View Full Version : 95cm Bay Jewie PB

09-07-2013, 08:25 AM
Hi all,

Have been away O/S for the past week so didn't get a chance to post. Had the day off on Friday 28th and decided I'd do a solo trip to Harrys early morning so set the alarm for 4am. Checked seabreeze when I woke up and it was hammering 20 knots at inner beacon so decided I'd sleep in for another half hour. checked again after another 30 mins and still the same. Checked again every 30 mins until about 8am until I realised that the seabreeze graph had frozen at 3am and was looking at the same image the whole time.. bugger.. Anyway checked BOM and saw it was under 10 knots and decided to head out for the 1:30pm tide change so had the boat in the water at Cleveland by 11am.

Was deadsticking some Z-man plastics on Bazza's 3/8 oz jigheads and had my lighter 2-5kg rod with 15lb braid, zman 5" streakz plastic on Luvias 3012 reel in my hand when suddenly the rod buckled and I could tell I had a decent fish on.

After a good fight for 5-10 mins I managed to raise a shiny 95cm Jewie and surprisingly netted it solo without too many issues.

Took it home for a good feed and weighed it, coming in at exactly 7.5kg. Was pretty stoked as this was my second jewie ever, with the other one being caught out at Peel only a month or two ago that went 92cm so new PB!

Got it all on the GoPro so once I've finished editing I'll upload for all to see.



09-07-2013, 08:34 AM
FYI below is a link to the first Jewie I got a couple of months ago (this post - http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php?192122-92cm-Peel-Jewie&p=1474448#post1474448).

I never got around to posting the video so here it is :


09-07-2013, 09:08 AM
Nice jewie mate. Good to see you and your partner enjoying the great outdoors.


09-07-2013, 09:14 AM
Thanks Bazza. She was a bit trigger happy with the net but can't complain that she enjoys being out there too. Am going to have to put another order in this week from you I've been cleaned out by my mates!

10-07-2013, 07:25 AM
A lovely jewie macka. Great stuff. Ben

10-07-2013, 12:52 PM
video is up - had a few issues with the audio so had to change it up a bit so doesn't end cleanly.


10-07-2013, 01:06 PM
Nice fish mate and good video