View Full Version : Advice for Braid to Mono ratio.

04-12-2012, 12:55 PM
Hi guys,

New to this website, and relatively new in terms of getting back into fishing. Yesterday i wandered down to BCF and ended up buying myself a Shimano Spheros 14000FB reel with an Ugly Stik Platinum spin rod, 6 - 10kg. I intend to use this combo for charters and deep sea fishing. For the line i purchased Super PE 50lb braid and 40lb mono.

Curious to what ratio of mono to braid i should use for what I intend to do. I'd like information on how much i should use for the mono backing and leader and how much braid in between that. Also if theirs an issue with the combo i purchased for what i want to do constructive criticism would be appreciated.


Matthew Thompson
04-12-2012, 01:47 PM
if this is your only rod and reel you might aswell use all the braid you can, most people of back it with mono to save money I think.

I am no expert but I usually back mine roughly one 3rd to half of the spool (depending on the reel size etc) but that just to save money as I have spare mono lying around I am sure other on here wil be able to give more detail.

04-12-2012, 01:57 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. I thought the reason for a mono backing or people using electrical tape is so it doesn't fault or ruin the spool.
I was considering using 1/4 mono and 1/3 braid. Yes this is my only rod and reel atm. More advice and criticism would be greatly appreciated guys.

04-12-2012, 02:04 PM
The only reason i use Mono is to back the spool to give the Braid something to bite onto.

By what u are saying u are going to have a 62 metre leader??? Doesnt sound right, it is then pointless to have braid at all?

How big is the spool of Braid u have?

04-12-2012, 02:21 PM
Sorry let me correct myself.
I have 300m of 50lb braid and 258m of 40lb mono.
I was considering using 75m of mono to cover the spool then use 150m of braid.
Not sure on the leader, how much mono do you think i should use for the leader?
If the measurement i gave for the backing and braid is wrong or off, what would you're suggestions be for a 14000fb reel intended for deep sea?

04-12-2012, 02:26 PM
Typically we use a 5 to 8 meter leader fishing heavy offshore, and as much braid as we can fit on the spool. If you are planning to fish in up to 110 meters of water, you'd want at least 200 m of braid, preferably 300. Then just enough backing of mono on the spool so when the braid and leader is wound on, it's nice and full.

Basically, that's our general approach to spooling all our reels - envisage the max depth you might fish in with that rd and reel, multiply by at least 3 to get length of braid. Then buy a suitable length spool of braid, and bung a bit of backing mono on to make the end result a full spool.

We generally do try to get at least a small layer of mono on the spool first to help protect it, as without it, we do see lots of salt buildup etc at base of spools more than any other issue. For some reason, it doesn't seem to happen when there is some mono on first.



04-12-2012, 03:00 PM
Agree- use a thin layer of mono for the braid to grip and fill er up with braid. For the size rod you are using you simply wont be able to fish 50lb to anywhere near its limit so you are effectivly just cutting down your line capacity. The only advantage i see is a little more abraision resistance. I would be looking at upgrading the rod to at least a 15kg stick or down grading the braid to 30lb.


04-12-2012, 03:31 PM
Thanks moonlighter for the information, was great help.
I will buy another rod tomorrow. What are some good recommendations for a deep sea fishing rod that can handle pretty much everything and anything? Also do you think the Spheros 14000FB reel was a good purchase? Or should i have looked elsewhere. Considering buying a shimano 50lb tallus.

04-12-2012, 04:31 PM
Thanks moonlighter for the information, was great help.
I will buy another rod tomorrow. What are some good recommendations for a deep sea fishing rod that can handle pretty much everything and anything? Also do you think the Spheros 14000FB reel was a good purchase? Or should i have looked elsewhere. Considering buying a shimano 50lb tallus.

go see your local tackle store and they will do it (mono / braid fill) all for you easy and fast if they are set up for it. Most of the better tackle stores have this free service. as moonlighter said enough mono backing to fill your spool when braid is added. shimano spheros is a good tough reel, good drag, not too much different from the saragosa and up to the job generally. sure there are better reels out there but everyone has a budget. as camhawk suggested your rod maybe a little light especially if you are fishing 40lb braid, in deep water or have big target species. may be ok for smaller reefies though.

04-12-2012, 04:41 PM
I would put on maybe 40-50metres of Mono then the whole spool of Braid Personally, that way after u get snagged or busted off a few times then u have plenty of spare Braid on the reel.

Leader for offshore varies depending on what u are chasing, If u just fishing a paternoster then 2-3 metres is Plenty. just varies depending on what u are chasing,

Reel should handle it no probs at all, By the sounds of it, it wont be a use every weekend sort of deal so it should last u a while for sure.

Cheers Lee

04-12-2012, 05:01 PM
With the saragosa reel the only difference i have noticed is little extra drag and one extra bearing compared to the 14000fb. I could easily put another bearing in myself so really the difference is the bling? As for the handle they are easy swap outs in the future. The difference between the 14000fb and the 18000fb is 20m of line. Do you think that could be a concern realistically? Also what is your vote between the saragosa and the spheros from what i've said?
Problem is i did ask my local bcf to build me a rod which was a saragosa 14000fb with a 6 - 10kg ugly stik. So now im on this forum asking for proper professional assistance. I think I am happy with the reel i currently have, money isn't an issue (for the reel) if i wanted to upgrade. With the rod the t-curve is a little out of budget including a top end reel.


That rod is the Ugly Stik Bluewater Spin Rod. There are 2 different lengths one being 5'6 - 37kg and one being a 7' 15 - 24kg the other ugly stick is a 8 - 15kg ugly stick blue water rod. Would you recommend this road for my use and what weight division should i go for. I plan on making a purchase tomorrow, doing my research now. I am not sure about the T-curve revolution.

Is their a better purchase from what I've said? I am happy with my spheros 14000fb, i can upgrade to a 18000fb if i wanted to but would a bigger reel and 20m of line length be worth the hassle? I am pretty much after a good quality rod with my spheros 14000fb.

Thankyou all for you're advice so far.

04-12-2012, 05:04 PM
All the advice above is sound.

Not too sure why you have 40lb mono and 50lb braid though. Keep it the same IMO.

The rod....... IMO something in the range of 8 -15kg..... 6' 6" - 7' Fast taper. This way you can bottom bash and cast.

The reel:-

Considered by many as one of Shimano’s most reliable and robust reels, the Spheros range has long been a favourite of many anglers that demand the best out of their reels – day in, day out.

Redesigned for 2008, one of the most significant enhancements has been the incorporation of the Propulsion Line Management System – keeping line woes to a minimum. The system features - Propulsion Spool Lip, SR one-piece bail system and Power Roller III.

Large line capacities throughout the range provide an option for just about any application, with models equally at home pitching livies for Sailfish or dropping knife jigs over pinnacles for Samsons and Kingfish.

Designed tough, each model features a light-weight aluminium frame, cold-forged aluminium spool and graphite rotor (aluminium in 14000 & 18000 models). Dartainium drag system (6000 & 18000), AeroWave (8000) and AeroWrap oscillation (14000 & 18000), Fluidrive II, Dyna-Balance and stopperless design round out a true Shimano work horse.

You have spent around the $240 mark on a great reel, now you just need to marry it up to an equally robust rod.

Here's a thought for a rod.

United Composites-USA Graphite USA Series US-70 H

United Composites USA,s Graphite USA series blanks use the best manufacturing techniques and composite materials availiable in the USA today. With the Dual Helix construction it provides the fishing industry with rod blanks that defy convention, by being powerful, durable, strong and yet light weight.

Length: 7'0".
Action: Mod Fast.
Rating: 10-15kg.
Pieces: 1.
Lure Weight: 28-140grams.
Tip Diam: 3.0mm
Butt Diam: 15.5mm
Blanks Weight: 161grams

That'll set you back around $300. It will last a lifetime as these suckers are almost unbreakable.

Agreeing with most. cover the start of the spool with the mono, then wind on all the braid, finish it off with 5 - 10mtrs of mono, when bottom bashing / jigging. Could use less for casting / spinning.

The knot of choice to join the braid and mono is " The Slim Beauty ". you'll have to google that one.

I simply use a double locked blood, not pretty, but it carries knot strength equal to the line strength.

Personally, I drop the mono and the braid, in a bucket of water when initially winding them on. They seem to settle better when wound on wet.

Good Luck.


04-12-2012, 07:38 PM
Some good advice from Phill there too.

My contribution re a great rod, incredibly versatile, can jig, bottom bash, floatline etc, a fantastic all rounder is the T-Curve deep jig 200. See here for pecs.


If if ever had to pick just one rod for offshore fishing, this would be it. Great quality too and if cared for, will last you a long time. And a great match with your Spheros.

Some people will try to tell you it's too short, but trust me, it isn't, especially when you get a decent Ambo or YTk on the end, you will be happy you haven't got a 7 ft rod leveraging against you. it will pull coral trout out up on the reef, and it's tip is sensitive enough to work on squire and average sized pearlies too.

Several of my mates own more than one of these and are always on the lookout for more of them on special.



04-12-2012, 08:01 PM
Phill has gave me great advice as well as all of you.
I have come down to a decision. The thing is bcf sold me gear using their advice which was wrong. Ill be returning tomorrow to credit it and buy new gear as everything hasn't been yet touched.
I am considering swapping the Spheros 14000fb for a Saragosa 18000F reel, either reel would suite me fine tbh. With the rod I am swapping my 6'6 6 - 10kg uglystick plat for a Ugly Stik 7'6 8 - 15kg bluewater rod which was the 3rd rod out of my links. For the braid i will be using Power Pro yellow along with Platypus Pretest Clear 500mtrs 24kg line. From what i have researched and asked questions on i think this is a good combo, and in total rounds up to about $600. An extra $150 on what I prepurchased but i think the $150 extra is well worth its money don't you think?

Thanks again everybody for you're help.

04-12-2012, 08:25 PM
I tend to agree pack as much braid on as you can, no use wasting a spool.
I have packed spools slim and left some behind only to see that the spool capacity drop, closer to the mono in time.


04-12-2012, 08:50 PM
Good choice. I have a couple of Saragosas and they are very nice bits of gear. Recently stopped an 11kg snapper on a little 4000 size model loaded with 20 lb Powerpro, on a 6-8kg Shimano Jewel spin stick....:o

One suggestion - don't spend much money on backing line. It's just there to sit the braid on. But buy yourself a spool of 40 or 50 lb supple flourocarbon leader. not the hard stuff, the supple stuff. Fluorocarbon is more expensive that mono but much better for leaders. Invisible in water and tougher.



04-12-2012, 09:10 PM
With the 18000 sara i should be able to pack on 200 - 300m of braid with backing and a short 5m leader.
For the mono backing i assume it doesn't really matter what weight it is? Only the leader? Will check out fluorocarbon as well.

04-12-2012, 09:19 PM
Yeah the backing can be some 30 or 40 lb cheapo stuff.

The leader is the important stuff. Most Japanese made fluorocarbon is good.



05-12-2012, 07:00 AM
Narrowed it down to:

Just curious to what weight rating i should grab. The sole purpose of this road is deep sea fishing. Should i get the 7' 15 - 24kg rod or the 5'6" 24kg rod?

Thanks for all you're help guys.

05-12-2012, 12:39 PM
Can close thread now if you wish.

Ended up grabbing a saragos 18000f with an Ugly Stik 15 - 24kg Bluewater series. Mono for backing, 300m of power pro braid and some black magic leader.
I also ended up with a 13'6" Jarvis Walker Tailor Taker and 300m of pretest mono for that so i can fish on the beach. Reason i got this is because i found my old Alvey 500B reel and cleaned it up to working order :).

Thanks again everybody and ill post up time to time with the results i get from going out!