View Full Version : New boat
This is the only photo I have.
It's a Paddleyak Kingfisher - a glass boat made in South Africa, and having similar lines to a kaskazi dorado if I had to compare it to anything else.
It came up at the right price on the net, so a quick trip down to NSW over the weekend and I am the proud new owner.....
Not a whole lot of info on the net about them, but those that own them like them.
I've only been for a quick strap out the front of Nudgee Ck in the chop the other morning, but I'm liking what I am feeling under me so far. I'll have to get the GPS out and check, but I don't think she feels any quicker than an 8-9 kph boat, which is about the tradeoff I'd expect between speed and workability.
Below deck she's built like a traditional sea kayak with two bulkheads and three separate sealed compartments, the middle one is meant to be opened at sea.
Looking forward to putting some miles on her, and I hope it is as good to me as my scupper pro was. No matter how good this one is I'll miss the scupper I think.
Not a great photo, but the only one I have so far.
06-12-2012, 06:41 AM
Any pimping to coming up? Hope you get some blood on the decks soon
06-12-2012, 07:23 AM
I can get 10kmh out of my BFS so I would think that yours would be faster than that. What's the length?
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06-12-2012, 07:37 AM
Nice fishing ski, thats an Eric's ski if I'm not incorrect.Very good boat with good surf capabilities.Enjoy
4.7m long.
8-9 would be my paddle speed without sprinting. I could pull 11/12 out of the scupper pro so I'd expect a little better from this in a traffic light derby. eg The 570 profisha from stealth is a carbon fibre fishing boat that'll do 11 kph all day long, so mine would be better than average but not a speed demon like some.
I just missed out on an EVO 495 at the right price earlier in the year (yours isn't white is it JustChips?), and was kicking myself over it, so when this one came up I didn't make the same mistake.
pimping..... I sold my sounder and battery with the last boat, telling the mrs it was worthless without it, and leaving the door open for one of those colour garmins at the same time. Not a lot else, I have a hobie anchor setup but I used it so little on the last boat I don't know that I'll bother with this one - I'm more a paddler than a bottom fisherman off the yaks, so I'll drag a lure around and cast at tuna schools. The only bottom stuff I do is up at DI off the point.
Maybe we should have an AF Kayak weekend up at DI chasing macks and snaps? I'm not free until well into January though - silly season has well and truly landed.
I'm assuming the eric's ski comment was about FishHunter's BFS? Those, the Eric's and the Pope's canoes all look similar from a distance.
06-12-2012, 01:19 PM
There is an AKFF weekend up at DI in March chasing the late season macks and tuna that I will head up for. Tough to find time for weekends with work 6 days a week, kids sports, pushy wives etc. Also there is a dedicated offshore kayak fishing comp run by the new stealth dealers based at Adder Rock camp grounds at Straddy in February that could be of interest to yak fishers too.
I thought the Erics comment was referring to yours, but an Erics ski is another animal altogether. The BFS is a stealth also.
My evo was a new one with longer than normal leg wells to suit my oversized frame, I think I know the one you're referring to though and also know the new owner.
I also do not use an anchor anymore, but instead use a drift chute regularly to control my drift speed, as I bottom fish drifting with plastic generally if not trolling.
Hopefully, the macks should be making an appearance in Laguna Bay at Noosa soon, that is always fun, paddling after feeding schools all day, easy to clock up heaps of Klm's, many of them at a hefty pace too. You can certainly notice the difference between kayaks and power boats then, as although the power boaters may get to the schools first, the noise they make will see the school disappear almost immediately, where as when you get a school to yourself in a kayak they seem to stay there for ever or until a power boat arrives.
hope to catch you on the water one day.
I really really should have bought that white 495, its got to be the prettiest fishing kayak ever drawn. That one was composite too as I recall? I'm sure this one will do me fine though.
Funny thing about kayaks and sizes of humans - my first q to the seller - "How tall are you?" Luckily he was 6'2 and fitted easy, phew. I'm 6"1' which in the real world is only average at best these days, but I walk into a kayak shop and the shop attendants scatter. I should take some of my mates next time - they're proper big.
I'll have to make an effort to make that AKFF trip. Just have to keep one eye on the swell size that time of year and take the board as well - all bases covered.
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