View Full Version : Throttle adjustments on forward controls.

Rip it up
18-07-2012, 03:09 PM
I have a Yamaha forward throttle control unit that I believe has too much throttle free play.

When the throttle is used from neutral it will slot into gear normally but will take 20-30deg of movement to throttle on and the same movement to back off. In either forward or reverse.

Can I adjust this free play in the control unit? As the cables under the cowling move correctly with RPM.

18-07-2012, 03:43 PM
the controls shouldnt operate the throttle till about 30 deg normally...sounds like its fine.....does it full open the carb/throttle body?

Rip it up
18-07-2012, 09:48 PM
I need to be a little clearer. It acts normal (ie 30deg) going from neutral and into gear. Then takes 30 deg to start accelerating from forward idle. Again normal.

But the issue is any from 1/4 throttle to WOT there is a huge "dead zone". So power on to WOT and it's smooth throttle no problem but if I want to back off the rpm from 4500 to 3000, it takes a 30deg arc to respond with the throttle. You can grab the control and position it any where in the "dead zone" with out a change to rpm.

So I want to tighten up the dead zone to 5-10 deg.

I spoke to my mechanic and he said the cause was new cables having too much resistance in their tubes. And that nothing can be adjusted. Which sounds like BS to me.

19-07-2012, 12:38 PM
sounds like your gear cable is working fine....you could try shortening the throttle cable and see if it makes a difference...easy to do...take out the clip that holds it ..slide the fitting off the throttle linkage and hold the cable and turn the fitting to shorten the lenght ...slip it back on and put the clip back on...(motor end is easyest usually) test

did you have a new cable or work done on it recently? had my tohatsu controls slip one of the pins out of the track it runs in inside the controls making it really slow on backing off with pretty much the throttle spring the only thing pushing it back...the controls are pretty simple inside with no adjustment for what you are after... ;)

Rip it up
19-07-2012, 02:48 PM
This motor has only been on for 25hrs. Fresh install on this boat. I'll check the linkage for some adjustment.

19-07-2012, 04:55 PM
mate they should be good after 25hours...just make sure the bends in the cable are large as possible...nice and smooth..