View Full Version : Need a new reel.
15-06-2013, 02:47 AM
I have recently purchased a 24kg t-curve spin stick for poppers and am undecided on what reel to put on it have had a look at the Okuma saion (own 3 of these and like them) the diawa saltist or the shimano Saragossa.
The diawa and the shimano have a higher drag but who really locks up the drag to top cog anyway.
And no muddy toes I am not putting a dogfight on it as first recommended.
Had a look at the price and I can buy a small country or at the very least Greece with that kinda coin.
15-06-2013, 04:09 AM
The 6500 saltist is on special at BCF at the moment $269...Matt
15-06-2013, 05:57 AM
The 6500 saltist is on special at BCF at the moment $269...Matt
i did see that but price alone isn't going to persuade me.. thanks for the info.
Boat Hog
15-06-2013, 07:16 AM
i did see that but price alone isn't going to persuade me.. thanks for the info.
But apparently price will dissuade you?!
Go the saltiga - I've got the 6500 Extreme Maverick and love it!
15-06-2013, 07:34 AM
Go the saltist....
15-06-2013, 08:27 AM
Mate have a look at the Penn SSV. They are a bit cheaper than the others mentioned and every bit as good according to a couple of reviews I have seen and some of the blokes in the Tackle shop whos opinions I value. I have had one for a few months but am yet to test it out but feels great in the hand. SSm and lighter too- about comparitive with the same size Stradic
You also know that the Penns will last- the same cant be said for the saltist from various reports I have read. The 'gossa would be the other one I would look at.
Just another option worth looking at.
Muddy Toes
15-06-2013, 08:31 AM
I put a 18000 Saragosa on my one........feels really good but I haven't used it to chuck poppers around with it yet, only used it for bottom bashing.
Have you considered a Daiwa Saltiga Dogfight?
15-06-2013, 08:35 AM
I would go the Saragosa. If the Daiwa croaks on you, they will claim you've abused it (speaking from bitter, personal experience with a 4500 Saltiga). A mate has used the Saragosas on his charter boat for years and gets a good run from them. Some tackle shops have been having reasonable deals on the run out model Stella if you are keen on a high end reel?
15-06-2013, 09:40 AM
hi lucee81,
probably not flash enough for that rod butt i got a 7000 fin-nor egg beater with 300 mtr 50 pound rovex brade from for $135.
60 pound drage they reckon' haven't tried it yet but at that prise it's a norther weapon in the arsenal. feel a bit heavy but.
15-06-2013, 09:44 AM
whoops,,, ofs7500 to be exact.
15-06-2013, 10:17 AM
I just got a pair of saragosa 18000's on Wilson live fiber 8' spin rods, they hurl the poppers pretty bloody far. Haven't hooked up yet. Waiting for some good weather. Seen like a pretty good reel for the price. About 300 each. Tho you could find them cheaper.
15-06-2013, 10:25 AM
If your into casting have a look at the Ultegra .
15-06-2013, 11:06 AM
The Saragosa has the runs on the board and is proven for the sort of work you are looking at and should probably be first pick out of the second tier reels. I however chose an Okuma Salina 3 16000. It has had some good reviews ( ) and I got it nearly $100.00 cheaper than I could get the Gosa. It has 24kg of drag V the Gosas 20kg and feels smooth and solid. Hopefully I can tell you how it goes after next week. There is a question mark over the Penn V ( ). The Fin Nor OFS is the reel I replaced. It has a very smooth drag (30kg) but no infinite antireverse and even the normal clunky mechanical antireverse has failed twice for me
15-06-2013, 11:33 AM
Out of a few big trips (Weipa x2, King ash bay) over the past few years with mates the Saragosa's have come out on top. The saltist's and salina's both had issues. One of the boys even had a stella rust up. Im very happy with my Saragosa, smooth drag and well sealed.
15-06-2013, 04:44 PM
After all these helpful and non helpful comments (you know who you are)
I reckon the gosa is bye way to go. Now to go see my local tackle shop when I get home.
15-06-2013, 04:46 PM
hi lucee81,
probably not flash enough for that rod butt i got a 7000 fin-nor egg beater with 300 mtr 50 pound rovex brade from for $135.
60 pound drage they reckon' haven't tried it yet but at that prise it's a norther weapon in the arsenal. feel a bit heavy but.
I'm not a big fan of the fin nor and not sure why as a mate has a nice fin nor and never had a problem. Nice to use with a heap of drag.
15-06-2013, 04:47 PM
I put a 18000 Saragosa on my one........feels really good but I haven't used it to chuck poppers around with it yet, only used it for bottom bashing.
Have you considered a Daiwa Saltiga Dogfight?
Yeah I did consider it even went as far as googling the price.
All I can say is thermomix comes to mind.
15-06-2013, 04:48 PM
But apparently price will dissuade you?!
Go the saltiga - I've got the 6500 Extreme Maverick and love it!
The the price of a dog fight will dissuade just about anyone.
15-06-2013, 04:50 PM
"I need a new fishing reel" posted at 2:47am
Answer/reply given at 4:09 am.
5:00 AM ... Gone fishin
15-06-2013, 05:19 PM
"I need a new fishing reel" posted at 2:47am
Answer/reply given at 4:09 am.
5:00 AM ... Gone fishin
MRD....did you have too much red cordial today?
15-06-2013, 05:23 PM
MRD....did you have too much red cordial today?
heh no just saying not many forums you can post such an obscure topic as "I need a new fishing reel" at quarter to 3 in the morning and promptly get an answer in less than an hour.
With just enough time to hit the water. :P
How about the Daiwa Catalina?.........all the good stuff from the Saltiga without the Hollywood price tag.
Muddy Toes
15-06-2013, 05:25 PM
What size Dan?
Boat Hog
15-06-2013, 05:28 PM
Is there an electric reel with high speed retrieve....?
Oh, that's right, forgot it was Lucas we're talking about here.
Lucas + Electrics + Salt Water = Not Working!
They do a 4500,6000 and a 6500 from memory..........all the same drag specs etc of the Saltiga's same body etc......Used to be called Saltiga Blast when they bought them out..then changed name to Catalina...I have the 4500H and it's been a great little no nonsense reel.
Boat Hog
15-06-2013, 05:33 PM
Also a quick shout out to my old 'mate' Mud River Dan! Hey Dan, much prefer this new Dan, whatever you're doing its working.
15-06-2013, 05:51 PM
Is there an electric reel with high speed retrieve....?
Oh, that's right, forgot it was Lucas we're talking about here.
Lucas + Electrics + Salt Water = Not Working!
And again for the old people from coffs.
Electronics work!!! Wiring under dash messy.
Muddy Toes
15-06-2013, 05:56 PM
And again for the old people from coffs.
Electronics work!!! Wiring under dash messy.
Those two Boat Hogs sure are silly people....................
15-06-2013, 06:03 PM
Those two Boat Hogs sure are silly people....................
That they are. Lets ditch this first boat hog and bring on boat hog 2. I bet he is way cooler. And there's a 50/50 chance they are not kiwi.
Boat Hog
15-06-2013, 06:32 PM
That they are. Lets ditch this first boat hog and bring on boat hog 2. I bet he is way cooler. And there's a 50/50 chance they are not kiwi.
Way cooler .... Way cooler! What, are you from the 80's?
Boat Hog 2 ..... Yep, by all means - Bring It On!
15-06-2013, 06:37 PM
Also a quick shout out to my old 'mate' Mud River Dan! Hey Dan, much prefer this new Dan, whatever you're doing its working.
Yeah mate thanks, you know as well as me my aggressive words in the past have been in vain.
15-06-2013, 06:38 PM
Sarragosa for the simple fact that it has worm drive oscillation,runs on the board,and will outlast anything with a slide gear system...especially if it's going to see a lot of repetitive cast and retrieve.Added to this there's enough drag to pop a kidney and unlike the top range Daiwa's....Shimano carries parts in the country.
15-06-2013, 08:30 PM
Throwing a spanner in here. You could look at the Shimano Aceration. They are the JDM Saragosa and higher geared which will suit some situations. They do have one less bearing than a Gosa but that's in the handle so no drama really. Plus they are cheaper.
15-06-2013, 08:44 PM
Throwing a spanner in here. You could look at the Shimano Aceration. They are the JDM Saragosa and higher geared which will suit some situations. They do have one less bearing than a Gosa but that's in the handle so no drama really. Plus they are cheaper.
Is that like a high speed Spheros?
15-06-2013, 09:00 PM
No I found this link a while back.
15-06-2013, 10:36 PM
I found these for about $300 in Darwin.
Has anyone used 1 are they any good.
16-06-2013, 03:43 PM
I think they are a rebranded Ajiking Wahoo also known as "Also named "Tuff Tackle Sniper", "Black Marlin BM6500", "Latitude SDS Pariah 10000", "XT Dogtooth" Terminator
The reel made Alan Hawks list of ones NOT recommended"
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 03:45 PM
Do you know a reel that will increase one's bait collection abilities Horse?:P
16-06-2013, 03:50 PM
Do you know a reel that will increase one's bait collection abilities Horse?:P
its not the reel as much as its the dodgy deckie.. if i was coming i would collect bait even have my own boat to do it in,
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 03:54 PM
Would you get more than the alleged 4 slimies in 5 hours?
16-06-2013, 03:58 PM
Do you know a reel that will increase one's bait collection abilities Horse?:P
For your information today was a conscious decision not to load up on Slimies as we were concerned about the impact on the marine ecosystem and in the long term global warming and the future of the entire human race. I'm starting to feel pretty good about it now
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 04:04 PM
Fair call mate...............and now you know who not to trust with all the gossip!!!
16-06-2013, 04:16 PM
And it was yakkas, not slimies!
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 04:21 PM
What.................couldn't even get slimies?
4 yakka????
16-06-2013, 04:38 PM
Bill...we will be rigging for silent running from now on. Too many loose lips sink ships
16-06-2013, 04:45 PM
Good luck at the swains team beeracuda!
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 04:48 PM
Good luck to Bill's poor motor!!!
16-06-2013, 05:18 PM
This is a thread about a new reel that I need to purchase. Not about the useless deckies out there that can't even catch slimies.
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 05:20 PM
Sounding very familiar precious.......
16-06-2013, 05:34 PM
Sounding very familiar precious.......
Don't make me make another thread so youse can talk crap on.
16-06-2013, 05:42 PM
So getting back on topic, did Bill catch any fish.
Lucas, let's us know what you end up getting. I want to get a combo for the purpose
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 05:48 PM
I've got one with a gosa on it Bruce if ya want to try it
16-06-2013, 06:10 PM
I will be getting the gosa aswell. Now to find which shop is deserving of my hard earned coin.
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 06:17 PM
One in America, or even Israel.......that's where I bought mine from but they've closed now.
16-06-2013, 06:22 PM
One in America, or even Israel.......that's where I bought mine from but they've closed now.
Well that's just silly I can get it for the same price from charltons in red bank plains. Probably even do better at tackle warehouse.
Muddy Toes
16-06-2013, 06:25 PM
It's because Redbank Plains is a lower socioeconomic region than the Gaza Strip.
BTW I paid $210 for my 18000F
Boat Hog
16-06-2013, 06:42 PM
It's because Redbank Plains is a lower socioeconomic region than the Gaza Strip.
BTW I paid $210 for my 18000F
I thought you'd shop locally Lucas ..... you know, the Ipswich Performance Tackle Jigging and Popping store .........
Yes, it's a low blow .... but someone was bound to say it so might as well be me.....
16-06-2013, 07:27 PM
I thought you'd shop locally Lucas ..... you know, the Ipswich Performance Tackle Jigging and Popping store .........
Yes, it's a low blow .... but someone was bound to say it so might as well be me.....
Rather live in ipswich than be from nz.
16-06-2013, 07:31 PM
Rather live in ipswich than be from nz.
Touch and go....
17-06-2013, 08:24 AM
I've got one with a gosa on it Bruce if ya want to try it
I'll take you up on that, just need to buy a few other items first. Paint for the back shed, a floor rug, landscape wall canvas, boat insurance, boat & trailer rego and then maybe a new rod & reel if it does not get bumped down the list.
17-06-2013, 02:04 PM
Try sneaky fisho dot com dot au
Get it quicker than you think.
17-06-2013, 02:11 PM
The gosa 8000 is only $229 on sneaky fisho today
Muddy Toes
17-06-2013, 02:13 PM
is what it would look like if he was telling his relos about it..............
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