View Full Version : Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

24-10-2013, 07:24 AM
Fukishima will eventually but pretty soon stop us all from fishing or at least eating the fish or touching it.....
Do a little bit of reading before you all blow up at me....

Im never feeding fish from the ocean to my kids again.....

24-10-2013, 08:55 AM
maybe you should be more specific. the first search i did came up with this: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/22/opinion/fear-vs-radiation-the-mismatch.html?_r=0

quite the opposite of scaremongering...

24-10-2013, 09:04 AM
Fukishima will eventually but pretty soon stop us all from fishing or at least eating the fish or touching it.....
Do a little bit of reading before you all blow up at me....

Im never feeding fish from the ocean to my kids again.....

Naah mate, eyes havent started glowing in the dark yet so we iz quite safe

robfish 1
24-10-2013, 09:25 AM
With any luck - my next catch!!


24-10-2013, 09:28 AM
Hopefully fish deform and develop suicidal tendencies and grow an extra fillet.

24-10-2013, 09:57 AM
Hopefully fish deform and develop suicidal tendencies and grow an extra fillet.

If they grow an extra fillet they will change the bag limit from 5 to 3.5..

24-10-2013, 11:16 AM
The sky is falling!:o

I just googled and all if found was that the polar ice cap this year was 29% bigger than last year at the end of the Arctic summer. So it appears we are now heading for a period of global cooling::)


24-10-2013, 11:34 AM
The sky is falling!:o

I just googled and all if found was that the polar ice cap this year was 29% bigger than last year at the end of the Arctic summer. So it appears we are now heading for a period of global cooling::)


so where do I get a form to fill out for my carbon tax refund? may need to bring in incentives for more coal fired generators too and bring in new taxes for all those greenies trying to reduce their carbon footprint...
bloody boffins!

24-10-2013, 12:01 PM
Fukishima will eventually but pretty soon stop us all from fishing or at least eating the fish or touching it.....
Do a little bit of reading before you all blow up at me....

Im never feeding fish from the ocean to my kids again.....
How about you supply some links to your reading so we know what the hell you are on about?

Tin foil cap fitted and ready to go.

24-10-2013, 01:02 PM
The sky is falling!:o

I just googled and all if found was that the polar ice cap this year was 29% bigger than last year at the end of the Arctic summer. So it appears we are now heading for a period of global cooling::)

This is apparently due to increased winds that push the icepack together and increase it, however the northern ice pack continues to melt.

24-10-2013, 01:17 PM
This is apparently due to increased winds that push the icepack together and increase it, however the northern ice pack continues to melt.

Ah, right. That must be from the same mob that concluded that the reason the ocean levels didnt rise as predicted in the last 2 years was because of all the rain in Australia that went inland into Lake Eyre instead of into the ocean.

Yeah right....

24-10-2013, 01:52 PM

24-10-2013, 01:58 PM
That must be the same wind thats been blowing here for months!!!

24-10-2013, 02:46 PM
The sky is falling!:o

I just googled and all if found was that the polar ice cap this year was 29% bigger than last year at the end of the Arctic summer. So it appears we are now heading for a period of global cooling::)


If you look at the science, you will find that polar ice has not increased at all in real terms. It was actually pretty much at recorded lowest levels ever the previous year, and even the increase shown in that article is a tiny blip in a downward line...

24-10-2013, 03:03 PM
Its funny reading different peoples opinions and views on this subject.....(any subject really)

some are pessimistic....

some are optimistic....

and some are realistic...like me..... WHO CARES ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING!!!!

Only time will tell what is really going on....no one seems to know enough about anything to believe...so who cares.... Just keep on fishing!!

Not enough time to worry about Global warming and where im going to catch my next Snapper!!!!!

24-10-2013, 03:13 PM
Its funny reading different peoples opinions and views on this subject.....(any subject really)

some are pessimistic....

some are optimistic....

and some are realistic...like me..... WHO CARES ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING!!!!

Only time will tell what is really going on....no one seems to know enough about anything to believe...so who cares.... Just keep on fishing!!

Not enough time to worry about Global warming and where im going to catch my next Snapper!!!!!

I guess it depends on what you want your kids, grandkids etc to inherit after we are all gone...

btw link to polar sea ice graph http://psc.apl.washington.edu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/schweiger/ice_volume/BPIOMASIceVolumeAnomalyCurrentV2.png?%3C%3Fphp+ech o+time%28%29+

24-10-2013, 03:29 PM
Sorry Locky I'm a pessimist so i'm going to head up to 1770 on Sunday, bag out and fill the freezer before the fish start growing there second head.

Thanks for the heads up.

24-10-2013, 03:30 PM
Not trying to say its not a bad thing if it is in fact really happening.....

Just that there seems to be no 'real' science behind any of it and all based on computer models and so on..... Weather Data has only been collected for a very small period of the Earths life and I believe global Warming and Cooling is cyclic.... I mean we all know we have had at least one Iceage previously..way before any human could have influenced that.....Just dont think there is any point freaking out about it when i really dont think there is anything we can do about it......

in regards to my Children and Grand Children Im more concerned with the way society is going then the weather!!

Seems to me to be another Y2K Bug......

24-10-2013, 03:33 PM

If you were an optimist you would be trying Moreton Bay for the Reds and Trout.....surely with this Global Warming they will turn up here shortly??

24-10-2013, 03:51 PM
The trout are already in the Bay, if you know where to find them....been caught here for at least the last 20 years to my knowledge.

I caught a juvenile chinaman fish a couple of years ago at Peel. So it shouldn't surprise anyone that trout are about too.

24-10-2013, 03:57 PM
The trout are already in the Bay, if you know where to find them....been caught here for at least the last 20 years to my knowledge.

I caught a juvenile chinaman fish a couple of years ago at Peel. So it shouldn't surprise anyone that trout are about too.

I've caught coral trout(undersized) at smiths rock...

24-10-2013, 04:10 PM
I have caught Trout, Reds and Chinaman also...but I challenge someone to target them and get them consistently......

24-10-2013, 04:38 PM
I have caught Trout, Reds and Chinaman also...but I challenge someone to target them and get them consistently......

Mate I cant get snapper (squire I should say) consistently in the bay never mind reds and trout.

So your saying if Abbott gets a few terms and continues to ignore global warming then we should all be catching reds and trout in the bay? Yeah!!!!

Then labor gets in with the Greens and the bay turns into a green zone and we go back to catching bugger all?

What happens if Clive gets in?

24-10-2013, 05:45 PM


By the looks of some of the answers here on second thought keep fishing and eating seafood... as much as you can off you go now.....

24-10-2013, 05:53 PM
By the looks of some of the answers here on second thought keep fishing and eating seafood... as much as you can off you go now.....

do i sense cold feet with this thread. or should i say warm feet?

Shark Poker
24-10-2013, 06:07 PM

(Hiroshima in 2013.)

If you want to scare people, you will not get far here on the Ausfish forum.
Thanks for posting, thoughtful stuff but (IMO)a minute actual risk in comparison to all the usual ones....

24-10-2013, 06:14 PM
I fully support you all giving up fishing... personally I think you should all put your fishing gear on the market and get what you can for it.. while you can:o:o:o

24-10-2013, 06:33 PM
I reckon the world should stop creating new taxes to save the world when not one cent of that money earned will alter any result.
If we do nothing at all, what will happen?
If we do everything we can, what will happen??
Exactly the same thing will happen, we will adapt to a 23c day in winter and a 34c day in summer as the averages. Have we not already endured those temps several dozen times every single season???
So what if the sea levels rise marginally??? People will move to higher ground.

Seriously, there is nothing that will happen that humans will not endure and adapt to.

24-10-2013, 06:51 PM
I got Cancer long before this thread started .
All the more fish for me :P

Shark Poker
24-10-2013, 07:06 PM
Those who are not concerned by the threats of global warming, rising sea levels, radioactive poisoning can party on as we were!

Those who ARE concerned by the threats of global warming, rising sea levels, radioactive poisoning can move inland and find something to do out there.

Thanks to the disaster at Fukushima, Japan power companies currently have renewed interest in coal mining. So get a safe inland job working in a coal mine for a Jap energy company....
Funny world, isn't it?

24-10-2013, 07:21 PM
Well I'm hungry so I'm going fishing......

24-10-2013, 08:42 PM
My daughter just ate some fish from japan ;D

https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=halloween%20suit%20youtube&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCsQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGkB DRUO8hAo&ei=p_hoUvqxHMS8iAfkuYGYDg&usg=AFQjCNE8-0Ynmxtjym-ET7UbcdLDXJYqvA&sig2=PZhAlGVf-CNrgkQAvzvSIA&bvm=bv.55123115,d.aGc

(Not actually my link, thanks to visual burrito)

24-10-2013, 09:03 PM
I think old mate has had a few too many head knocks.

If you really are worried well you probably shouldn't get x-rays, use a mobile ph or warm your milk up in the microwave before bed.

Night night

manta man
25-10-2013, 06:31 AM
I 'm a believer to some extent in regards to this thread. 450 tonnes of Contaminated Water is Flowing into the Pacific Ocean every Day. The main concern being Blue Fin Tuna who Migrant from Japan to the California Cost. I'm no expert but one would have to think, will it effect the Fish down in these parts of the WORLD ONE DAY. This was a Catastrophic Event worse than the 2 Nuc Bombs dropped back in 1945. Human Beings have this IGNORANT MENTALITY THINKING, THAT IT HAPPENED SOMEWHERE ELSE SO FAR AWAY IT WON'T EFFECT US ...MMM BUT WILL IT.... MAYBE ONE DAY.

25-10-2013, 12:13 PM
Fukishima will eventually but pretty soon stop us all from fishing or at least eating the fish or touching it.....
Do a little bit of reading before you all blow up at me....

Im never feeding fish from the ocean to my kids again.....

I respect your decision and would also like to pass on my thanks for leaving more fish for me, god knows i need all the advantages i can get.


25-10-2013, 12:55 PM
Hopefully fish deform and develop suicidal tendencies and grow an extra fillet.

Reckon they are already pretty well developed. You cant bring me down!

25-10-2013, 05:01 PM
I 'm a believer to some extent in regards to this thread. 450 tonnes of Contaminated Water is Flowing into the Pacific Ocean every Day. The main concern being Blue Fin Tuna who Migrant from Japan to the California Cost. I'm no expert but one would have to think, will it effect the Fish down in these parts of the WORLD ONE DAY. This was a Catastrophic Event worse than the 2 Nuc Bombs dropped back in 1945. Human Beings have this IGNORANT MENTALITY THINKING, THAT IT HAPPENED SOMEWHERE ELSE SO FAR AWAY IT WON'T EFFECT US ...MMM BUT WILL IT.... MAYBE ONE DAY.

Not to mention the salmon heading back home to the Canadain and Alaskan breeding grounds.

25-10-2013, 09:17 PM
Lol....global warming....tell that to the seal that was sunning it self on the rocks at Redcliffe,s Scarborough Harbour a couple of years back.....it if was getting hotter, do you think he would have travelled north...I think not..lol

28-10-2013, 10:33 AM
Not to mention the salmon heading back home to the Canadain and Alaskan breeding grounds.

I like how this fukishima spill is the single greatest man made disaster in human history and people link it to global warming??????

I undeerstand that maybe the cancer post was a little heavy to digest (pun intended) but to link fukishima to global warming is completely irrelevant...... You guys can pass it off or bury your heads in the sand all you want. You cant say you where not warned. Im completely and utterly disappointed that i will have to stop ingesting seafood but its the smartest thing to do given the situation. And yes it will eventually end up in every thing i know but hopefully in lower levels. Maybe if people keep eating seafood it might filter it out a bit?? :)

28-10-2013, 11:37 AM
I like how this fukishima spill is the single greatest man made disaster in human history and people link it to global warming??????

I undeerstand that maybe the cancer post was a little heavy to digest (pun intended) but to link fukishima to global warming is completely irrelevant...... You guys can pass it off or bury your heads in the sand all you want. You cant say you where not warned. Im completely and utterly disappointed that i will have to stop ingesting seafood but its the smartest thing to do given the situation. And yes it will eventually end up in every thing i know but hopefully in lower levels. Maybe if people keep eating seafood it might filter it out a bit?? :)

Confirm what you are going to eat and drink if you agree the earth's salt water is going to be contaminated????

No seafood.

No fresh water because once the sea water is evaporated from the ocean and then dumped (precipitation) back down to the land it would leave all our fresh water contaminated.

No chicken because there's too many steroids used and they drink contaminated water.

No fruit, veggies, wheat, because there's too many chemicals and once again spoilt by contaminated water.

No red meat because the cattle eat and drink contaminated grain and water.

28-10-2013, 01:42 PM
I undeerstand that maybe the cancer post was a little heavy to digest (pun intended)

I don't see where you come up with a joke relating to cancer? If you seem to find jokes about cancer funny, then that's pretty sick...

28-10-2013, 02:05 PM
No fresh water because once the sea water is evaporated from the ocean and then dumped (precipitation) back down to the land it would leave all our fresh water contaminated.[/SIZE][/FONT]

you sure about that? did you do science at school.

28-10-2013, 02:16 PM
Cancer makes you sick

28-10-2013, 02:23 PM
Thats the gist of what im trying to say in a very cracked nut shell..........

So you kind of get it. once its in the food chain some where or any where in large doses ie fukishima ie the ocean ie fish we eat.

The amount of radioactive poison entering the ocean every day from fukishima is un imaginable. Its on a scale never before seen or measured. Forget about bombs or chernobyl this is 1000 times worse.....

Im not trying to scare any one and i dont care who you are what you do or what you think of me. Im just getting the information out there then you can make an informed choice what you will do.......

28-10-2013, 03:05 PM
Caught some Briz-Vegas Banana Fishcakes this arvo.......bloody beauddddiful ;D


29-10-2013, 12:54 PM
I actually caught a fish over at Green last Thurs.

I thought is tasted funny.....:-?:o::)

Then a m8 told me it was a ClownFish ;D

29-10-2013, 02:45 PM
I actually caught a fish over at Green last Thurs.
I thought it tasted funny.....:-?:o::)
Then a m8 told me it was a ClownFish ;DDid you "EAT IT" on your boat or at your residence?? ::):o:'(:'(


What size/weight M8 ?? ;)


29-10-2013, 05:38 PM
Yes this true. I like how the actual act of fishing has just become a bcf commercial........

Jarrah Jack
29-10-2013, 05:47 PM
Hey BloodSport are you a greanie? Why do you call yourself that stupid name on here and expect respect then put up a thread about not fishing?

Tell us about your fishing exploits.

29-10-2013, 06:29 PM
I read old mates original post and thought I would stay away from this thread. But every time there is a disaster it is chicken little time and is the worst thing that happened. Think back to the ship that lost all the containers off Brisbane. Think back to all the oil on straddy or moreton island. So this is the latest bit of the sky falling whoopy doo. I see someone put up a photo of downtown hiroshima now ,well done it just goes to prove the doomsayers wrong

I will now get the popcorn out. Bloodsport if you want support here blame it on an etec powered telwater boat .

30-10-2013, 07:22 AM
This is bigger than all the oil spills on earth ever.......... Your not fathoming the scale of this thing. Its hard to swallow

30-10-2013, 07:28 AM
The earth has an incredible way of healing itself....Stuies post is a perfect example... there has been marine "disasters" forever and no appparent long term effects... only as stuie describes 'the sky is falling' syndrome.

30-10-2013, 08:09 AM
Who knows what a half life is?

30-10-2013, 08:58 AM
Look I don't know if the Fukishima disaster will harm us here, probly not that much, but to say its OK and that the earth will just heal itself is a bit much... there has been so much stuff destroyed around here (CQ) just in my lifetime that I can't see how it will recover for hundreds of years, maybe never. Now I know people have to have a job and we need to have exports, investment blah blah, but ffs surely the bits of environment left still usable need to be protected.

Sometimes I think Qld has its own Fukashima disaster happening right now, just a lot slower. The Coal, gas, and port expansion here is frightening, just go and look at Gladstone and Curtis Is.

Alll I want to do is be able to go and catch a ####ing fish

30-10-2013, 09:38 AM
Moonlighter you are a genius! Australia can save the world! or to be more specific Australian Ausfishers save the world! We now need to dig our "Suez Canal" from Lake Eyre to the ocean. This will result in a huge amount of water rushing inland and forming a new inland sea. Think of the economic benefits this would lead to. The worlds oceans would drop centimetres and all those islands in danger of flooding will be saved. Think of the taxes Australia could levy on other economic countries for saving our environment. The monies gained could be used in our Moreton Bay to make Arti Reefs that really work. Not political reefs that make the greenies happy. Whose in it? Of course we will need a little bit more research but could you imagine those old farmers out there hooking up to a tuna or sailfish on a hand line?

30-10-2013, 01:47 PM
Some interesting discussion about the realities of Fukushima...


There is so much more, this way and that. Same old scare stories from same old scare mongers. Greenies, UN want us all to stop doing everything, so they tell bullshit stories and fools just lap it up. Sea levels aren't rising, radiation levels are fine, ice isn't melting any faster or slower than it has before, temps are fluctuating like always and so on and so on and so on.

People talk of "belief." This isn't something you panic about because you "believe!" That is Religion. Read, find the source, and who pays them. Money is ALWAYS the answer. $1 Billion a day going on CAGW right now, tell me that's not driving a few porkies???

Short answer? If you're worried, don't go outside because you cop more from the Sun every day.

Sorry to edit, but I thought this was such a giggle, and EVER SO INSTRUCTIVE!!! Read it.


Jarrah Jack
30-10-2013, 09:11 PM
Good to see you back clearing things up Tim.

Boat Hog
31-10-2013, 04:58 AM
This is bigger than all the oil spills on earth ever.......... Your not fathoming the scale of this thing. Its hard to swallow

Hey! Stop using my old pick up line!! :o;D:-X

31-10-2013, 07:15 AM
If you actually watch the video posted by jvcd, towards the end, the author of the video claims that the Fukushima disaster is the fulfillment of Christ's words as spoken in matthew 24:22 (Its been a while since i watched the vid, but im pretty sure that was the claim that was made)

Apply some critical thinking to the above assertion. Apply the same level of critical thinking to extravegant dooms day predictions, and i think all will be in a happier place.

In the meantime, i look forward to my next feed of fish.

(I posted this a week ago, but the post got removed as i think i overstepped the mark by commenting against the poster) I hope this version is more appropriate.

31-10-2013, 07:38 AM
(I posted this a few weeks ago, but the post got removed as i think i overstepped the mark by commenting against the poster) I hope this version is more appropriate.

that's impressive! you posted on a thread 2 weeks before it was started?;D. you must have had a busy week!

31-10-2013, 07:45 AM
Haha, ok 1 week ago. Yes, its been a crazy week.

31-10-2013, 12:06 PM
Haha, ok 1 week ago. Yes, its been a crazy week.

SEE...the effects....ALREADY :o

STOP fishing & eating fish M8.....BEFORE it gets WORSE :P::)

You might end up actually believing that you replied to a wasted thread........like I did :-?8-)

31-10-2013, 12:27 PM
Testing of certain fish species, mainly Tuna has been happening since the disaster struck in the waters off the USA and NZ.
Radioactive tuna have been found in the waters off America but the levels of contamination are not high enough to harm anyone eating them.
They also believe it will not get high enough in the tuna stocks to worry about due to the dilution of the material as it flows throughout the Pacific Ocean.
The issue is there and very real but how bad it may get is anyone's guess at this stage.

01-11-2013, 08:47 AM
What has happened ? I the person who started this account did not write This fukishima story....... I did not start this thread. I will learn next time not to leave my account continually logged in. Thanks to my room mate for making an goose out of me on here.

Goes to show I should get on here more often though obviously.

And I certainly wish none of your kids to get CANCER!!!!!!!!!!

What a nasty piece of work !

01-11-2013, 08:54 AM
:LMAO: novel method of introducing yourself to a forum. welcome...

01-11-2013, 09:09 AM
That's funny! I wonder why my account automatically logs me out all the time? Is there a button I can push to be permanently logged on?

Jarrah Jack
01-11-2013, 09:20 AM
What a ripper.. Wish I could do that to TOL's account. A born again Greenie old TOL. Hahaha

01-11-2013, 10:49 AM
That's funny! I wonder why my account automatically logs me out all the time? Is there a button I can push to be permanently logged on?

naaa. it's easy macca. just don't turn off your pc. I am generally logged on 24/7 as my work pc stays on 24/7. almost always got ausfish minimized while at work and then I log on from home too - but I don't have any ubers...

01-11-2013, 11:39 AM
naaa. it's easy macca. just don't turn off your pc. I am generally logged on 24/7 as my work pc stays on 24/7. almost always got ausfish minimized while at work and then I log on from home too - but I don't have any ubers...
Nah at work my pc is on all day and ausfish always logs itself off after a while.

01-11-2013, 12:31 PM
Nah at work my pc is on all day and ausfish always logs itself off after a while.

interesting. Yamaha?

01-11-2013, 12:52 PM
What has happened ? I the person who started this account did not write This fukishima story....... I did not start this thread. I will learn next time not to leave my account continually logged in. Thanks to my room mate for making an goose out of me on here.

Goes to show I should get on here more often though obviously.

And I certainly wish none of your kids to get CANCER!!!!!!!!!!

What a nasty piece of work !

Ae you sure your name isn't Jake Blues?


01-11-2013, 01:35 PM
Ahh...this old chestnut again..... everyone remember Pacificbananas thread???

Seems to be all the rage now...Blame it on someone else....haha!


01-11-2013, 03:05 PM
I'm OVER it ;)8-)

01-11-2013, 03:07 PM
What has happened ? I the person who started this account did not write This fukishima story....... I did not start this thread. I will learn next time not to leave my account continually logged in. Thanks to my room mate for making an goose out of me on here.

Goes to show I should get on here more often though obviously.

And I certainly wish none of your kids to get CANCER!!!!!!!!!!

What a nasty piece of work !

::)::)::)::)::)::)::)::)::)::)::)::)::)::)...KILL me NOW 8-)

01-11-2013, 03:43 PM
When you first sign in it says log me in automatically......

Good for a laugh.....
Snapperbasher hasnt seen the funny side??

My room mate owes me a beer waddya reckon?

01-11-2013, 04:03 PM
Oh dear.

I am sorry JCVDBloodsport, but by my reckoning you and only you posted up the original thread topic. You also made the responses.

We have ways of seeking the truth. ;) :-X ::)

No matter. We all have opinions.

cheers LP

01-11-2013, 04:44 PM
When you first sign in it says log me in automatically......

Good for a laugh.....
Snapperbasher hasnt seen the funny side??

My room mate owes me a beer waddya reckon?

If I post publicly "wad I recon".....I would be banned for at least a month :P:-X

GROW UP ya big sook, take it on the chin, put ya big girl panties on...etc etc, yadda, yadda ;D

Shark Poker
01-11-2013, 05:13 PM
I did not start this thread. I will learn next time not to leave my account continually logged in. Thanks to my room mate for making an goose out of me on here.


I feel sorry for the room mate.

01-11-2013, 08:23 PM
Wow - I've never had a post deleted before - let alone 2 in one thread.;D;D

Probably not the only one.........

I must be getting intolerant in my old age.::)

Or maybe I've eaten too much fish..........::)

Might be time to lock this thread?


01-11-2013, 08:24 PM
Wow - I've never had a post deleted before - let alone 2 in one thread.

I must be getting intolerant in my old age.

Or maybe I've eaten too much fish..........

Might be time to lock this thread?


Nah, it happens to the best of us......

01-11-2013, 08:26 PM
Nah, it happens to the best of us......

I cannot claim to have walked a mile in your shoes oh great and mighty cobiaman ....................- at least until I've been banned, anyway....... :P;D

01-11-2013, 10:10 PM

Thank you I for one have enjoyed your post. In particularly the part where you look like a ######## thanks to Lucky Phill.

02-11-2013, 12:15 PM
hhhhmmmmmmmm.......... Of course it looks like i have started thread????? Because my room mate used my log in???????????? Because i am always logged in???????????????????????????

So to slow it down for the guys that have had a few to many head knocks........

I go to work/out of the house, he jumps on my computer. (let me know if im going to fast here) finds ausfish website in internet history. Opens up the forum page. See's that i automatically get logged in every time i visit (so i dont have to remember my password) Then...... wait for it....... Post said fukishima S&^t fight thread........ And sets of said chain of posts under my log in...... Let me know if you still cant work it out and i will refer you to a good doctor....

Andy H
02-11-2013, 12:21 PM
hhhhmmmmmmmm.......... Of course it looks like i have started thread????? Because my room mate used my log in???????????? Because i am always logged in???????????????????????????

So to slow it down for the guys that have had a few to many head knocks........

I go to work/out of the house, he jumps on my computer. (let me know if im going to fast here) finds ausfish website in internet history. Opens up the forum page. See's that i automatically get logged in every time i visit (so i dont have to remember my password) Then...... wait for it....... Post said fukishima S&^t fight thread........ And sets of said chain of posts under my log in...... Let me know if you still cant work it out and i will refer you to a good doctor....

Your room mate is way cooler than you are. You should let them on all the time to keep us entertained.

02-11-2013, 12:22 PM
hhhhmmmmmmmm.......... Of course it looks like i have started thread????? Because my room mate used my log in???????????? Because i am always logged in???????????????????????????

So to slow it down for the guys that have had a few to many head knocks........

I go to work/out of the house, he jumps on my computer. (let me know if im going to fast here) finds ausfish website in internet history. Opens up the forum page. See's that i automatically get logged in every time i visit (so i dont have to remember my password) Then...... wait for it....... Post said fukishima S&^t fight thread........ And sets of said chain of posts under my log in...... Let me know if you still cant work it out and i will refer you to a good doctor....

And you both end sentences and phrases with ....
Pretty strange coincidence that one. ::)::)::)

Jarrah Jack
02-11-2013, 01:17 PM
hhhhmmmmmmmm.......... Of course it looks like i have started thread????? Because my room mate used my log in???????????? Because i am always logged in???????????????????????????

So to slow it down for the guys that have had a few to many head knocks........

I go to work/out of the house, he jumps on my computer. (let me know if im going to fast here) finds ausfish website in internet history. Opens up the forum page. See's that i automatically get logged in every time i visit (so i dont have to remember my password) Then...... wait for it....... Post said fukishima S&^t fight thread........ And sets of said chain of posts under my log in...... Let me know if you still cant work it out and i will refer you to a good doctor....

You think you're playing a game with us bud.....but we're playing one with you. We've seen it all here....

05-11-2013, 06:48 AM
Jesus............................................. .....................

Any way i will....... go....... back...... to....... not....... posting....... a.... thing..... on..... here........ again........ like.. i was............ before.....

Oh and... log... out... every.... time.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

Shark Poker
05-11-2013, 06:54 AM
Best conclusion to a Thread, ever?

Jarrah Jack
05-11-2013, 07:24 AM
Best conclusion to a Thread, ever?

Yep..It doesn't get better than that.

Boat Hog
05-11-2013, 08:21 AM
Jesus............................................. .....................

Any way i will....... go....... back...... to....... not....... posting....... a.... thing..... on..... here........ again........ like.. i was............ before.....

Oh and... log... out... every.... time.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

You can still come back and post on Ausfish ..... all you've got to do is say your flat mate posted this ^^^^^ !!

An old trick, but a goodie!! :-)

Muddy Toes
05-11-2013, 08:28 AM
1. Or at least number your posts

05-11-2013, 12:38 PM
Hahahaha brilliant, I have just read this thread start to finish and I cant believe it has been here since the 24.10.13 and I havent opened it.

I certainly didnt realise what I had been missing, please let your room mate post again (if you have one;))

I am at work in the middle of Australia and it is bloody hot, we are mid shutdown and working bloody hard but reading this thread has just made my day (infact my week) alot better......;D;D;D

Thank your room mate for me please (if you have one;)).

05-11-2013, 01:10 PM
Hahahaha brilliant, I have just read this thread start to finish and I cant believe it has been here since the 24.10.13 and I havent opened it.

I certainly didnt realise what I had been missing, please let your room mate post again (if you have one;))

I am at work in the middle of Australia and it is bloody hot, we are mid shutdown and working bloody hard but reading this thread has just made my day (infact my week) alot better......;D;D;D

Thank your room mate for me please (if you have one;)).

Hey Axl,
Shame that you didn't catch this thread earlier - all the best posts have been deleted.....................;D;D

"My room mate did it" - Wonder why Cobia man didn't use that excuse - before he got banned?? :P;D
