View Full Version : Whiting / light surf rod

23-10-2012, 09:21 AM
Mum had been kind enough to offer me a new rod for my birthday and I am keen to target the whiting a bit more this summer.

I have been to the shops and had a look at snyderglas, live fibres and gary howards around the 10'6" mark and they all look the goods.

The cost is not an issue for the rod, I just want the best rod. Wondering if anyone could shed some positive and/or negative light on any of the rods mentioned above.

Also looking for an egg beater reel to match with it. I currently use a Sedona 1000 on my soft plastics set up and am happy with that so was going to get a 4000 but not too sure. Want to stay around the $100 mark for the reel.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,



23-10-2012, 03:12 PM
Some nice whiting and bream sticks in GH and Snyder Glass, power should not matter too much, just have a nice tip and something that feels light and easy to handle.

Not sure about the reel though, a 4000 might be overkill for whiting.

Depends on how much of a purist you are, you could always get an Alvey light surf.


25-10-2012, 10:48 AM
I have a 10' strada 2 pce. I generally use it for light lures uop to 20g. i also use it for whiting off the bank here in vic. ckeck it out as some shops do not stock them. at around $110, not a bad buy.

25-10-2012, 11:48 AM
Mate. Any light 10foot rod will do the job
I would recm a Gary Howard. Breambo.
