View Full Version : Newbie

23-11-2013, 06:26 PM
Hey all I want to start kayak fishing in Tinaroo for barra.
And want to know what is a good yak to start off with.i haven't got a lot of money so any advice would be good.
Cheers Marty

23-11-2013, 06:40 PM
Hey all I want to start kayak fishing in Tinaroo for barra.
And want to know what is a good yak to start off with.i haven't got a lot of money so any advice would be good.
Cheers Marty

Then you best GET u a lot of money M8 ;D that's my best advice...

Know nuthin' about yaks Marty, but welcome aboard. I am sure others of your ilk will drop by and say hello soon.

Cheers, Ray.

23-11-2013, 06:50 PM
Yeah there not cheap lol

25-11-2013, 07:46 AM
Start 2nd hand and work your way up. For Dam fishing you want something that is going to be fairly comfortable so I wouldn't go anything less then 4m. I would go for an Ocean Kayak brand or similar, which you can pick up for around the $800 2nd hand with paddle etc.

Jump on the Kayak Fishing sites and have a look around. AKFF and KFDU.

26-11-2013, 03:12 PM

billpat is spot on. focus on the second hand market - better value for money. 3.5 meters or longer. think about what gear you'd want to take on it - but also think about the capacity of the yak too - don't run too close to the maximum capacity of the yak or you'll either sink or get really tired quickly. will you be sitting in it for long time? if so, then look for a comfy seat as well. generally a sit-on-top kayak would probably be best to focus on - they are easy to get in & out of, and also stack gear/fish on top of.

Good luck.

