View Full Version : Pindari Dam Cod

15-10-2013, 05:31 PM
Hi Guys and Gals,
Just a quick note on a freshwater report recently.

Some tool went to Pindari Dam near Ashford in NSW and was catching Murray cod in a closed season.
A mate rang me to tell me this person had posted a pic of a huge cod he had caught over a metre on facebook and was bragging about it....
Drew a huge amount of flack from honest fishos and the pic was removed shortly after.

But apparently the damage was done as the tool brigade has headed to Pindari now that the cod are "on".
They need a Fisheries inspector out there to hand out on the spot fines I reckon as a closed season is a closed season. No Fishing at all for that species listed as closed..

The fisheries have handed out warnings that several fishos have already been fined for fishing for cod in a closed season.

Must be falling on deaf ears..


23-10-2013, 03:50 PM
There you go , I would have thought it was open slather all year around like the Barra impoundments
and only closed in the rivers, do they breed in the dams ?

Glad I didn't go chasing a Cod or I might o ended up in the Tool Brigade lol


24-10-2013, 03:57 PM
There you go mate,
Was waiting for someone to jump in...
Years ago in copeton they put a heap of big yellas in that were caught in Keepit(before restocking) and there was an inundation of juvenile yellas after that.
All the western dams are well stocked with cod and yellas being put in nearly every year so it would be hard to tell these days but I know when we went to Pindari and Copeton this year we caught a lot of juvenile cod nearly everywhere we went in the dams.

Closed season for the murray cod is from 1st september to 31st november. All rivers and dams west of the Range in nsw at least. Never been to QLD chasing them so I wouldnt know.
When I fish the Dumaresque river I always fish the southern side of the river just in case they have funny rules in QLD::)

Im not the cod police but I reckon give the honest fishos a fair go..

Just on a personal level mate , are you related to Ned Kelly at all??

24-10-2013, 06:16 PM
No sorry mate , but I was born in the Royal Hobart Hospital
Why do you ask ?

in case they have funny rules in QLD

Funny , I'll tell yer something funny

Watching NSW trying to play football :-X

27-10-2013, 06:46 PM
A Tasmanian!! close enough mate:D
Just going by your avatar childers????

yeah, gotta love NSW playing footy.funnily enough I live in NSW and Like watching QLD win,go figure!
cheers, steve.