View Full Version : 2nd shot at coochie artie

10-11-2012, 02:45 PM
the plan was to head out at 5am....... woke at 4 and it was raining...same at 5.... got up just before 7am... bearly spitting so loaded up and set off round 8ish:-?

arrived at artie couple a hours after high water and started drifting.... first fish in about 2 minutes....another 6 caught and released in next 2 hours or so round the 30 to 37cm..:)

thought id try a gulp shad in nuklear chook... and wasnt long i got a run... another just undersize i guessed, then a real strong run but not for long...easily retrieved the fish... well some of it...:-[

rain set in and i woosed out and came home...all fish swam away..except the one that floated off

looks like the next chance is wednesday or thursday...:)

10-11-2012, 06:36 PM
So there are fish at them arties now also sharkies hey. Good to see someone else using berkley for the snaps. Weather was crap and i had to move house but helped mate launch his big haines ready for sounder upgrade and water looked smooth but merky as. Cheers DD.....

10-11-2012, 07:29 PM
Great session, Chris. If that sharked snap was a legal, then the noah that chomped her may have been a decent size (for that area). Looks like a very straight line of teeth, which suggests a wider mouth than your average 10-15kg pup.


10-11-2012, 08:29 PM
yeah cuzza,
my thoughts exactly... id say it woulda bin close to legal the bit left was 13cm.... and yeah nice neat straight cut..im not going swimming there thats for sure :)