View Full Version : tales of muddies and carnivorous kangaroos

18-02-2013, 01:19 PM
hi all. did a trip with royslaven down to "the shack" at slipping sands wednesday arvo and stayed till saturday. we were greeted by rhonda (is mine;)) the kangaroo who made her presence known the whole time. this is one crazy roo. she growls like a dog and eats like one too! not happy with the bread around my rissole she ate the rissole too:o. i was very wary of her from then on...

we spent 3 nights at this beautiful place and i couldn't believe the inner luxury of the shack. hot showers, cold beer and digital television....

we didn't do too well on the muddies with only 6 keepers between us and me down one crab pot. nonetheless we had a great time and roy managed to catch up on some z's.
every morning i would put the coffee on at 4.30 to 5 and roy would complain it was still "the middle of the night". 2 of the 3 mornings he just went back to bed after coffee and got some more z's while i did the crab pot thing and some very uneventful fishing.

here's a few pics of the shack and some of the local residents:


"the shack" - my missus reckons it's more flash than our place::)

rhonda the meat eating roo:o


stumpy the short-tailed monitor
the view from the front door - gotta luv it8-)
just to prove i was there


roy and rhonda kicking back

roys favourite place;D

funny thing - no pics of muddies so just imagine 6 muddies::)


18-02-2013, 02:28 PM
A slice of heaven Netty. Nice one.

The picture doesn't prove you were there.... it's an imposter in a boring shirt. :)

(Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like'.)

18-02-2013, 02:55 PM
A slice of heaven Netty. Nice one.

The picture doesn't prove you were there.... it's an imposter in a boring shirt. :)

(Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like'.)

shame on you mate. that is my long-awaited for official ausfish 1770 m&g shirt. you may offend murf with comments like that...

18-02-2013, 03:02 PM
Oh crap. My bad.

The shirt is very nice. :)

It just pales a bit in comparison to your standard fish trophy shirts. You know the ones.... the shirts that are so lairy you forget to look at the fish. :)

(Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like'.)

18-02-2013, 04:52 PM
I have heard multiple storties of who actually owns that shack. So now I know someone who has stayed there. who bloody owns it?

18-02-2013, 05:23 PM
I have heard multiple storties of who actually owns that shack. So now I know someone who has stayed there. who bloody owns it?

sorry macca. i have been sworn to secrecy on fear of becoming roo food;D. there are a few shacks on straddies west. i believe cleveland rsl owns 1 and that is about all i can tell you other than a bloke called mick runs the 1 that i stayed in. royslaven may enlighten you further. i know i asked him but may have lost the answer somewhere in the beer::).

Boat Hog
18-02-2013, 05:35 PM
Shirt looks good Dave...... maybe you can wear it with hawaiian boardshorts so we know it's you?!

Check this place out ..... http://hawaiianshirts.com.au/

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Captain Seaweed
18-02-2013, 06:54 PM
Can someone let me know off the record, I have heard so many theories....none have proven to be true.

Captain Seaweed
18-02-2013, 06:55 PM
do the words Red Hookers have anything to do with it....
By The Way jealous as all hell :(

19-02-2013, 07:31 AM
Geez the lifestyle some of you blokes have, while I'm driving down to Sydney and back your playing doctor ( do little ) good to see Dave, looks like a great spot.

19-02-2013, 10:29 AM
do the words Red Hookers have anything to do with it....
By The Way jealous as all hell :(

got no idea marty, i certainly didn't see any red hookers and i'm sure if i had i would remember...

19-02-2013, 11:53 AM
Well Dave, thanks for posting the nice pics ,and thanks for the company, and thanks for nursemaiding the ( politically incorrect word) starts with cr and ends with ipple, and yesyou would thinks that someone who spent that much time in bed would be beautiful, but sadly that has not been the case with me.
Sadly I cannot say who has the shack, as I would have to kill myself, just that it is a privilege to be involved,cheers, roy.

PS Rhonda is mine... not yours... ha ha

19-02-2013, 09:00 PM
Looks like a very nice litte getaway dave good stuff mate.