View Full Version : Stabicraft 509

25-07-2012, 10:16 PM
What's the general consensus these days on Stabicraft?
How would the ride compare to an average five metre tinny?
I like the knockabout nature of them and the unsinkability of them would suit me.

26-07-2012, 08:59 AM
they do seem to have a bit of a following, can't say that I would ever buy one myself, don't put too much faith in anything being "unsinkable" sure it maybe a selling feature up to a point, but nothing is unsinkable.

26-07-2012, 09:04 AM
they do seem to have a bit of a following, can't say that I would ever buy one myself, don't put too much faith in anything being "unsinkable" sure it maybe a selling feature up to a point, but nothing is unsinkable.
Except Titanic II

26-07-2012, 09:37 AM
I'd buy one, solid, well built (lol, generally) and a stable fish/dive platform. A few options on this design are available from memory, including a few built in Aus. My personally favourite would be the Ocean Cylinder built at Yamba. Not cheap though......

26-07-2012, 11:09 AM
Thanks fellas for the opinions. There's one on boatsales with a Suzuki 90. Good value?

26-07-2012, 11:13 AM
Noel, I realize that nothing is unsinkable. What I mean is that for the area I do 99% of my boating it would be very suitable. When I'm at my place at Cape Upstart I usually anchor the boat thirty or so metres off the beach and I wouldn't have to worry about it filling with rain during our tropical downpours. The self draining decks would be great. I also like the checker plate floor, don't have to worry about the mud from the crab pots and the sand that my border collie drags into the boat.

26-07-2012, 12:11 PM
Thanks fellas for the opinions. There's one on boatsales with a Suzuki 90. Good value?
Yeah mate that's good value. I was looking at one recently out at john crawford which had been in NT for a couple of yearrs and it looked about ten years old. I thinkk they wanted late twenties for it and it wasnt as good as that boat you're looking at.
I'd say all you need to sopend would be a grand or two on a decent sounder, or gps. Don't think a 5" is going to do the job really of both sounder and plotter.
Would think it would suit you down to the ground to do the job you've described. Only thing you need to watch is that they are a little narrow; that's the price you pay for "unsinkable".
I would take two people out in that no wrries but three would be tight, and four would have trouble fishing from it, especially if you're like the Dudds, and fill out xxxl shirts pretty well.
But yeah, I think it's a good buy at $30.
If you'd like I could go down and have a look at it for you. Might not be till after the weekend perhaps. You don't want to go anywhere near the goldie on a weekend. Too many people. But just text me or email jimmysbloss@optusnet.com.au if you're serious about it.
regards jim

26-07-2012, 12:17 PM
You might want to put a steel prop on that one you mentioned. THere's this one too, with a 115 (I think the dealer doesn't say and all I can see on the pics is a 5) which is a good amount of power for that boat. Not quite as nicely set up as yours, but perhaps newer motor.

26-07-2012, 03:20 PM
Thanks Sheik for the kind offer. I just saw that the blue one has sold. I have heard that they don't hang around for sale for very long. Ar well I'm not in any hurry and the heart isn't set on any one particular boat yet.
That green one does look good though :)

26-07-2012, 04:44 PM
Just to be clear - they are not self draining unless they have changed design. I might be wrong

Their deck will drain with forward motion via the rubber tube scuppers but just sitting the deck will collect water

26-07-2012, 05:33 PM
I find you have to fish side-on as there is no room under the gunwhales for you feet. Not much realestate for a large sounder, may need a ram mount. Rear ladder has sharp edges, good for cutting fishing line. Very stable, could fish four, in fact, it is hard to believe but it has as much linear fishing space as a 6metre plus half-cabin cruisecraft! Some have poor bait board layout restricting rear fishing access.

26-07-2012, 07:17 PM
Noel, I realize that nothing is unsinkable. What I mean is that for the area I do 99% of my boating it would be very suitable. When I'm at my place at Cape Upstart I usually anchor the boat thirty or so metres off the beach and I wouldn't have to worry about it filling with rain during our tropical downpours. The self draining decks would be great. I also like the checker plate floor, don't have to worry about the mud from the crab pots and the sand that my border collie drags into the boat.
Upstart what about a beach trailer and a old tractor.
Peace of mind with your boat out of the water as compared to the old days anchoring out and no sleep and all the worry if a storm comes or the wrong wind i would never go back to those times.
You can pick up an old Massey for about $3000 and best insurance you can get.

26-07-2012, 07:42 PM
awesome little boasts , only 5m (4.9m) i would head out in when the going gets very nasty.....have tested on many occasions....always made it home alive......and the boys at stabi stand behind their boats ..... :)........

26-07-2012, 10:53 PM
Hey Troy, yeah we have a tractor and an old Landcruiser over there but my old trailer has finally rusted to bits so I need to build another one one of these days. Most times though I just find it easier to anchor the boat off the beach. When there's a northerly blowing I do like it on the trailer though.

26-07-2012, 10:53 PM
Hey Stinky, I've seen your posts re the rebuild. Impressive after sales service hey.

26-07-2012, 11:04 PM
No worries about checking out the boat for you mate. I'm thinking of starting alittle business to go and look at boats here in brisbane for people. Get my jollies by buyingboats for other people when Ican't do it myself. Bit like one of those viewing rooms... nah doesnt matter.
Maybe you could also look at Surtees and Osprey, they are both pretty solid, and your man up in Mackay sells the McLay which are a bloody solid little tinny. They've done reviews on them in qld fishing recently I think.
You've also got that new one of SeaJay in Bundy... it's got a nice welded floor and looks solid as an outdoor toilet built of earthenware blocks.
The plastic fantastic made in bundy might also be worth a look. No rust, pretty tough. There is a divergence of opinion on how they ride. Most that have them love them although the odd bloke I've spokento won't buy another.
regards jim

27-07-2012, 04:44 PM
It's a good idea Sheik. Sometimes the boat you want can be miles away. Now they just need cheap boat transport too.

27-07-2012, 11:18 PM
yeah, i wouldnt make any coin out of it but I'd have heaps of fun. anyways, just letmeknow if you see something you want me to check out. I can give you a preliminary report before you spend your time coming all the way down. Of course, since you're the first client of what is destined to become a global company, you would be free.