View Full Version : GoPro Tests

21-09-2012, 10:20 AM
Hey - not really a fishing video as I decided to test some different angles etc with my GoPro2 yesterday whilst running around in the boat on my own for a change. Great day on the water too.



21-09-2012, 11:24 AM
Some great angles there Rhino, should help you see what will work when setting up for a fishing Vid, only problem I saw mate, was that it showed us what a horrible looking boat you have...:P:P:P

Cheers BINGO (Dave)

21-09-2012, 12:05 PM
I'm looking at getting one of those new WiFi add on's that enable you to switch the camera on and off with a wrist watch assembly. That way there will be no scurrying around trying to start the camera under pressure after a strike. The WiFi add on looks really good as you can actually control up to 50 cameras simultaneously with the watch assembly. Great for multi angled shots. Not that I have 50 cameras though. May be cool if I manage to get another camera for 2 angles.

Then I gotta catch some fish...


21-09-2012, 12:33 PM
I'll have to check that out Rhino, sounds like the go to me, I'd like a second camera for sure.
Good luck with it mate, look forward to seeing you videos.

Cheers BINGO