View Full Version : New Kayaker

05-03-2013, 07:30 AM
Hi all,

Recently acquired a Prowler Torque and keen to get it out on the water, if this weather subsides. Probably should also say whilst it does come with an electric, i intend not to use this at at least initially as i want to get use to it

I have a few questions that maybe you guys can assist. Firstly PFD can anybody recommend one, i am not hardcore and my plan is to spend most of the first 6 months getting use to it in the broadwater as i am only 100m from waters edge. I am not a small person and am worried about having one that would impact rowing.

secondly my folks bough me a little garmin colour fishfinder, the place i bought the kayak from would not install it as it wasnt a hummingbird. The guy did show me how, but not being technically gifted am wondering if it is as easy as was implied to install or whether anybody knows someone who would do it.

Finally, as i am allergic to fish (dont ask), am keen to try crabbing in broadwater. Bit nervous on how to deal with the crabs from a kayak, so open to any hints.

Thanks in advance


06-03-2013, 11:14 AM
Hi Craig,

Welcome to the wonderful world of yak fishing - you won't be disappointed.

I've always had a soft spot for the Torque - liked the idea of the leccy motor.

PFD. I use the manual inflation yoke type, of which there are many brands out there. You can buy these for around $70 at BCF etc. I like them because they are light and aren't bulky. Some of the old style vests have bulky backs on them and don't work with the high kayak seat. But try them all and see what works for you. Also enjoy the braodwater as quickly as you can - as the cruise ship terminal will change that area forever.

Sounder install. This is fairly straight forward (says a person who has installed a few now). Most go for the transducer inside the hull (shoot through) - the transducer can be either wet-mounted (glue a block of high-density foam to the bottom of the inside of your yak that has a cut-out of the transducer shape in it. Then fill the cut-out with a handfull of water and push the transducer down into the slot. The slot needs to be a snug fit for the tranducer.). In recent times I've gone the wet-mount approach, as I can then use the sounder in both my yaks. The other is the glued approach - where you put a big blob of Selleys All Clear etc. on the floor inside the hull and push the transducer down firmly into it and put a weight on it and let it cure (this is the permanent way). In terms of someone that you can pay to do this? Not aware of any companys that offer this - though most kayak sellers will do this at a price. Interesting that the Humminbird dealer said they wouldn't? Depending on where you live - I'm happy to give you a hand.

re Crabbing. Haven't done much of this myself (once I drop a few pots but got nothing). I think it's about having a flat area on the yak to sit the pots then go ashore and deal with them and the crabs. I've seen one chap build a floating raft (for want of a better word) out of pvc tubing that he sat the pots on and tied this to the rear of his yak and floated behind.

In terms of self help web sites for info on crabbing, installing a sounder etc. Have a look through the past posts in this Kayak section. Also go and checkout: www.akff.net (http://www.akff.net) and www.kfdu.com.au (http://www.kfdu.com.au) These have rigged kayak sections where guys have posted their "how to" info, which is really helpful.



07-03-2013, 07:14 AM
Becareful paddling ashore with crabs that are intended for release, by the letter of the law if you are travelling with these crabs you are in possession of them and undersize or female crabs can be considered in your possession, even if it is just 50m or so, you are supposed to release them immediately.

Whilst this may sound like a long bow to draw, I personally know of at least one person who was pulled up and subsequently fined for exactly this in the pummicestone passage. His fine probably had more to do with his attitude towards the officer and probably the mood of the officer on the day as I know for certain that he would have told the bloke to pull his head in when questioned about the crabs he was paddling to shore with rather than smile, nod and apologise for his obvious oversight. It's all in how you deal with people which will keep you out of trouble.

Good luck with the sounder install, it seems daunting at first but it is not that difficult once you complete it and look back at what you have done. If in doubt, browse some of the dedicated kayak fishing forums in the DIY sections for some really good instructional posts, youtube will also have heaps of info in this regard to.


07-03-2013, 07:43 AM
Hi Craig,
For my PFD I just went to BCF and bought a nice thin one intended for kayaking. Alot of people are using the inflatable ones which I will be buying next as they are alot less bulky. Make sure you buy one for your weight rating too.

Because it doesn't bother me drilling holes on my kayak I just mounted my Sounder where I wanted it, Screwed it down. Then drilled a hole behind it to slot my transducer cable down, Ran that down to the back of the yack and drilled another hole and at the back (inside the yak still) pull the wires through and mounted the transducer with superglue on the back of the yak (like on a tinny).

Took me like 10 mins to install the sounder and I only use 8 AA Batteries as I never go out for long periods. The batteries last about 8 hours orso.

08-03-2013, 01:11 PM
Thanks Pete, Your advice is very helpful, Understand what u are saying about terminal. I live virtually adjacent to crab island so that is where i intend to start. I have printed your info and will get a friend who has installed a few before (on boats) to assist.
Thanks for the links I will look at them after work :) .
I am really keen soft plastic fisherman so am keen to throw a few plastics around the pontoons on Soveriegn island

Once again appreciate advice

08-03-2013, 01:19 PM
Thanks Kev, Actually thought that was safer way of dealing with them was to take it ashore and seperate legals. But now will do it on yak


11-03-2013, 09:21 AM
Thanks Kev, Actually thought that was safer way of dealing with them was to take it ashore and seperate legals. But now will do it on yak


Not saying that it must be done on the yak, just something to be mindful of. As I said, alot depends on your attitude towards an official and their mood on the day as to whether they view your actions as something illegal. Personally, I would be paddling to the bank, last thing you need is a crab lose in the cockpit of a yak with you, just thought it worth noting for future reference.
