View Full Version : Daiwa Aird Drag sticky

14-10-2012, 08:39 AM
i got a new Daiwa Aird reel a couple of months ago, and have been impressed with its preformance in all areas except the drag. ive had a few good fish on it and the drag seems sticky and not smooth at all.
what are the best options for upgrading drag. is there somewhere i can send it,that does upgrades??

14-10-2012, 09:03 AM
Forgive me if I am stating the obvious, but have you tried putting some quality grease on the drag washers?
Alan Hawk rates Daiwa Tounament grease best from memory; sorry but I have no idea where you would get it from though.

14-10-2012, 09:08 AM
For me its not obvious, ive never done this with any reels ive had, mostly shimano though, ill have a look around. thanks.

14-10-2012, 10:06 AM
benny check a website called Smooth drag they have carbontex drag washers at very reasonable prices also stock Cals Drag Grease , US website but postage is cheap ,I have dealt with them before and highly recomended

Cheers Dave

14-10-2012, 02:47 PM
Drag washers are probably no good, you need to find the part number for your drag washer (set or single) and often you can find carbontex replacements on the net as other Daiwa reels often take the same part N#.

Problem is there is little on the net readily available to order carbontex replacements for light inshore spinners..

SO if that fails you have to measure it yourself or simply take em out, put them in an envelope and send them away so they can cut you a set to fit.

I just ordered a carbontex washer for a Daiwa Excelor 4000 as the drag in it is also slippery after a little use.
I found the part number on the net and a few other higher price Daiwas take the same washer size.

This was mine -->>Daiwa Spinning #F69-1001 (1 washer).

Have not received the washer as yet as the site was a bit obscure, but hopefully it will come (just sent an email).

Yes and some quality drag grease when you swap then.

After saying all that if you want to save fuss just send them to Jack Erskins Precision Reels in an envelope and they will cut you some and send them back.


14-10-2012, 04:52 PM
Mate. You can buy carbontex washers from Jack Erskines in Cairns.

You can order them on line.

If you are not willing to do this I can order and install them for you.
The drag washers normally cost from 25 to 35 dollars and I will charge you $5 + the cost of the drag washers.
Contact me on 0427832618
