View Full Version : Seabreeze verses BOM

28-07-2012, 07:04 PM
What's the go? Seabreeze reckon tomorrow is beaut but BOM saying 15-20 knots?

The Seabreeze prediction is for 'Brisbane' but the BOM prediction is for Moreton Bay... Perhaps that's the difference?

28-07-2012, 07:08 PM
coastwatch and seabreeze have very similar forecasts for tomorrow if you click the actual wind predictor. I believe coastwatch uses BOM charts etc? Seabreeze also predicted 25kn winds for 7 this morning. Wasnt a breath when i launched at 7 on the pine.

28-07-2012, 07:17 PM
I look at both but tend to believe BOM moreso and at the end of it I have a look out the window lol.

28-07-2012, 07:23 PM
It's hard to believe any of them.

28-07-2012, 08:15 PM
I have a bit of a theory that Seabreeze is really only looking at what is happening right on the beaches (catering for their Kitesurfung/Windsurfing history) whereas the BOM are looking more at the open water.

It's only my theory, but it has happened a few times where I have headed out on a really good seabreeze forecast (0-10kn all day) where the BOM forecast was not good, while we are out wide, we get absoloutely hammered, pull the pin and decide to head in, and as we get closer to shore, the conditions improve out of sight (to the point where the seabreeze forecast is correct). If you told the people that stayed in close how bad it was out wider, they would look at you like your an idiot!

I don't think that QLD has the Graphical forecast yet (see http://www.bom.gov.au/forecasts/graphical/marine/nsw/taree.php )But it is really good to watch this and see how much conditions can be different right on the beaches compared to a few miles out. Right now isn't the best example, as it is ordinary everywhere but you can still see that the inshore conditions are better than the offshore conditions. The forecasts are usually a LOT better on the shoreline which backs up my theory of Seabreeze looking at the inshore conditions only.

Like I said, just a theory, but I think it has some merit



28-07-2012, 08:52 PM
Maybe the beach they are predicting for is the tiny one under the Story Bridge! :)

Yeah Scott what you said makes a lot of sense.

Having said that.... With my limited experiences since March I haven't yet seen stronger winds in middle or southern bay than Seabreeze predicted. In other words they seem to be 'safe'.

It's no good looking out my window.... It's 50 Klms inland... :)

Muddy Toes
28-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Not to hijack this thread or anything but I thought I would just ask this question whilst all the resident meteorologist are in the one place.

When using Seabreeze why is it that when viewing the wind and wave forecast the wave height is measured in metres but when you scroll down to the wave direction and period forecast it gets measured in feet?

28-07-2012, 09:25 PM
good question muddy you board again..oh and buggered if i know the answer

Muddy Toes
28-07-2012, 09:30 PM
good question muddy you board again..oh and buggered if i know the answer

Bored and annoyed that I don't get to go with you blokes tomorrow......

28-07-2012, 09:36 PM
......why is it that when viewing the wind and wave forecast the wave height is measured in metres but when you scroll down to the wave direction and period forecast it gets measured in feet?

Good question. Bit silly eh!

I reckon the answer is that the site was probably built by an old bugger like me. (not real old... Just in my prime).

When I was in school it was all imperial then while still in school metric came in. Good and confused I was, and been that way ever since. :)

A side effect of that mixed upbringing is I switch in and out of metric/imperial on a random basis. Bet the site owner is like that too.

28-07-2012, 11:14 PM
Sea breeze got it right for up here,for a change,flat as a shit cartes hat yesterday,could not of had it betta,today Shit!!!!!!!
Cheers Chris.

29-07-2012, 11:06 AM
I look at both but tend to believe BOM moreso and at the end of it I have a look out the window lol.

I agree JC, but I find the best way is to look at the forecast map for the next4 days on BOM and judge for myself what is going to happen. With alittle understanding of isobars, upper troughs and shite like that, you can make a reasonable call. I'm generally within about 30 knots most of the time.