View Full Version : mud 6/7/13

06-07-2013, 03:05 PM
hi to all.

pretty quiet morning at mud today - fishwise that is, otherwise it was noisy as all buggery::). i'm pretty sad to be relegated to weekend warrior status but it is what it is... actually snuck out for a go Thursday too (secretary's a good gal;)) but it was also quiet with nothing pink on board and just a few small choppers and flatties.

left home at 11 last night to try and get a fish in before the crowds arrived. I spotted some good looking ground on the western side on my way up and decided to park there for the night. didn't get any sleep at all and had my arms stretched by a cat shark, 1 snapper and 1 big suspected cat shark, wobby or ray that had me up anchoring and battling for at least 45 minutes (right up until mossy arrived) before the leader gave and that was that. used cuttlefish for bait with pea size sinkers. all critters caught came way up in the water column as my baits were near surfing. that's it, now time for a couple of coldies and a loooong sleep.

06-07-2013, 03:12 PM
well done dave at least you took a nice snap home.
Were you around the western side around 11 am today? saw a tinny with ausfish sticker putting around near us.
What a cracker of a day it was , wish i could head back out tonight

06-07-2013, 05:23 PM
Hey dean, how did u go?
Mate it looks like a few boats are settling in at margate for a night fish. There were 7 there aout an hour ago.

06-07-2013, 05:26 PM
No doubt about it Dave, you are a machine my friend!!! :thumbsup:

06-07-2013, 07:18 PM
Dave your supposed to working now? great snapper mate

07-07-2013, 08:49 AM
well done dave at least you took a nice snap home.
Were you around the western side around 11 am today? saw a tinny with ausfish sticker putting around near us.
What a cracker of a day it was , wish i could head back out tonight

thanks mate. may well have been me if it was the north west. i asked mossy if he'd seen you but he said no. come say gidday next time.

07-07-2013, 08:51 AM
Dave your supposed to working now? great snapper mate

yeah, I know. that was my last Saturday morning for a while...

07-07-2013, 01:14 PM
Nice work Dave, that's nice mud/bay snapper, well done

07-07-2013, 05:37 PM
thanks mate. may well have been me if it was the north west. i asked mossy if he'd seen you but he said no. come say gidday next time.
mate i took a different boat so he prob wouldnt have recognised me anyways.
i would have popped over but the missus was with me and pulling fish left right and centre .. not a good time to move!

07-07-2013, 07:28 PM
Mate I was at Mud this am. Lots of boats. Kids enjoyed some nice undersized wrasse, Moses Perch etc on plastics on the Eastern reefs. On sat the two young fellas did well off peel with a couple of reasonable fish...all zman and one on a hard body trolled. Night north of Peel was nice.


07-07-2013, 07:30 PM
i would have popped over but the missus was with me and pulling fish left right and centre .. not a good time to move!

lucky you. I foul hooked 2 small snaps and took a grinner on a hb for my daylight session. bloody glad I went early and took stinky stuff (don't tell anyone;)).

Goodoo haven
08-07-2013, 10:57 AM
Well done Dave.