View Full Version : Darwin Fishing Charter

Scott Ashe
22-06-2013, 08:03 AM
Hi All,
On my recent holiday to Darwin to visit my good mate and one of I the things I wanted to do was a fishing trip..

So we were booked on to a half day charter of Darwin Harbour and surrounds for Thursday 13th June, with "Darwin Reef and Wrecks"

When we arrived at 11.00 am we were given the safety rundown and the do's and dont's of the boat. It took about 20 minutes travelling to arrive at one first spot.

When we arrived the deckie showed us how to rig the rods and bait them and to be careful with the sinkers so they don't bang into the side of the boat. He handed me this rod as it was already to go as I had mentioned I'd need a hand to rig up with my disability.

After my line was cast I KID YOU NOT, at only about 2 minutes I was onto my first fish and it wasn't long before a 50CM Snapper was on the deck of the boat. This fish was then promptly fillited and put it a plastic bag to take home.

Another 10-15 minutes went by with a few others pulling in the odd Snapper and then I started getting another bite and realised I was on to something again and it happened to be my first ever Blue Threadfin Salmon probably just a bit bigger than my Snapper.

Others continued catching these fairly regularly and my mate also pulled in a nice Snapper towards the end of the trip too.

Just as we were about to pull anchor and head back the lady down the back brings a really nice Estuary Cod aboard, meaning everyone is going home with a fish.

Well that was my charter report and if anyone is in Darwin, I'd recommend you get in touch with these boys for an enjoyable trip. We went with these on my last trip 2 years ago , and caught nice Snapper. They even supplied lunch.

Thanks for reading.

22-06-2013, 08:39 AM
With customer service like that, they should be booked solid all the time. :D

Thanks for the "heads up"....Good to hear someone is doing it RIGHT ;)

22-06-2013, 08:42 AM
Im up there next week. Looks like I found a charter to fish on


22-06-2013, 10:49 AM
I was up there in January last year visiting my daughter. The wife and I went out with these guys for a half day charter and had a great trip. My best fish for the day was a 95cm black jew. Very rewarding.

regards, Mark

27-06-2013, 08:04 PM
There is some great charters in Darwin, I just got home last night from a "conference" in Darwin and I jumped on a fishing charter out of Darwin Harbour on Tuesday with Equinox, great blokes that really know their stuff. Half day and between 5 of us conference goers we picked up 54 fish. Mostly Threadies but also Jewies and snapper. Another lady on the boat caught a huge cod. Plenty of options in Darwin and i can highly recommend Equinox Fishing Charters.


27-06-2013, 08:53 PM
Are we talking snapper like we get here or there version "tricky Snapper"? Which from what I can tell is a grassy???

27-06-2013, 10:10 PM
pretty sure its fingermark they refer to as golden snapper up there. and tricky snapper are the grassies.

could be way wrong too lol.

28-06-2013, 08:42 AM
We were catching Golden Snapper.