View Full Version : Dart on the Gold Coast

Daryl McPhee
20-05-2013, 10:32 AM
Hi all,
I headed to the surf on the Gold Coast on Friday for a fish. I had been monitoring the gutters closely and while they do not at this stage look really flash for tailor, they do look really good for dart – some nice white milky water in patches and just enough movement to make it interesting.
I ventured down the beach in the middle of the day, and was pleased to see some nice dart bouncing around at wide – there distinctive movements in the surf are always a giveaway. I stopped at the first gutter I came to – reasonable shallow with a shallow entrance, but an entrance direct to the ocean nonetheless.
First cast with a yabby, first dart hooked. There was a reasonable show of fish in the gutter and the first 10 casts produced 8 fish. Over the next couple of hours, I pulled out a shade over 40 from the gutter, mostly dart, but with a couple of small but legal bream and a lone flathead. I only kept enough of the bigger ones for a two feeds for the family as I do not freeze dart, and the lone flathead. Most of the dart were around the 32 to 34 cm mark which is not the optimal size for a fillet and below their size at maturity.
There are a number of good formations along the Gold Coast, so it should be a good year in the surf.

20-05-2013, 04:51 PM
Hi good to know the gutters are holding fish in numbers. Where abouts were you fishing? I normally venture to south straddie which always produces good dart but not sure whether the gutters are back yet after the bout of bad weather lately

Daryl McPhee
20-05-2013, 04:55 PM
G'day John - I was on the mainland around the Narrowneck area.

20-05-2013, 08:57 PM
Dart are one of my most favourite fish. Back in the 90s on Fraser Island I had a great time catching these fish on a light (2-3kg) graphite spin stick and early GSP type lines on tiny metal lures. They fight hard, take lures better than Tailor and taste great too, especially in the smoker.

Dart are one of the many fish I so greatly miss since I moved to Rockhampton region in 2002.