View Full Version : great little session in starvation creek

17-03-2013, 10:04 PM
not having alot of time up our sleaves today we chucked 6 pots and a couple of light rods and went to cooraman creek. on water at 10.30 and home by 3,30 with 6 good grunter to 57cm 2 flatties and 3 good bucks.also got smoked by the biggest blue salmon i have ever seen it was well over a meter and i caled it for a shark at first till we seen it or it seen us. i thought the first and secod runs were huge .but the 20lb leader parted at the double of 6kg mainline .how big do these suckers get ?would like another shot at this bloke . photos to come on mates camera cheers

18-03-2013, 08:45 AM
Well done, nice effort. Got any tips ??

I was down there Saturday from 7am till about 2pm. Cucked blades & plastics about, put my pots out. And came home empty handed once again.