View Full Version : Yahama 2007 F150 to Raymarine

21-08-2013, 09:26 AM
Heya Guys,

I would like to interface my Raymarine to my F150 via NMEA2000. I've done some research already, but information is hard to come by.

So far I have figured out you need to make a seatalk-ng cable to nmea2000. However I can't find information on what cable I need to buy or how to wire it. This is what I think I need for the job so far,

- seatalk-ng backbone
- seatalk-ng t-peice
- Spur cable

I think it is the Spur cable that you have to wire to connect to the yahama nmea2000 output, but I can't confirm. Raymarine also have a devicenet cable to connect to NMEA2000 devices, but is this an industry standard, the nmea2000 connector on the engine?

What I also after is first hand experience from anyone who has gone this way. I'm curious on any lessons you learnt and if it was worth the effort. My end goal is I'd like to view the engine information on my Raymarine e7d.

Forgive me if I'm not included enough info, this is all so so new to me.


21-08-2013, 04:06 PM
After reading and speaking to a raymarine expert today I have nearly got all my questions answered. The first is to setup a basic seatalk-ng network. For this I need a seatalk-ng starter pack. https://www.whitworths.com.au/main_itemdetail.asp?item=46111&search123=raymarine&intAbsolutePage=2

Next I need a devicenet adapter which will connect into the gateway from the outboard. The gateway I need is a Maretron MARE-003. This is where I am now stuck.

Where do you find a Maretron MARE-003? This does not seem to be common here. I also need to ensure the gateway device has a plug that fits the Devicenet cable from raymarine, which apparently there is an industry standard?

Any help will be greatly appreciated! I'm nearly there...

21-08-2013, 04:44 PM
Hi Julian,
I did the same with my suzi df175. the short version is look at the whitworths catalogue again, then pick up the phone call the gabba boys and say this " I want to interface my Raymarine to my suzi F150 via NMEA2000. From my experience it will be the easiest process. PS their September sale is in a fortnight. do your homework and you can probs knock off an extra 15% - something like that anyway. I cannot praise those boys too highly as when i did mine, they even dropped by and double checked I had done it correctly, which I hadn't so they fixed it there and then... as they say, 'its all part of the service"

Thats my tip anyway


21-08-2013, 07:06 PM
Hi Julian,
I did the same with my suzi df175. the short version is look at the whitworths catalogue again, then pick up the phone call the gabba boys and say this " I want to interface my Raymarine to my suzi F150 via NMEA2000. From my experience it will be the easiest process. PS their September sale is in a fortnight. do your homework and you can probs knock off an extra 15% - something like that anyway. I cannot praise those boys too highly as when i did mine, they even dropped by and double checked I had done it correctly, which I hadn't so they fixed it there and then... as they say, 'its all part of the service"

Thats my tip anyway


Then quickly go and buy a 150 Suzuki :)

22-08-2013, 07:57 AM
Hi Julian,
I did the same with my suzi df175. the short version is look at the whitworths catalogue again, then pick up the phone call the gabba boys and say this " I want to interface my Raymarine to my suzi F150 via NMEA2000. From my experience it will be the easiest process. PS their September sale is in a fortnight. do your homework and you can probs knock off an extra 15% - something like that anyway. I cannot praise those boys too highly as when i did mine, they even dropped by and double checked I had done it correctly, which I hadn't so they fixed it there and then... as they say, 'its all part of the service"

Thats my tip anyway


The gabba shop is my local store, to work anyway. :) I'm 5 mins down the road which is very dangerous for me. :) I do agree with what you say about their service. They are bloody awesome.

I have however finished the puzzle of how to connect my engine up. If it is a late model 2007, it is already NMEA2000 which means I do not need the gateway piece of kit. If it is early 2007 my guy at raymarine said it's not worth doing as you can't get "good" info out of the engine to justify all the work.

For those that are interested here is the part list I'd need to get. I hope this would help others.

- A seatalk-ng starter pack ($129)
- A devicenet cable
- A NMEA2000 harness from yamaha which plugs into the devicenet cable

Oceanranger24: Did you have to calibrate anything when you hooked your engine up? My guy at raymarine told me that the yammies need calibration which only a lowrance or a yammie shop can do. I think this was in regards to fuel, but he didn't state and I forgot to question him more.

22-08-2013, 05:18 PM
Hi Julian,
I have hooked the suzi up through a lowrance LMF400 in order to process the telemetry out of the engine. That means I can see fuel, engine specs, service hours to name a few. With the LMF 400 (which is the interpreter of the data) you can then see that data on my Raymarine c90w.

To answer your question about the calibration... v's setup,, I turn on the LMF 400, and read the fuel through there. Setup involves the Size of tank, number of tanks etc. Calibration refers to how much fuel it calculates as being burnt versus what it takes to fill it up at the bowser. In my case mine was close to perfect.

Out of mine because it is linked to the raymarine gps, you can get fuel used per hour and litres per hour or nm per gall or km per litre.

I find this is excellent because you can trim your boat out an change the fuel burn a lot.
Mine will vary between 1.0 km/l and 1.4km/l with the trim at a given time, That is a massive variation. The system pays for itself in a few trips
My 24ft fglass goes from 0.8kml at the wallow, 1.7kml in super flat and lighter load. 1.0 at flat out6200rpm 40knots, 1.2-1.5 majority of work in 10 to 20 knot of sea at 4850 rpm = most efficient = 50kmh

22-08-2013, 05:48 PM

I think you will find a bus behind the Yamahahahaha gauges with square plugs, there should be a spare. get the yamahahahahaha nmea 2000 interface. I haven't looked at the raymarine components.


23-08-2013, 08:09 AM
Lifted the cowl last night and the engine seems to be an early 2007 not late. It doesn't have the NMEA2000 output. :( Only one black plug free with one red wire going into it. Bugger!

23-08-2013, 03:31 PM

you can still put in an ep60 (inline fuel flow meter) they work just as well, if fuel data is all your after.


23-08-2013, 03:33 PM

you can still put in an ep60 (inline fuel flow meter) they work just as well, if fuel data is all your after.


That's the main info I would like. I will be going this route.