View Full Version : 5.5 - 6m Half Cab Required - 30 Grand max

10-07-2012, 08:10 PM

Mate of mine wants me to help him find one capable of going offshore/out to Bunkers etc for under 30 Grand. Second hand. Prefer 4 Stroke, & over 115Hp, depending on hull weight. Are boat point/boat sales the best websites to scour?

Any suggestions or boats you know for sale that fit the criteria would be much appreciated!

Cheers, fellas.


10-07-2012, 09:10 PM
One of the members here was looking at this a couple of days ago. Not 4 stroke though..
http://www.boatsales.com.au/boats-for-sale/boatdetails.aspx?seot=1&R=11488186&silo=-1&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32%7c1%7c%7cpCar_Price_Decim al%7c1%7c%7cpCar_Make_String%7c0%7c%7cpCar_Model_S tring%7c0&Cr=&trecs=1&__N=1456%20285%204294911145%204294869717%20610

10-07-2012, 09:19 PM
two stroke but a good boat by all reports

10-07-2012, 09:40 PM
theres got to be a more realistic place to shop then boatsales, but not sure where. top dollar and never go down no matter how many years there. i think everyone throws 10 grand on top and hopes for the best....