26-06-2013, 10:10 AM
Save them...
Hereis a really great way to make something out of them that will wow your mates :)
get a good amount of shells (depends on how good you are at catching crabs) put them in an old sheet or cloth of some kind.. and bash them with a mallet or rolling pin or whatever.
Cut a large onion up finely with some celery and carrot also. Fry this up with some rough chopt garlic cloves throw in some parsley stalks and cracked pepper. chuck the shells in and stir over a high heat till the kitchen smells like a crab factory lol.
now throw in 2 chopt tomatoes and a few tblspoons of tomato paste.
Add some brandy preferably, but white wine will do.. reduce this down till its almost dry.
In the microwave heat up 500g or 750g of butter till it melts and is hot. set it on the bench for a few minutes and the white solids will settle on the bottom.
pour the clear yellow stuff off into the pot being carefull not to get any of the white stuff in as well.
Now.... simmer on a really low heat for 1 hour at least.. 90mins would be better.
let cool for 10mins and strain through the finest mesh sieve you have.
Now you have crab butter.
So to make the best soup ever.. use it as you would normal butter to make a thin white sauce.. so.. 100g butter, 100g flour.. cook together to make a roux (fancy french word for the butter flour mix) slowly add 1 litre of milk 200mls at a time waiting to add the next bit after the first bit is incorporated.. then throw in your favourite seafood and herbs and a bit more tomato paste to give it colour.. dont forget the salt and pepper :)
Hereis a really great way to make something out of them that will wow your mates :)
get a good amount of shells (depends on how good you are at catching crabs) put them in an old sheet or cloth of some kind.. and bash them with a mallet or rolling pin or whatever.
Cut a large onion up finely with some celery and carrot also. Fry this up with some rough chopt garlic cloves throw in some parsley stalks and cracked pepper. chuck the shells in and stir over a high heat till the kitchen smells like a crab factory lol.
now throw in 2 chopt tomatoes and a few tblspoons of tomato paste.
Add some brandy preferably, but white wine will do.. reduce this down till its almost dry.
In the microwave heat up 500g or 750g of butter till it melts and is hot. set it on the bench for a few minutes and the white solids will settle on the bottom.
pour the clear yellow stuff off into the pot being carefull not to get any of the white stuff in as well.
Now.... simmer on a really low heat for 1 hour at least.. 90mins would be better.
let cool for 10mins and strain through the finest mesh sieve you have.
Now you have crab butter.
So to make the best soup ever.. use it as you would normal butter to make a thin white sauce.. so.. 100g butter, 100g flour.. cook together to make a roux (fancy french word for the butter flour mix) slowly add 1 litre of milk 200mls at a time waiting to add the next bit after the first bit is incorporated.. then throw in your favourite seafood and herbs and a bit more tomato paste to give it colour.. dont forget the salt and pepper :)