Operates by remote control , radio signals can penetrate the water column , but you need to use your GPS for navigational fix as the unit is detected and starts to emerge when vessel is within range (contact the inventor for more info). That's one way to avoid pots being stolen and would be perfectly legal.

24-12-2013, 07:23 AM
Another way (if you got the money, and if they are small enough) is to invest in a submersible buoy / float. Operates by remote control , radio signals can penetrate the water column , but you need to use your GPS for navigational fix as the unit is detected and starts to emerge when vessel is within range (contact the inventor for more info). That's one way to avoid pots being stolen and would be perfectly legal.

Bondy, while the sort of equipment you are talking about is used extensively in the commercial sector for fish traps etc. it is not legal for recreational crabbing in Queensland

When not attached to a fixed object (for example tied to a tree above the high water mark), all crab apparatus must have a light coloured surface float attached. The float must not be less than 15 cm in any dimension and must be marked clearly with the owner's name.
When tied to a fixed object, a tag must also be attached to part of the rope that is above the high water mark. The tag must be marked clearly with the owner's name.

24-12-2013, 07:32 AM
You guys are missing the point here. And is there is no high horse. I AGREE anyone who touches any one else's pots are arsehooles and deserve to be dealt with, by the Law. BUT, some of you blokes think it is OK to break the law, by sinking your pots or threatening to bash the arsehooles ( which I don't totally disagree with).

I know you shouldn't have to do this but one method is to stay with your pots, perfectly legal, you keep your pots, they can't float away or get cut by props, no one will raid them. Just because something is inconvenient does not mean it is alright to break the rules to suit your own requirements. There is always a solution within the law/ rules if you really want to find one.

The problem with sinking pots is that marine life get in them and a lot of times the owners can't find them, also it leaves the door open for unscrupulous crabbers to ignore the maximum 4 pot rule......does anyone here use more than 4 pots when they break the rules and sink them?...Hmmmm interesting question, it depends how much importance one places on obeying the rules I guess, and some have already indicated they disregard the rules to suit their needs. Ok that's it for me from this forum. Have fun peoples and watch ur pots. I have not lost a pot to theft for over 20 years and I use floats.

24-12-2013, 08:01 AM
Grunts, the law also allows only the maximum pots permissible to be carried on the boat so it is illegal to carry spares. On previous discussions though you have said that you've been raided. I suggest that all have a safe and merry Christmas, even the sharefarmers (only if they leave our pots alone)

Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk

24-12-2013, 08:39 AM
didn't see a crab this morning out of 8 pot...lucky I went out yesterday arvo and got a feed for xmas day for myself..had the rest of my families crabs sorted..a few more this morning would of been good though...my pots are now out the water...

24-12-2013, 10:27 AM
Thats true Dignity...but I am sure the crooks have worked that out. 8 sunk and left in water, 4 with floats brought back each time. Thats 8 pots but only 4 ever seen. I know a bloke who sunk his pots up near Dunethan Rock & went back to get them the next day, could only find 3 and swore black & blue that the other one was stolen...LOLOLOL...u gotta laugh at some of the ego's on here.

Oh...I did say that I have not had any STOLEN..I am sure I have been raided like everyone else, but I don't blame not having legal bucks in my pots as being raided everytime as some do. I recall one comment that went along the lines of *they only took the bucks and left the undersized and females in there*, I consider that as ridiculous as the*Most of the thieves are in the little boats* comment.

24-12-2013, 01:33 PM
No worries Pete, have a merry Christmas

Sent from my LG-P990 using Tapatalk

24-12-2013, 09:55 PM
Crabbed around Mud this arvo for 10 keepers the only other boat out in the slop was a 30+ foot cruiser anchored up on the southern side out of the wind. Crabs werent full and no share farmers attempting to raid my pots :D

25-12-2013, 01:16 AM
Just on the topic of pots getting lost through completely random circumstances, I had one lost in the rous which i then found on the way back a good 2km from where it was set with a turtle that got caught up (lightly, thank god) around the rope and had carried it right up into one of the channels. Turtle was freed without any harm, needless to say, but it does open your eyes to the fact that there are many different things that could happen to a pot.

Cheers, PP

25-12-2013, 06:05 AM
Does anyone handline for crabs these days?
We used to do it regularly whilst drift fishing for flatties and often would match what the pots would catch. It also works well when anchored too.

Simply a 1/2oz sinker right down to the knot that holds a fish head or frame or whatever, then get a tangle of line about the size of a volleyball and tie it above the bait and let it slide down onto the bait. 1/2 of your crabs will snag themselves in the tangles, the rest would hold on enough to be scooped with the landing net. Big heavy timber handcasters with 50lb line are the go.

Surefire way to beat the share farmers.

25-12-2013, 07:48 AM
I think a lot of stolen pots have either been run over by other boats or simply dragged away by the current. Last year in a creek up Stanage way we had worked our pots in one of the bigger creeks. We found that the Crabs were working the deeper water away from the steep banks so were on float rather than tied to Mangroves. On our 4th trip into the Creek I could only find 3 of my pots. On the way home my deckie noticed something almost underwater outside the creek mouth. It was one of my floats with pot attached. We worked down current and found 4 of the five "missing" pots. One had travelled nearly 2 NM from were it was dropped. Now these were heavy pots with 12m of rope in a 6m deep creek.
Stanage has huge tides but lighter pots on short ropes would do the same thing down in these waters.

25-12-2013, 08:05 AM
Yeah higher currents are a pain with pots. In waters deeper than 10m with current I use 3mm venetian blind cord to minimise the water drag on the rope which lifts the pot from the bottom to set it adrift. Downside of thit is you need to use pigskin gloves to haul them up.

25-12-2013, 08:16 AM
Does anyone handline for crabs these days?
We used to do it regularly whilst drift fishing for flatties and often would match what the pots would catch. It also works well when anchored too.

Simply a 1/2oz sinker right down to the knot that holds a fish head or frame or whatever, then get a tangle of line about the size of a volleyball and tie it above the bait and let it slide down onto the bait. 1/2 of your crabs will snag themselves in the tangles, the rest would hold on enough to be scooped with the landing net. Big heavy timber handcasters with 50lb line are the go.

Surefire way to beat the share farmers.

good point. i haven't done that for a few seasons now but i remember the last time i managed 12 on the line and 18 in the pots before lunch. i was anchored and chasing snapper but the crabs were cleaning up the baits so i gave up on the snaps and caught crabs. haven't tried the tangled line thing tho and i like it.
do you use heavy or light line for your tangle? i imagine light line would be pia to untangle but does it catch better than heavy?

25-12-2013, 09:28 AM
We used to put a bait inside a pair of stocking. Now all you fishos will have an excuse for the pair of fishnets you keep hidden on board

25-12-2013, 11:12 AM
Slightly of topic, but I use to catch lobsters from the rocks using bait in stockings with a rod and reel. Merry Xmas to all

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25-12-2013, 01:17 PM
Yep, the bait tied into the stockings is an old trick that works well. Tangled in stockings and youve got them pretty easy. Used to do the same think in Coomera river for muddies.

havent done it for years though.

25-12-2013, 05:33 PM
Their is a way around not having your pots stolen. Law states we have to have a float and personal details. No reason we cant tie a few bricks to the float and sink it and grapple it later. Seen to be doing the right thing you retrieve your pot with float connected to the rope. I notice some people say they abide by the law. Ever run a red light or not stopped at a stop sign. Ever had your car broken into or stolen even though you did the right thing and locked it. Its a dog eat dog world now days. I say do what ya gota do to protect your property.

25-12-2013, 08:55 PM
Their is a way around not having your pots stolen. Law states we have to have a float and personal details. No reason we cant tie a few bricks to the float and sink it and grapple it later. Seen to be doing the right thing you retrieve your pot with float connected to the rope. I notice some people say they abide by the law. Ever run a red light or not stopped at a stop sign. Ever had your car broken into or stolen even though you did the right thing and locked it. Its a dog eat dog world now days. I say do what ya gota do to protect your property.

The rules say light coloured surface float

25-12-2013, 10:38 PM
I've sunken pots to stop them getting stolen. I've also accidentally run over pot floats, even with the big spotty on, early in the morning going out, and late at night coming home. I've never lost a sunken pot, but I'm sure I've been blamed for stolen ones. I didn't mean it. Sorry. Merry Christmas......

26-12-2013, 03:13 AM
Buggers ! >:(

We've got a sweet spot at the Pin see's the odd pot lost and the odd dickwadfarmer ends up with a sinkers thrown at them 8-)

hunting wabbits ! :guitarist:

26-12-2013, 06:16 AM
good point. i haven't done that for a few seasons now but i remember the last time i managed 12 on the line and 18 in the pots before lunch. i was anchored and chasing snapper but the crabs were cleaning up the baits so i gave up on the snaps and caught crabs. haven't tried the tangled line thing tho and i like it.
do you use heavy or light line for your tangle? i imagine light line would be pia to untangle but does it catch better than heavy?
Usually about 8lb line or similar for the tangle.

26-12-2013, 07:17 AM
I would never sink my pots and break the law, but I can't help it if someone runs over my pots and the rope is cut and I have to go back with my reef pick and find them, happens every time!

26-12-2013, 09:54 AM
Settle it down please gents. 2 complaints about the thread.... I really don't want to have to start deleting posts.

Crap pots? I don't care where you put them as long as its not in the dams chasing redclaw (which are illegal). Probably get share farmed there too..........

Merry Christmas to all......

26-12-2013, 05:32 PM
Looks like the whinges and whiners don't like the fact that someone disagrees with them on this topic, so they complain to the moderators. I stand by what I say, you will break the rules when it suits you instead of looking for an alternative. So get this post removed as well if you like.

my point is if you are prepared to break one rule, you probably break others, that's your character right there.

So have a whinge about this post as well. Time I moved on.

26-12-2013, 06:11 PM
Looks like the whinges and whiners don't like the fact that someone disagrees with them on this topic, so they complain to the moderators. I stand by what I say, you will break the rules when it suits you instead of looking for an alternative. So get this post removed as well if you like.

my point is if you are prepared to break one rule, you probably break others, that's your character right there.

So have a whinge about this post as well. Time I moved on.

No one has a problem with anyone disagreeing on a topic. There is a problem with name calling and insults directed at other members. That gets posts deleted.

27-12-2013, 10:04 AM
I went out yesterday 4am ended up with 13 sandcrabs out of 5 pots, other 3 pots empty but not raided in 5 1/2 hr soak, it was lumpy maybe kept sharefarmers home.....also about 50 whiting

27-12-2013, 04:35 PM
Good catch rob. Whiting at the Rous?

27-12-2013, 08:50 PM
Bondy, while the sort of equipment you are talking about is used extensively in the commercial sector for fish traps etc. it is not legal for recreational crabbing in Queensland

When not attached to a fixed object (for example tied to a tree above the high water mark), all crab apparatus must have a light coloured surface float attached. The float must not be less than 15 cm in any dimension and must be marked clearly with the owner's name.
When tied to a fixed object, a tag must also be attached to part of the rope that is above the high water mark. The tag must be marked clearly with the owner's name.
G'day Horse, Yes it would be with the owners name and address etc. Technology changes, the law needs to change to keep up with technology...Some laws in Qld are very old going back to 1826 and still enforceable. I am aware of the devices used by commercial sectors.....in my opinion this should be extended to recreational users as it may put an end to mongrels stealing pots due to a float attached. To me personally Qld Fisheries are encouraging people to steal pots due to that regulation...must be attached. blah blah blah , that's my beef. The Fisheries Act and Regulations are in place for a reason but need to be revised, revamped and remodeled to reflect 21st Century, not based on 19th Century population. Cheers, Bondy

27-12-2013, 09:12 PM
G'day Horse, Yes it would be with the owners name and address etc. Technology changes, the law needs to change to keep up with technology...Some laws in Qld are very old going back to 1826 and still enforceable. I am aware of the devices used by commercial sectors.....in my opinion this should be extended to recreational users as it may put an end to mongrels stealing pots due to a float attached. To me personally Qld Fisheries are encouraging people to steal pots due to that regulation...must be attached. blah blah blah , that's my beef. The Fisheries Act and Regulations are in place for a reason but need to be revised, revamped and remodeled to reflect 21st Century, not based on 19th Century population. Cheers, Bondy

Bondy, try hiding out in camo clothing and hiding in trees. No pots will get stolen....

27-12-2013, 09:40 PM
G'day Horse, Yes it would be with the owners name and address etc. Technology changes, the law needs to change to keep up with technology...Some laws in Qld are very old going back to 1826 and still enforceable. I am aware of the devices used by commercial sectors.....in my opinion this should be extended to recreational users as it may put an end to mongrels stealing pots due to a float attached. To me personally Qld Fisheries are encouraging people to steal pots due to that regulation...must be attached. blah blah blah , that's my beef. The Fisheries Act and Regulations are in place for a reason but need to be revised, revamped and remodeled to reflect 21st Century, not based on 19th Century population. Cheers, Bondy

If we allowed that sort off apparatus what's to stop people running 20 pot and leaving them in the water all of the time.
There are a lot easier ways of caching Crab thieves

27-12-2013, 11:23 PM
Once again, my point exactly...I think most of these blokes that sink pots actually have many more than the allowed number, cause they don't give a #### about anyone else. It's always about them.

28-12-2013, 10:49 AM
Good catch rob. Whiting at the Rous?

yes Greg, whiting at the rouse area, same place as in winter

there are plenty at Lucinder bay, but very small mainly

28-12-2013, 01:51 PM
Greg, mate went out this morning, got over 80 with his wife, said there were some really good fish amongst them

Vitamin Sea
28-12-2013, 03:16 PM
If we allowed that sort off apparatus what's to stop people running 20 pot and leaving them in the water all of the time.
There are a lot easier ways of caching Crab thieves


I do respect YOUR opinion, however what is in place now to stop these unscrupulous flouters of the law who have a total disregard of all rules and are all about themselves from running more than 4 pots per person now, even if they are under floats? Would not be hard at all with very little risk of getting caught, i imagine.

Or how about the fella who takes out his ( or his neighbours ) 3 kids aged between 4 and 6, he can [U]legally[U] r un 16 pots, is that reasonable/fair/honest? i dont think so.

28-12-2013, 04:14 PM

Or how about the fella who takes out his ( or his neighbours ) 3 kids aged between 4 and 6, he can [U]legally[U] r un 16 pots, is that reasonable/fair/honest? i dont think so.

I do.
Both my boys help me pull the pots and they have been doing so since they were 4. Now aged 9 and 6..


Vitamin Sea
28-12-2013, 04:52 PM
I do.
Both my boys help me pull the pots and they have been doing so since they were 4. Now aged 9 and 6..


No disrespect intended, you are operating within the realms of the law, up until not so long ago children had to be 15 or more years of age to run pots. Now it is open for interpretation as to who is capable of pulling pots up. Probably a bad choice of example on my part. Its meant in the context of prople being able to pull in anyone to make up numbers to get around the rules.

28-12-2013, 06:56 PM

I do respect YOUR opinion, however what is in place now to stop these unscrupulous flouters of the law who have a total disregard of all rules and are all about themselves from running more than 4 pots per person now, even if they are under floats? Would not be hard at all with very little risk of getting caught, i imagine.

Or how about the fella who takes out his ( or his neighbours ) 3 kids aged between 4 and 6, he can [U]legally[U] r un 16 pots, is that reasonable/fair/honest? i dont think so.

Bill, I'm missing your point. I want to see a better level of enforcement of existing regulations. Hidden cameras, micro chipped crabs and more on water inspections. This is the best way to keep our pots safe. Do the wrong thing and watch your tinny get crushed. It will make the news to get the story out there

Vitamin Sea
28-12-2013, 08:07 PM
Bill, I'm missing your point. I want to see a better level of enforcement of existing regulations. Hidden cameras, micro chipped crabs and more on water inspections. This is the best way to keep our pots safe. Do the wrong thing and watch your tinny get crushed. It will make the news to get the story out there

It will not ever happen mate, fisheries do not have the resources required.
That has been my point throught this whole "debate", we would sll like nothing more than to put you pots down then go pick them up without some $#@!wit lifting them, the way it should be but it is not. I do not/will not babysit crab pots, should not be required. Because of these plicks a LOT of guys feel the need to break the rules themselves, with the cost and time involved i understand why they do.
My response to you was re Bondys post and my point is there is not enough regulation now, nor do i believe there ever will be.
This problem has been exacerbated since the baning of dillies (more crap regs)
It aint goin away.
What is the answer?

Vitamin Sea
28-12-2013, 08:17 PM
Double post, phones!

28-12-2013, 08:26 PM
Cobia and Horse, I'll leave that for you blokes.

28-12-2013, 08:40 PM
Bill, I'm missing your point. I want to see a better level of enforcement of existing regulations. Hidden cameras, micro chipped crabs and more on water inspections. This is the best way to keep our pots safe. Do the wrong thing and watch your tinny get crushed. It will make the news to get the story out there

Pros, pay big dollars for licenses , some of that money goes towards funding Fisheries to protect Pro's interests.There has been a freeze on recruitment for 2 years. Since change of Govt, Libs have decided not to replace those that leave the service due to retirement or natural attrition. Micro chips was used to trap a suspected person of stealing crabs from a pro's pot. It was very costly , with two or 3 vessels involved and 8 field staff, including water police. There is no way micro chips will be placed on individual crabs or crab pots belonging to recreational anglers. Cost would be very expensive.

28-12-2013, 08:46 PM
Pros, pay big dollars for licenses , some of that money goes towards funding Fisheries to protect Pro's interests.There has been a freeze on recruitment for 2 years. Since change of Govt, Libs have decided not to replace those that leave the service due to retirement or natural attrition. Micro chips was used to trap a suspected person of stealing crabs from a pro's pot. It was very costly , with two or 3 vessels involved and 8 field staff, including water police. There is no way micro chips will be placed on individual crabs or crab pots belonging to recreational anglers. Cost would be very expensive.

Its time to push our local members to make them realize the nature of the issue. If the fines were reasonable we would recoup our costs very quickly. The cost of microchipping is insignificant. They only need to catch half a dozen and crush their boats to get the message out there

28-12-2013, 08:50 PM
Cobia and Horse, I'll leave that for you blokes.

Bondy, you are asking a lot of a poor Mangrove tree to have me and Cobiaman hiding in it. Camo or no camo I think we would a bit of a giveaway

28-12-2013, 08:57 PM
Cobia and Horse, I'll leave that for you blokes.

Word on the street says you hide out in camo clothes in trees all the time......

28-12-2013, 08:57 PM
Bondy, you are asking a lot of a poor Mangrove tree to have me and Cobiaman hiding in it. Camo or no camo I think we would a bit of a giveaway

Poor tree....

28-12-2013, 09:08 PM
Ok I will give an honest opinion here, in my opinion in enclosed waters like the passage there should be a limit of 2per person or 4 pots per boat no matter how many people in the boat, our waterways are a minefield of floats, drifting a bank and fishing can be a joke because of endless lines of floats,its time to slash the number of pots out there.

28-12-2013, 11:41 PM
We have got to face the reality that fisheries can not enforce the laws due to lack of funding.
No amount of yelling or protests will change that, the only saviour in the end will be rec licences to fund the policing.

29-12-2013, 07:06 AM
No disrespect intended, you are operating within the realms of the law, up until not so long ago children had to be 15 or more years of age to run pots. Now it is open for interpretation as to who is capable of pulling pots up. Probably a bad choice of example on my part. Its meant in the context of prople being able to pull in anyone to make up numbers to get around the rules.

I see where your coming from.

Cheers Dazza

29-12-2013, 08:14 AM
It will not ever happen mate, fisheries do not have the resources required.
That has been my point throught this whole "debate", we would sll like nothing more than to put you pots down then go pick them up without some $#@!wit lifting them, the way it should be but it is not. I do not/will not babysit crab pots, should not be required. Because of these plicks a LOT of guys feel the need to break the rules themselves, with the cost and time involved i understand why they do.
My response to you was re Bondys post and my point is there is not enough regulation now, nor do i believe there ever will be.
This problem has been exacerbated since the baning of dillies (more crap regs)
It aint goin away.
What is the answer?

You say there is not enough regulation now?... What difference would more make? People disregard the rules now to suit themselves. Here is a solution....you have to be within a certain distance and not leave pots unattended.

29-12-2013, 11:02 AM
Ok I will give an honest opinion here, in my opinion in enclosed waters like the passage there should be a limit of 2per person or 4 pots per boat no matter how many people in the boat, our waterways are a minefield of floats, drifting a bank and fishing can be a joke because of endless lines of floats,its time to slash the number of pots out there.

hi Alley Cat...I don't believe reducing the number of pots per person or max number in boats will achieve much. There is a bag limit on muddies already, perhaps a bag limit on sandies should happen as well. I realise your talking about the problem of getting around the millions of pots and floats, so in that respect it's a worthy suggestion and certainly help this problem.

A lot of people crab from the banks of rivets/ creeks so limiting number per boat is not really fair, just because you are in boat shouldn't mean you have to have less pots than a bloke crabbing off the bank...in my opinion.

The problem with no limit on Sandies is that 1 bloke can go out and catch enough to feed the entire street so in this regard reducing pot number to 2 per person would help as well.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of 2 max per person but not a max limit for a boat, People with bigger boats ( who aren't share farmers according to some on here) who can take out several mates for a crab shouldn't be disadvantaged to the blokes with a small tinny.

29-12-2013, 11:22 AM
instead of going around in circles in this thread maybe we should all go set our pots,coming up to flood tides so the muddies and sandies will be on the move again.

01-01-2014, 01:01 AM
Codswallop, Big boat, small boat, bathtub, pro or recreational, young or old, a thief is a thief. If you believe crab thieves only use small boats, pull your head out and get back to reality. No different to those mongrel car thieves, they are opportunists. Cars also come in different sizes too.

01-01-2014, 05:55 AM
Im going crabbing today without pots and I will not be share farming.

01-01-2014, 08:08 AM
Im going crabbing today without pots and I will not be share farming.


01-01-2014, 11:39 AM
It does surprise me how many crab pots I find scattered along the river banks. Used, knackered, floats attached, old and fairly new they seem to be all over the place. I've hooked a few in the rivers whilst fishing. Old, no floats and rusted to buggery.
From as far up as Colleges Crossing to out in the bay they lay discarded and ruined, The Pine seems to be littered with the bloody things!
The same in the dams trolling for bass I've hooked up on many an opera pot, again no floats. Just old knackered pots that have been "lost" to the elements one way or the other.
and yes I set my own and have had them raided in the Somerset on a couple of occasions.

I have a crab pot, never used it. The wife is constantly banging on at me to do so but I witness others on the raid in pots that clearly aren't their own and decide to give it a miss. She bought it for me, I'd hate to use it the once and have some bugger pinch it!

01-01-2014, 02:52 PM
It does surprise me how many crab pots I find scattered along the river banks. Used, knackered, floats attached, old and fairly new they seem to be all over the place. I've hooked a few in the rivers whilst fishing. Old, no floats and rusted to buggery.
From as far up as Colleges Crossing to out in the bay they lay discarded and ruined, The Pine seems to be littered with the bloody things!
The same in the dams trolling for bass I've hooked up on many an opera pot, again no floats. Just old knackered pots that have been "lost" to the elements one way or the other.
and yes I set my own and have had them raided in the Somerset on a couple of occasions.

I have a crab pot, never used it. The wife is constantly banging on at me to do so but I witness others on the raid in pots that clearly aren't their own and decide to give it a miss. She bought it for me, I'd hate to use it the once and have some bugger pinch it!

Yeah mate, I hear you and agree. Strong tides and light pots and not enough rope or what one thinks is enough rope and drops in a deep hole at low tide is disappeared at high tide. I've also seen quite a few in the condition as you stated. Stealing does go on but probably nowhere as much as stated, user error would be a contributing factor in some situations. Then there are the bigger than normal high tides that do come now and again.....Almanac is good to use for this...problem is most people don't use or refer to the Almanac and rely purely on Willie Weather, BOM or some other tide reporting bureau....Almanac is more accurate and provides more in depth info. Bondy

01-01-2014, 03:27 PM
I'm going to give it a go tomorrow. I'll troll for a catfish and chuck the bugger in the crab pot for a couple of hours and see what happens. Whoa betide any bugger who touches it too as I won't be too gentle I can promise that.....
I'll head down river and troll for a whiting and flathead for a feed and return to the pot before heading home, fingers crossed I get something!!
i do have a question tho.....there must be bloody hundreds of mud crabs for the taking going by how many pots I see set, and if you all expect to get one, two or more in each pot then........by god they must be in plague proportions?????

01-01-2014, 03:33 PM
see what happins tomorrow,set 6 pots for muddies and 6 for sandies,hopefully get a good feed of both...best thing bout muddies is I keep them alive till I want a muddie for a feed

Vitamin Sea
01-01-2014, 05:54 PM
see what happins tomorrow,set 6 pots for muddies and 6 for sandies,hopefully get a good feed of both...best thing bout muddies is I keep them alive till I want a muddie for a feed
I think you would want to get out early Rosco....

01-01-2014, 07:44 PM
nah bill will be ok..i am going to rebait then pull them after and 1.5hrs anyway....

Vitamin Sea
01-01-2014, 08:57 PM
Let me know how you get on Rosco, prob going to put some out tomorrow arvo, may even use floats...

02-01-2014, 12:46 PM
Ok, so I now see what all the fuss is about. I chucked my one and only pot in the Pine River early this morning and headed off for a fish. Got a few flatties and a couple of decent bream from the bridges and called it a day. Got back to my pot with the float stashed neatly away from greedy eyes and pulled her up.....I bloody got one! A male and a legal keeper, couldn't believe it. Was absolutely stoked!

04-01-2014, 02:42 PM
to those suggesting a rec license for more fisheries patrols etc. That is ludicrous. Think about. Based on this, the govt could then say we need 1000 more police, each house will be levied $1000 to provide this. The job of a Govt is to ensure they provide enforcement of the laws. if the Members of Parliament are not capable of providing this security to the population, then they should immediately resign. The current batch of incompetents should all resign immediately. They cannot even stop the violence in the valley let alone anything fisheries.

04-01-2014, 04:52 PM
So what will you suggest be done Mod2 to get some decent policing? or are you prepared to do nothing and let the fishery decline at a much faster rate when everyone bends or ignores the rules and laws?
AS much as you dislike the idea of a licencing funded patrol, until you come up with an alternative that could provide the extra forces and hours the fishery will decline and the morals of those left will decline as well.