View Full Version : Face protection

13-09-2012, 06:35 AM
When I was fishing at Jumpinpin yesterday. I saw a bloke drift past me and he was wearing a full face mask which looked damn good for sun protection.

I reckon that I have seen pictures of Ausfishers wearing these things but don't know anything about them.

What are they called, please?

Are they comfortable to wear? As we get into the searing heat of summer, they might just be the duck's guts for face protection but not if breathing is a bit hot underneath them like it is when wearing a dust protector over nose and mouth.

All advice gratefully received. :)

13-09-2012, 06:50 AM
Wasn't one of these was it Charlie?
I can see you in one of these

Or one of these??

Or are you wanting to get out in the Buff??

If I remember Chris (Nagg) started a thread about the Buff style of protection and it's no-name competitors.

13-09-2012, 07:06 AM
Thanks, Finga. It was the latter variety. I shall look for the thread to which you refer.

All of these things are suitable for robbing banks but the only bank that I was trying to rob yesterday was Kalinga Bank and I was pretty unsuccessful at that.


13-09-2012, 07:50 AM
for sure charlie, don't be stopping at the bank or service station on the way home from fishing

13-09-2012, 08:09 AM

Jarrah Jack
13-09-2012, 08:41 AM
Have you tried one of those arab had type things Charlie? I use one when up in the NT, very comfortable and adjustable.

Fishing two weeks in a row..whooo hooo

13-09-2012, 09:12 AM
http://actionbikeski.com.au/content/product/full/Kalahari_Kayak_Sun_Hat_Assorted_Colors-3872-758.jpg + http://www.getprice.com.au/images/uploadimg/1906/ultra_protect_250ml__24549_zoom.jpg + http://socksaddicts.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/25141-socks_sandals_opinion.jpg works well for me...

13-09-2012, 09:15 AM
Have you tried one of those arab had type things Charlie? I use one when up in the NT, very comfortable and adjustable.

Fishing two weeks in a row..whooo hooo

Yes, JJ. I wear the Adaptacap type caps all of the time. There are now a few brands around and they are very good.

Having had a very painful full face Efudix treatment of sun damage a few years ago, I am still very conscious of sun falling on my face and also reflected light off the water so I am ever open to any way of protecting the face.

Believe it of not, I even wear my Adaptacap at night time when out on the bay fishing. They are pretty good at keeping mossies away from the neck and ears and indeed, in winter do keep the neck a bit warmer than if just a beanie is worn. I hate the sound of mossies buzzing around my ears.

Yup! Fishing two weeks in a row. Only daylight stuff so far though so it is not real fishing. ;D

I have not fished at Jumpinpin for about three years or so and now it seems that four out of five boats around there has an electric motor on the front. I spoke to the bloke with the face mask as he was tracking along the ledge where I was anchored outside Swan Bay under the power of a MinnKota with the iPilot GPS guided thingy about his experience with the iPilot. Gotta get one of those things! :D I just have to work out how to mount it on the front of my runabout without sacrificing my ability to dismount from the boat over the bow.


13-09-2012, 10:12 AM
Buff fogged up my sunnies, they are also smaller than you would think, bit tight around the neck.

13-09-2012, 10:29 AM
Sorry. I'm lost for words :-?

13-09-2012, 10:29 AM
http://socksaddicts.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/25141-socks_sandals_opinion.jpg works well for me...
Oi. They're my thongs.
They even have my name on them

The Cook gets cranky when I wear my socks and sandals out. She reckons I'm a bloody dag or something like that.
I don't wear white socks though. Usually blue or grey or sometimes black with safety green on the top.

13-09-2012, 10:31 AM
http://actionbikeski.com.au/content/product/full/Kalahari_Kayak_Sun_Hat_Assorted_Colors-3872-758.jpg + http://www.getprice.com.au/images/uploadimg/1906/ultra_protect_250ml__24549_zoom.jpg + http://socksaddicts.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/25141-socks_sandals_opinion.jpg works well for me...

Yup. L88. I wear exactly the first (green) one in your picture. In fact, I have owned a couple. They are very effective but don't cover the full face. Also, if the side flaps are fully done up at the front, the velcro tab can rub and be a bit annoying.

I also wear the 30+PF sunscreen but I always suspect that keeping the sun off the face might be better than trying to process it after it has fallen on the face. Usually, I apply zinc cream of varying colours on my face also. (...and have learnt that the el cheapo baby wipes are the best thing for removing same in the car on the way home. I am used to getting some pretty strange looks at the ramp when I arrive back there with a blue face. ;D )

Socks??? Real Queensland fishermen don't wear socks! Crocks are OK though. ;D

I do find it almost impossible to fish in daylight in summer without fishing gloves though. I did not wear any yesterday and the backs of my hands are pretty red. Yes, I know that I can apply sunscreen to my hands but the fish don't like sunscreened bait.

13-09-2012, 10:41 AM
I was also interested in the comment in the BCF video in one of the links that Finga sent that the presenter talked of soaking the Buff in water and enjoying the cooling effect of that on the face on a hot day.

That is quite an attractive idea. I keep a spray bottle on the boat and on those really stinking hot days on the water, I usually spray a mist of water over my face a few times throughout the day. It offers great relief. Of course, it could be all of that zinc cream that makes the face hotter on the hot days, I suppose.

13-09-2012, 11:33 AM
Yup. L88. I wear exactly the first (green) one in your picture. In fact, I have owned a couple. They are very effective but don't cover the full face. Also, if the side flaps are fully done up at the front, the velcro tab can rub and be a bit annoying.

I also wear the 30+PF sunscreen but I always suspect that keeping the sun off the face might be better than trying to process it after it has fallen on the face. Usually, I apply zinc cream of varying colours on my face also. (...and have learnt that the el cheapo baby wipes are the best thing for removing same in the car on the way home. I am used to getting some pretty strange looks at the ramp when I arrive back there with a blue face. ;D )

Socks??? Real Queensland fishermen don't wear socks! Crocks are OK though. ;D

I do find it almost impossible to fish in daylight in summer without fishing gloves though (see what happens when ya retire..ya nanny nap and don't get out in the sun. Wait until the middle of summer and you can come along and spend a day on a roof with us.). I did not wear any yesterday and the backs of my hands are pretty red. Yes, I know that I can apply sunscreen to my hands but the fish don't like sunscreened bait.

sunscreen..gross..I hate the stuff..never used any of my face or hands..oily crap it is..yuck. I don't reckon any form of cream could detract from the rugged handsomeness I have been blessed with.

13-09-2012, 12:20 PM
I don't reckon any form of cream could detract from the rugged handsomeness I have been blessed with.

I totally agree. Indeed, I suspect that you have the same colour on the outside as you do on the inside.

Remind me, please. What do they call that hue? Is it "nicotine"? ;D
