View Full Version : Airmar P66 Kick Up Bracket

10-07-2012, 08:52 PM

Anyone use these mounts?

Pros and cons?



10-07-2012, 08:58 PM
Using one on mine and it seems all good, nice and tidy. I have only found it had unlatched the once and I think that was when I backed up to the beach.
The only thing I did to it was reshape the supplied wedge to get the angle to the water flow a bit better.

10-07-2012, 09:10 PM
Thanks Johncar.

How does it actually operate?

Is it strong and durable?

DOes it hold the ducer firm and strong?


11-07-2012, 07:25 AM
Hi splash it is just a solid plastic clip that holds it in place which takes a lot of effort to unclip. My first one must of had some kind of fault with it and was always unclipping and the transducer went missing somewhere between the cape and bulwer. The one I have on there now has been there for about 3 years and does get unclipped a bit when beaching the boat backwards or when working on it but it has never unclipped while driving along again.

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
That looks like the standard bracket to me. I broke 2 of them when I was having a lot of trouble getting the tranny to work so it was mounted DEEEEEP at the time. Otherwise it's a good bracket.

11-07-2012, 04:40 PM
Had one on my boat for 6 years,good but tend to want to kick up when you reverse up at the start of a drift.
Other then that they work.

11-07-2012, 06:55 PM
if the ducer is mounted deep they tend to kick up

sorted out by putting a single small self tapper screw in one side, it will still rip past the screw in a real 'flip up scenario' but won't kick up all the time because you went over a rough wave

11-07-2012, 09:47 PM
Thanks Johncar.

How does it actually operate?

Is it strong and durable?

DOes it hold the ducer firm and strong?


Yeah as was said it is just a hinge type bracket that locks down by plastic molded tabs and if an impact happens on the trannie while travelling forward it will just allow the trannie to unlatch and flip up. it should stay that way untill you physically push it back down and click into place.

It seems strong enough for what it has to do, but I would imagine that after many impacts it may need replacing.

Yes the Trannie is held firmly enough for normal operation and has never let go for no good reason.