View Full Version : Logan river barra

24-08-2012, 03:09 PM
Got an excited phone text and photo from my second youngest boy this afternoon, being a keen fisho he was down the logan castnetting for mullet for use deepsea when he brought up a 70cm barra in the net, dont know how rare they really are down this far but ive never heard of anybody else catching one.

Daryl McPhee
24-08-2012, 03:46 PM
There's been a couple that I am aware that have been caught in the Coomera over the years. Nice fish!

24-08-2012, 05:59 PM
Thats a big offshore bait.

outta line
24-08-2012, 06:42 PM
in floods they sometimes get washed out of the fish farms and end up in the rivers..........not that often caught and would be a story to tell ..... well done ...cheers mick

24-08-2012, 06:44 PM
Classic catch.

A Barra in the Logan!..? Not too many can lay claim to that :)

I would be stoked to land one.


24-08-2012, 09:41 PM
Enough caught there to be actually targeted by a few guys in the know. Not sure if they are escapees or natural

24-08-2012, 09:47 PM
Would of been fun in the net.

Cheers BINGO

25-08-2012, 10:06 AM
Ive herd rumours of several being caught up that way now. When i went to the Barra farm about 7 months back(sunshine coast) a fella in the tackle shop was telling me that from the floods they are now catching barra in the river and very small ones too so he believes they are breeding in there.Give it a few years and you never no barra on the Gold Coast might not be as mythical and might be a regular occurrence.Congrats to your boy for landing one in a cast net thou good effort i say.

Thanks Bron

25-08-2012, 01:13 PM
Cool! Bet he was surprised. Heard of a few in the logan over winter. They wont get a chance to breed if people keep necking them though. Ben

25-08-2012, 03:22 PM
Spoke to my son this morning re the barra, he said they actually caught 3 but the others were too small, bet him a million he couldnt repeat the effort..

25-08-2012, 04:21 PM
Cool! Bet he was surprised. Heard of a few in the logan over winter. They wont get a chance to breed if people keep necking them though. Ben

Really disappointed about your comment Blooey. Alley's son has done nothing wrong by taking the barra for a feed. Legal size and in season. Some people never get the chance to head up north and target these fishies.

25-08-2012, 04:43 PM
What a catch and at that size and 3 of them to. Must have been a day to remember (unless he can do it again hah) and with basic species up there that must have had him drooling at those fillets. Well done on him. I netted a baby threadfin salmon in tinny creek a few years back and was wrapped and to see that it is amazing with the cold water we get in winter. My mate gets jack down at coffs and that was a wierd catch for so far down south as well but we could all enjoy barra. Cheers DD.....

25-08-2012, 06:53 PM
It didnt worry me at all that he kept it, after all we dont know what affect a large barra population would have on other species if they were to take hold down here, but if he was to take a flathead over 65cm i would kick his butt till he tasted reebok, he knows from my nagging that you can catch a fish a hundred times but you can only cook it once..

Scott Ashe
26-08-2012, 07:31 AM
A real surprise for the logan mate, well done.

27-08-2012, 08:57 AM
don't the farm ones have different colour eyes to the naturally spawned ones? and if it's a farm one and i remember rightly, i'm pretty sure they don't breed in the wild anyway. good catch though and a nice meal as well, no-one should have any problem with someone taking a fish like that for dinner.

27-08-2012, 01:27 PM
Congrats to your son on a surprising catch... Rumour has it this is not as uncommon as people have long believed.. going back an repeating this catch will confirm this.

Paddles...LOL .......shall we release you back into the wild and see if you breed?? LOL Breeding is instict for all fish, if they have a partner and the right water conditions they WILL breed...survival of the fry is another issue altogether!!

Maroochy river will be quite interesting this summer!!

27-08-2012, 01:50 PM
That's a solid fish. that's one of the great things about cast netting, you're never sure what you'll pull up. In relation to the comment about "necking them" i'm not sure if he was having a go or not as he seemed genuinely impressed. Besides as you clarified, he let two others go, and kept a legal fish. I'd say he earnt it by getting that sucker in using his bare hands.

27-08-2012, 02:26 PM
nah, i wouldn't do any good back in the wild. i was actually serious though i honestly thought they didn't breed in the wild, i know it sounds strange but i'm sure i've read or heard it somewhere. but definitely the blue eyes for farm fish.

27-08-2012, 06:22 PM
I am genuinely happy for the bloke, would have been a great moment for him. Just seeding the idea that maybe they are better off released so they at least have a chance at reproducing more barra. I was very tempted myself too "neck" one from the goldy last year. Ben

28-08-2012, 07:15 AM
That's a solid fish. that's one of the great things about cast netting, you're never sure what you'll pull up. In relation to the comment about "necking them" i'm not sure if he was having a go or not as he seemed genuinely impressed. Besides as you clarified, he let two others go, and kept a legal fish. I'd say he earnt it by getting that sucker in using his bare hands.

People - - - please note that mind reading wasn't taught at high school, or the pub, or playground. If you type it then one would assume you meant it. On the other hand - assumptions cause ****ups.

29-08-2012, 01:54 PM
blind freddy has a point......although im not sure someone without a head can be trusted!! LOL