View Full Version : A run across Northern Moreton Bay

12-12-2013, 07:50 AM
Went last Monday for a run with Max (Pros) and his Deckie across the Northern Bay.
Got plenty of herring and yakka around the beacons but not the pike I apparently love so much for live bait.
"Dan the Deckie" (thats got a nice ring to it Max) managed a nice Mackeral on the only pike we did get, but no matter what we did we couldn't raise another on a yakka or herring. . . . .funny that. . . . . Headed over to Moreton and trolled paravanes with spoons behind with 2 hookups and lost both fish,
Then we did a few drifts at Curtin and I managed one Yellowtail King on the first driftjust after another boat(Hi Lance) lost one, wasn't much happening after that so headed out to the beacons again for nothing and then down to tangalooma for lunch, watched the wind get up to 20knots NE and decided to make a run back to Scarboro before the tide started going out.
Was a pretty good day really,



12-12-2013, 11:59 AM
Looks like u had a good time. Nice fish. Do you need to anchor over at Curtin?
We are thinking of going over that way on Saturday for a fish on the jet skis.

how would it be fishing off them in that area?

bit hard for us to get live bait. No tank. What else can you recommend to us.

i got sounder, esky, everything else set up for fishing as we are always out there fishing somewhere, but only whiting , snapper etc.

any help much appreciated


13-12-2013, 02:43 AM
hey greg

drifting pillies is about the only thing I can think of without livies, another boat lost a kingy on a pilly that day.

I reckon some of those kings would just about pull a jetski under tho lol
seriously, we are only getting the little ones in

13-12-2013, 07:22 AM
You could always head inshore a little and jig up a Whiptail or Lancer and take him out for a swim over the arti. A bucket would keep it alive as you move around

13-12-2013, 05:06 PM
Great day on the water it was, funny I didnt catch any legal fish.

YTK was beautiful grilled.

Forgot to clean the bait tank with all the remaining livies inside, thanks to Dan The Deckie.
They werent very lively after 2 days, same as my neighbours.
Man that was some smell.

Back on Sunday or Monday to do it all again.
