View Full Version : Christmas round up

02-01-2013, 08:36 PM
Managed a couple of trips around Chrissy, one a little before and one on Boxing day up North plus a day trip out from Cairns. The day trip was great fun with several Mack and Stiped Tuna landed plus some awesome GT action on the poppers. We got a feed of trout and a Spanish along with 2 small sweetlip.
As for the Daintree trips, both were short in close off shore trips to get the missus back into the fishing groove and she did it big time. She caught three fish of note, all big Large Mouth Nannygai (Saddletail Snapper). The smallest was just over 83 cm and 8.5 kilo and the other two went 90cm and 9.5 kilo. The boxing day trip produced 13 fish in all with 6 Largies with the smallest being 5.5 kilo. I also got a nice Emperor in amongst them so was a good trip to go with the earlier one. I'll try and get some footage up on youtube next week.
In the Cairns thread Moffy also put a shot up of a nice bag of fish caught in November. The biggest Nanny in that pic was over 10 kilo that Moffy nailed.

Also had a play in the Daintree a couple of days ago and landed around 30 fish. All were small apart from a 68 cm Barra that was released after a quick snap.
A pity the weather has turned bad as a Fingermark trip would be sweet.
Forgive the couple of black and white shots as I left the camera in Black and white arty Christmas mode from the day earlier before I realised.


02-01-2013, 09:42 PM
just another couple average fish there mate? ;) thanks for sharing.

02-01-2013, 10:10 PM
Cracker fish mate, well done!

03-01-2013, 10:58 AM
Hi daintreeboy nice nannys, do ya catch them on wrecks or on the rubble,plans to start serching of di for them in the near furture.


03-01-2013, 05:59 PM
Good stuff daintree.. All good fish there. I managed a trip on the 27th out of innisfail with the father in law. Was pretty slow, but when you are a passenger you just have to go with the flow. Good to see you getting amoungst them.


Goodoo haven
03-01-2013, 07:08 PM
Awesome fish there mate.

Well done.

04-01-2013, 08:07 AM
Hi daintreeboy nice nannys, do ya catch them on wrecks or on the rubble,plans to start serching of di for them in the near furture.


Thanks guys.
Redhunter we pretty much get them on all sorts of ground apart from the main reef systems. We have one spot that is quite small and has some Fern Coral on it. Another is genuine rubble while another is a solid lump in the middle of nowhere. We also get them on the wrecks and sides of the reef off the ledge if there happens to be an isolated rock to hold them, usually just a small one though.
Basically if you find any structure away from the reef proper they will be there. I'm not sure of why but one theory I have is competition with other fish. Red Bass don't seem to mix with them at all and have been known to attack them as an example. Too much structure and you start getting Red Bass and no Nannygai.

webby nq
05-01-2013, 01:13 PM
Some quality fish there to end 2012 mate , lets hope this year is going to be just as productive

05-01-2013, 09:03 PM
Well done bud, quality as usual :)

Cheers from boony