View Full Version : No complaints here ... : )

01-09-2012, 01:50 PM
My missus heads out tomorrow for the USA and she wanted me home in time to help get things ready. Still, I started a little later than usual, hitting the water at 5am. Today I wanted to check my little bream channel out. As I paddled out I had a fairly stiff westerly at my back so I let it blow me across the passage and over to my spot. On the way over I flicked a 3inch gulp minnow around and hooked up to a 30ish cm flatty. Back he goes but donut averted thanks!! The moon setting in the west and the sun rising in the east made for a pretty morning sky. The tide was running in but it was still fairly low. Just right for my little spot. :thumbsup:

I got up in there and started to flick around and then I felt that subtle little tap.... I paused .....then raised my rod tip and felt some good weight. This thing took off out of the deeper (2Mtrs) into the shallows (40cms). I had a horrible feeling it was a ray at 1st but then it started chucking a wobbly, tear arsing around and not liking the look of me or the Yak I rode in on. I was using my favourite combo,6lb Nano and 8lb flouro leader. It was holding up well. Finally after a great little tango I yakked him. 65cms of prime fathers day flatty fillets sorted!!:thumbsup::thumbsup: I mucked around in there a little more but as the sun rose so did the wind speed so I decided to troll down the passage.

I paddled a couple of klms and then set up for a drift in about 4mtrs of water. As I got into shallower waters I was struck again by a 47cm flatty. It was only just hooked. His unlucky day cos I needed just 1 more fish for fathers day feed I reckoned so he went into keeper net too. I then paddled about a klm back towards Bells trolling for nothing again then set of on another drift. I was back onto a 3 inch gulp minnow (in smelt) when I was absolutely smashed by something a bit bigger than a 47cm flatty :D :D This thing started peeling line off my little Pflueger like there was no tomorrow. About this time old mate in his ski boat towing a wake boarder decides it's time to come blasting past the only other watercraft within 2klms!! The fish had a fair bit of line on me and I was really worried this bloke was gonna ruin my day. He seemed to veer away from me but was still within about 50 meters. I turned my attention back to the fish. It had slowed a little and then he chucked a righty, he was pulling the nose of the yak around and working against the current. I had faith my drag was right cos I had the big flatty in no probs, I knew my knots were cool too cos I re tie them every time before I got out. It became a game of patience, slowly but surely I made ground on it, I saw colour and it was my biggest Trev yet!!! I buggered around and netted it. My measure only goes to 40cms and I reckon this went 46cms to the tip of it's tail. A heap of fun!!! :D :D Well I had to get home to the missus so trolled back and headed home. One of the happier mornings on the water I have had in a while. :thumbsup:


01-09-2012, 03:10 PM
Top stuff Funchy, great shot of the trevally it would of put up a good fight?


01-09-2012, 03:16 PM
top post funchy,Hey might bring the bath tub up there next saturday,Are you free ?,you can show me your little haunts.

01-09-2012, 04:12 PM
Onya Luke, gotta love a quick session that ticks the boxes.
I'm gonna hit that spot we were talking about last time in the moprning for a short session home by about 11am to get into the drawing again.
Beep your horn as you drive past me if you want!! hhahaha

01-09-2012, 05:22 PM
so how longs the ol girl away for?? while the cats away..............those trevs go well on light gear....last time out i got a big eye on 6lb braid, gave me plenty of stick.

Chas & Clarry
01-09-2012, 05:26 PM
Fantastic morning's fishing Funchy. THose trevs give a great fight, and taste OK too IMP, but that flatty will be better eating. Glad you had a good day out. So with Mrs Funchy OS are you going to be fishing more or are you looking after the kids so fishing less???

Tim and Trace

01-09-2012, 05:34 PM
Trevs might be okay cooked whole? I tried to fillet one once without much luck. The cat loved it.

What size jighead hooks are you using for flathead funchy? I used to use size 1 and I upgraded to 1/0 and I lost a table size flathead this arvo as it just shook itself free. I admit I am not used to fishing in the water (wading) and maybe I need to raise the rod up high after hooking a flathead, maybe that is why I am having troubles landing them. Nice fish and report as usual :)

01-09-2012, 07:33 PM
top effort funchy, good stuf that nano.
cook him whole they are very nice at that size.

02-09-2012, 09:06 AM
Thanks all for your kind words...

BTW... the Trev went back to fight another day ;D:D;)

@ Adam, yeah mate happy to have a fish up here with ya. I will call you during the week mate and tee something up

@Wayno, She is gone for 3 weeks mate and this little mouse is gonna play up!! ;D (Fishing wise that is)

@Tony, cheers. Let me know how you go ;). We can hit that spot up when it warms just a tad more.

@ C&C, I have to work Mon to Fri so business as usual. My 2 boys went with the missus. The 2 girls are here with me but I have the in liws staying to help out. They go camping at Hastings Point from Thursday for 10 days so the next 2 weekends are all mine!!! Yeeehaaa!!

Goodoo haven
02-09-2012, 09:18 AM
Nice mixed bag of fish there. Those flathead fillets look really nice too... yumm.

02-09-2012, 11:57 AM
top effort funchy. what a great outing and feed too. congrats

02-09-2012, 01:34 PM
@Wayno, She is gone for 3 weeks mate and this little mouse is gonna play up!! ;D (Fishing wise that is)

yer thats what i ment....