View Full Version : Report on OK Prowler Elite 4.1

09-09-2012, 10:06 AM
I finally had the new kayak in the water this morning. A little wind and small chop i nthe Passage.

Having previously owned a Hobie yak then that is the only yak I can compare it to.

Firstly, The Prowler is much lighter and easier to lift on the racks than the Hobie.

1.Stability...at first it felt unstable but after a while, it was not too bad. Would I try and get in it from the pontoon at the backyard..no way.

2. Tracking..constantly having to alter course to maintain something resembling a straight line..perhaps due to different strength in arms..not sure.

3. Ease through the water...takes a while to cover any distance..once again that could be me but the Hobie pedalling sure makes the paddling archaic for travelling any distance.

4. Now the killer...the Prowler is so wet it is unbelievable. If you like sitting in a bathtub to paddle then this is the yak for you. Water gets in and does not get out.

Maybe I am doing something wrong..dunno.

Would I buy another OK kayak..nope.

Would I recommend an OK kayak..nope.

Mine is now for sale...will save and get another Hobie.

(next weekend on Wivenhoe could be fun..wet butt again..LOL)

09-09-2012, 11:27 AM
Did you plug up the scuppers with pool noodle? Makes a huge difference.

They will be a wetter yak as they are narrower and lower in the water than most hobbies. Also until you learn to paddle without dripping water in to the yak, you wont be totally dry.
Same with the tracking, just a matter of paddle technique, prowlers are one of the faster paddle fishing yaks in the water, just as well you didn't buy something like a tempo if you think its slow. Also they track pretty good compared to shorter yaks, dont forget peddle Hobbies all have rudders, I assume your prowler doesn't, prowler rudders are nice and big and they track straight as a die with the rudder.

Yes it will seem slow compared to a hobbie, probably 75% of the speed at best. I cruise at about 6ph in mine, my old Tempo I was flat out keeping at 4kph, and I dont even put the rudder in the water until the wind gets worse than when I would have had to give it away with the tempo (no rudder).

One thing that does annoy me in my prowler is the sharp ripples where my calves sit in the leg wells. Fixed that by carrying two small brag mats rolled up, stick them between my calves and the hull.

17-09-2012, 11:45 AM
well..I had a talk with the OK rep at Wivenhoe on the weekend...wow, they make scuppers for under the seat..pity the supplier I purchased it from did not tell me that. Got them and went for a paddle..that's better.

Next..went to put the battery in its holder..it came away from the hull as I went to tighten the strap..bloody hell..took that out and gave it to the OK rep..told him I could do much better myself which I will do.

THEN...arrived home today..the shackles holding one of the rudder cables had fallen off whilst in transit..sheesh.