View Full Version : WD40 & Sticky Reel Handle on Stella

Mad Fish
28-10-2012, 03:24 PM
Hi Guys
I've got a Stella and I have got WD 40 on the handle and the Rubber/plastic is now sticky!! Tried washing it in hot soapy water but when it dries it's sticky again. Any Suggestions to stop the reaction ??
John :(

28-10-2012, 04:11 PM
Hey mate you could try mentholated spirits

28-10-2012, 04:13 PM
Try cleaning with metho to dry it out. That's one of the reasons i don't use wd 40 but innox instead.
hope that helps you

28-10-2012, 05:15 PM
Used bushmans with sunscreen in it, once, and it did that to both my reel handle and my kayak paddle handle. where it got transferred by my hands. Eventually just wore off and came good. Nothing I tried got rid of it. I reckon it just softened the top layer an dI had to wait for it to wear off.

28-10-2012, 07:13 PM
Strange, I use WD40 on all my reels and never had a problem.

28-10-2012, 07:24 PM
I don't use WD40 or lanonin/Innox on any reels, a small bottle of Proteca reel oil has done me for a few years now.

Spot oil your reels, light hose with fresh after use, wipe with a rag after if your feel like it.

No idea how to stop it, maybe just hit it with some hot water then a rag to remove what is already there.


18-11-2012, 04:49 PM
Hi mate, the soft handles on Shimano's will stay sticky if they come in contact with WD40. Shimano service dept. only reccommend the use of Ballistol as it will not eat away the handles or make them go sticky.

18-11-2012, 09:57 PM
Take the knob off the handel and clean up the bearings ...there are 2 super small bearing in there .......
Sorry Mad fish..Misread your original post, and couldnt delet it ....See what the drink does late at nite ...LOL