25-08-2012, 09:44 AM
As a left hand fisherman I've always had trouble using OH reels. Even though I'm right handed I prefer to hold the rod with my strong hand but finding a decent quality OH was a pain!! (unless your willing to pay $$$ for a specially designed reel) I even tried using right hand OHs for a while but just couldn't get used to it! Found half the battle of bringing up a decent fish was balancing the rod!! Been using big spinning reels but just not the same. Now Penn and Avet are finally starting to think of us and are making some of their common reels available in left hand!! Theres only a few at the moment and only in america but i'm sure it will get more popular soon!! More companies are starting to make them and hope Daiwa and Shimano do the same too!! I ordered the Penn Squall 60 LDLH and Avet 5.3 LH. Will let you know how they are soon hopefully!! :)