View Full Version : too hoo

25-11-2012, 06:44 PM
Made some last minute changes of plans due to the reports of wahoo at Hutchies and launched at 4 am. Trip across the bay and across to Hutchies was sloppy and took me about 90 minutes, so I was surprised to be the third boat there. I marked some real nice patches of bait but the fish seemed picky about which lures they wanted. Wouldn't touch high speed skirts or pushers, only wanted minnows today. Had 4 hits all up, for one failed to hook up, one bust off (nick in the line?) and 2 landed. Both smallish fish, but both went for some good fast runs on 8 kg tackle. Lots of fun.

25-11-2012, 06:47 PM
Lovin it!! :thumbsup:

outta line
26-11-2012, 05:52 AM
nice one bud .... i scored 2 from 4 off the pin yesterday two bitten of at swivels .... not big fish biggest just shy of 7kg....... cheers mick

26-11-2012, 07:10 AM
good to see the hoo are back.Well done,