02-01-2013, 06:37 AM
hey guys,
i know how marbling is done but saw this pic online and it seems to be less of small lines everywhere and more blob type patterns, did the builder just use more pigemented epoxy to do this, i.e. just put a lot of big blobs on there and swirled them?
impressive job i think.. %253D1%2526d%253D1259326989&w=800&h=100&ei=4kbjUOSsAYnzkQWlk4CYAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=715&vpy=416&dur=9304&hovh=75&hovw=600&tx=346&ty=49&sig=104825460809437390527&page=8&tbnh=29&tbnw=234&ndsp=40&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:200,i:82
i know how marbling is done but saw this pic online and it seems to be less of small lines everywhere and more blob type patterns, did the builder just use more pigemented epoxy to do this, i.e. just put a lot of big blobs on there and swirled them?
impressive job i think.. %253D1%2526d%253D1259326989&w=800&h=100&ei=4kbjUOSsAYnzkQWlk4CYAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=715&vpy=416&dur=9304&hovh=75&hovw=600&tx=346&ty=49&sig=104825460809437390527&page=8&tbnh=29&tbnw=234&ndsp=40&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:200,i:82