View Full Version : Noosa Bar Crossing Video Dec 16th 2012

19-12-2012, 03:23 PM
Following my Noosa report from Sun Dec 16th, here is a link to the bar crossing video I took on the GoPro. Hopefully it may be of interest to some of you.



Captain Seaweed
19-12-2012, 03:29 PM
Nice vid cheers mate! I think crossing bars is exciting and a skill that is always perfecting itself. Well done and thanks for posting!

manta man
19-12-2012, 04:21 PM
Hi Goldfinch is that bar always that shallow? Also i seen a little tinnie waiting to go
through i wonder if he made it. Anyway good video

19-12-2012, 04:46 PM
Great video. I think everyone has to make the call on the day. I probably would have sooked out given the way they were sucking up. They can pop up out of nowhere on days like that

19-12-2012, 05:21 PM
Awesome vid thanks heaps. I would encourage more people to film and post bar crossings. I'm pretty inexperienced with that and I would love to see more real scenarios! Thanks again.

Back In Black
19-12-2012, 06:00 PM
Top video Dave. You are right about the last ones, getting over them before they form too much. We crossed on Saturday & it was very similar, but once you get over the last breaker, there is a good run of clear water & then its on again. I almost pulled up to radio coastguard we were safely out, & then saw then the next onslaught, so hammered out past them. Its becoming a VERY long bar. I don't know if all the groyne work they have done at Dog Beach in the river is having any affect on the bar or not??

Bagged out
19-12-2012, 07:09 PM
Fantastic footage Dave,
My brother and cousin went out early Sunday morning first boat out just on day break, they were in a 4.1m tinnie made it out ok, they said it was a bit hairy going out coming back was ok.
They got some nice Spanish.


19-12-2012, 07:42 PM
Hi Goldfinch is that bar always that shallow? Also i seen a little tinnie waiting to go
through i wonder if he made it. Anyway good video

Manta Man.....The bar tends to be about 1m at the shallowest point of the channel and shallower either side. The sand is constantly changing and always needs re-assessing. I make regular trips to the river mouth just to watch the coast guard go out so I can see where the best spot to cross is.

19-12-2012, 07:46 PM
Top video Dave. You are right about the last ones, getting over them before they form too much. We crossed on Saturday & it was very similar, but once you get over the last breaker, there is a good run of clear water & then its on again. I almost pulled up to radio coastguard we were safely out, & then saw then the next onslaught, so hammered out past them. Its becoming a VERY long bar. I don't know if all the groyne work they have done at Dog Beach in the river is having any affect on the bar or not??

Tony, Your boat would have got through another 2 metres of swell mate :-). I'm not sure if the groyne work has effected the bar but it certainly has effected inside the river mouth. Two new channels have opened up, one from the Coast Guard diagonally through to the North end of the mangroves and then from the sand bags at dog beach through to the rock wall at the mouth. Not sure if Back In Black would get through them but I have seen lots of 4-6m vessels using them.

19-12-2012, 07:56 PM
Nice vid. Id go for a ride with you anyday..


19-12-2012, 08:38 PM
Ya did well dave....

I was just watching Davo's video....some ugly stuff on that one.
I know the fellow Craig who flipped on the bar early....Poor bugger had all his teeth smashed ut apparently and lost all his gear.


19-12-2012, 08:47 PM
Thanks Dave,
Can you post up your boat details so I can compare size and power with mine? You look like you did it easy!


mckanah gibson
19-12-2012, 08:57 PM
You made it look easy Dave! The last time I went out in a mates boat at the moreton bar we flipped the 6m cruise craft n had to swim for two hrs back to moreton island! Never seen that boat again!

19-12-2012, 10:11 PM
Thanks Dave,
Can you post up your boat details so I can compare size and power with mine? You look like you did it easy!


Craig, boat is a 19ft Edgewater 188cc with Yammy 150hp 4-stroke on the back. Hull dry weight is 930kg's, OB is about 250kg's, Fuel is 260litre. Here's a picture.

19-12-2012, 11:15 PM
Great footage, mate! Really helpful for the rest of us. Did I read it correctly when it said three people flipped??? Was that all on that day? Crazy if so. In that situation there, do coastguard respond pretty quickly? Thabnks again.


Boab Bribie
20-12-2012, 01:53 AM
Am i missing something i can not find the link to the video i have looked and clicked everywhere.

20-12-2012, 06:14 AM
It's in post number one. The picture between the text and cheers.

20-12-2012, 07:16 AM
We too went through about 5am on Sunday with nads duly tucked up under chin :).

Upon approaching the bar area we saw what I originally thought was two blokes surfing on the bar. As we got closer one was wearing a life jacket and the other not and a red esky bobbing about, obviously the day started out poorly for them.

What surprised me the most about the bar was that when I looked at the coastalwatch cameras on Saturday afternoon's low tide, there was a distinct channel towards the north shore and no-one was using it. Goldfinch, I think we saw you go through, Vitamin Sea went through and about one or two others before we hit the gas. VS took a couple over the top of a 635 Haines and the others stood their boats on their tails mostly. Further north in the channel Ray and I in my old V-Sea never took on a drop.

Wisely, most tinnies decided discretion was the better part of valour and decided no fish was worth the risk.

The biggest surprise to me was the distinct lack of boaties wearing a life jacket in such conditions, everyone was nervous you coulod feel that but still no lifejacket.

Oh and by the way all we got was a mack tuna - kept for bait.

Live to fight another day.


20-12-2012, 08:11 AM
great video. you made it look easy.
i think everyone should record their bar crossings to share.

Billy C
20-12-2012, 09:42 AM
Great video Dave - thanks for that. Scary thing is the bar doesn't really look that bad? Just goes to show it doesn't take much to come unstuck.

20-12-2012, 12:21 PM
Great video Dave.As you said look out the back of the bar the wave thats going to get you is 7 or 8 waves back. Most inexperienced skippers focus on what in the first 20m of the bar break.You did a great job.

20-12-2012, 12:31 PM
With all bars and particulary Noosa which Ive crossed a lot in some reasonable swell, once your over the wave get moving, get the throttle down and move forward as the next wave will break in the same area and if you have no momentum it will be messy. Ive seen to many people on bars get over the wave, crew pats everyone on the back job well done then get nailed by the next wave as the boat hasnt progressed forward.

20-12-2012, 04:09 PM
Yeah great post, great driving and great feedback from all....we went through tweed bar the day before with some nice sets coming thru but fortunately not breaking (wouldnt have attempted it)...different story on the way back in though had one stand up on me as they were breaking heavily behind me.....managed to sit on the back of it and get through fine....i too would like to see more footage and info on bar crossings and am apparently getting a go pro from the fat guy in in the red suit so i'm looking forward to posting some tweed crossings...encourage everyone to do the same....cheers

20-12-2012, 05:03 PM
Hi paulee I'm heading to currumbin over the Christmas break and planning on using tweed bar. The run out tide the worst of it, all else being equal?

20-12-2012, 05:51 PM
I launched in a kayak from main beach at Noosa on Sunday, it was a shocker, quite a few other yakkers didn't make it past the break. It was one of the lowest tides of the year, right on dawn when everybody wants to get out, with bigger than average easterly swells pushing right into Noosa and the river mouth.

The chatter on the radio was relentless, there was carnage on the bar, carnage at main beach with kayak fisherman getting smashed by the shore dumpers and not a lot of fish to be found anywhere despite reports from the previous weekend stating you could have walked on water at Noosa because the mackeral were so thick. Oh well, at least I made it out and back without incident.


20-12-2012, 07:08 PM
Hi paulee I'm heading to currumbin over the Christmas break and planning on using tweed bar. The run out tide the worst of it, all else being equal?
I am by far no expert on the Tweed or any Bar but as stated run out tide is the worst time to cross and the Tweed is to be be respected at all times. I have been through it probably 30 times since march so we only fished the end of the summer tides/swell/current etc.(New to Tweed) Have researched it a lot but you cant do enough imo. I was told a few boats had trouble running out of water on the Currumbin bar that same weekend...not exactly sure what happened....I know there will be weekends this summer i will be heading to the spit instead of the Tweed....in all cases mandatory Vmr log in, life jackets on and if in doubt dont go out cos you have to remember you have to get back in!!!!

20-12-2012, 07:17 PM
Looks like a bit more water on it when u crossed goldfinch, when we crossed it was 5am and tide still running out, waves were jacking up so fast that it caught you out if you didn't look we'll ahead and realise that the little bump 20 m away will become a 6ft shore dump in about 1/2 a second. We got a couple of small ones but the sets were solid.
Here's the link

20-12-2012, 08:13 PM
That is a great vid. Earlier this year I done a one day Bar Crossing course at Lakes Entrance Vic, that is run by the TAFE. The bar has claimed 180 odd lives since records began, but with more dreading its better now days I guess. I bit of advice we got was don't follow the Coast Guard on the weekends when they are training, they are searching for the shallower /white water to hone their skills.

22-12-2012, 07:56 AM