View Full Version : Microdots

19-10-2013, 07:32 PM
Hi Guys,
I was thinking, if you had a bunch of those micodots, you could put a few on rods, under a spot of laqour, reels inside somwhere again use some superglue, sounders, radios, motors, and even crab pots....
Is it a bad idea? I wonder if the Fisheries guys have dot readers?


19-10-2013, 07:58 PM
Umm aren't microdots LSD? That's just what I've heard anyway.

19-10-2013, 10:23 PM
Data dots buy the kit and yes the police do put stolen recovered goods under a UV light and the dots / lacquer has a UV trace in it. Spray them up the inside of rods and through air vents on radios etc so they are impossible to remove or cover. You can have them done with your drivers lic number on them. What a shame a brilliant aussie invention for the use was so badly managed and the technology was so slow to be accepted.

Epoxy over apiece of cloth with your Lic details and proper uv flouro marker . Most thieves would never realise what it is and think it is a serial or model number but it will show under a blacklight .;D

Still honestly not a lot of chance of ever recovering stolen gear let alone catching the thief but at least if you get a thief in possession of goods and they are marked then the theft can be identified and a much greater chance of a conviction.

Technology is moving on a bit with RFID chips being used to secure and identify goods. Simply engraving your name is a big obvious deterrent to resale and marking goods secretly in other places to enable identification if engraving is removed. Engrave on the face of radios , from bezel with sounder) with boat rego and lic number . Makes no difference to you but makes it unsaleable however you need a thief smart enough to reaslise that when he is stealing it so make it obvious and colour it . . At least the thief won't get money for a complete unit so it gets thrown out or used for parts if stolen to order..


20-10-2013, 09:04 AM
Fisheries have chipped crabs up here and I suppose all over the place then waited at the local boat ramps with a scanner
a big real estate guy got nailed allegedly
