View Full Version : how to beef up my chimes ????????
09-07-2012, 08:29 AM
what would be the best way to make my boat more stable at rest and not have to boss every body around as to where to stand and dint all run to one side of the boat :-? it's plate ally so easy enough to weld. it has centre cab built from quiet heavy plate so probably a bit top heavy. could use half pipe like a staby;D i realize this would be a brave ( or stupid ) thing to do but if i cant stabilize it a bit more the cab mite have to get cut down:'( any advice welcome. cheers.......
09-07-2012, 08:39 AM
I wouldn't be welding anything to the outside of the hull but rather try putting more weight inside the hull along the keel. This will lower your centre of gravity and should make it a bit more stable at rest. A bunch of sand bags would work ok but some kind of tank that fills up with water when the boats at rest then drains out the back when you take off like the Barcrushers (i think) so that you dont have all the extra weight to cart around all the time.
09-07-2012, 09:31 AM
The keel ballast idea does work well but I think it would be impractical to retro fit, depending on current under floor structure. Yes you may have to look at minimising any top heaviness as a part solution. Adding more weight as low as you can, maybe additional fuel or water tank below floor. There are things like rocker stoppers that can help by just hanging them over the sides. If you need more bouyancy on the chines then it could be possible to make sponsons like they used on the Stessl's and others, but that's a bit of a chore to design and fit plus the unknowns of how they could effect the boats performance and stability at speed and at sea.
09-07-2012, 09:56 AM
thanks guys, it does have a floodable kill tank witch helps a bit and i like the cab for protection but it mite have to go.
09-07-2012, 10:01 AM
I guess it depends on how much you want to spend. Do what a lot of others suggest on here about mods and talk to someone who builds plate boats and ask what they think. Origin boats always seem to be very helpful to guys on here so try them.
09-07-2012, 10:36 AM
If you want a stable hull at rest then beam is the only thing that will do it. Flooded keels offer a bit more stability but nothing will come close to a wider beam. Reverse chines only deflect water and they DONT do anything for stabilty at rest. I think there is more old wives tales involving boats than just about anything else combined. Apart from cutting our boat inhalf and adding 500mmm to the guts of it then nothing else will work. Sell it and by a wider boat, easier and cheaper.
09-07-2012, 10:51 AM
boats fairly beamy but a fair bit of deadrise allso. so i want to try and get the best of both worlds.82175
Look into the Boat Collar,
09-07-2012, 11:21 AM
Look into the Boat Collar,
second that. extra buoyancy and stability with little extra weight to achieve it - hoping to have one this year.
09-07-2012, 12:02 PM
where can i find some info on boat collars, all my searches keep coming up as boat coolers.. are these the strapon type ones for tinies ???
09-07-2012, 12:15 PM
09-07-2012, 12:44 PM
where can i find some info on boat collars, all my searches keep coming up as boat coolers.. are these the strapon type ones for tinies ???
um, no strap ons here - requires holes drilled in hull...
09-07-2012, 01:02 PM
Im sure thats going to look great on a 5 or 6 meter boat. Never having seen this collar but I will say by looking at it that its essentially adding beam with foam. I didnt see it fitted to any boats over 5meters. Might work well on tinnies but on larger boats it will look crap and I would think interfer with the boats performance.
09-07-2012, 01:08 PM
Im sure thats going to look great on a 5 or 6 meter boat. Never having seen this collar but I will say by looking at it that its essentially adding beam with foam. I didnt see it fitted to any boats over 5meters. Might work well on tinnies but on larger boats it will look crap and I would think interfer with the boats performance.
Can't look any worse than a Stabi Stu haha
09-07-2012, 01:39 PM
thanks for posting the link ozynohts, they do look ugly but work great by the clips they show, i think i'm with stuart on this one, probably not as good on a 6mtr boat as the smaller ones. but along the lines of what i was thinking about welding a half pipe around the water line.. and yes it would be ugley...... i'm thinking the centre cab is going to be a duel consile.
09-07-2012, 02:26 PM
If your beam is close to 2.5meters, welding extra chambers will increase the width and make it to wide to tow normally. If you want stability get a boat with a small deadrise 10 degrees or a Bloody Cat.
thanks for posting the link ozynohts, they do look ugly but work great by the clips they show, i think i'm with stuart on this one, probably not as good on a 6mtr boat as the smaller ones. but along the lines of what i was thinking about welding a half pipe around the water line.. and yes it would be ugley...... i'm thinking the centre cab is going to be a duel consile.
Why pipe?.......get something pressed up,it would be cheaper and you could come up with a profile that may actually look good.......people may even copy your design if it looks good....
09-07-2012, 03:15 PM
Messing with your centre cab would greatly reduce the value of the boat and do SFA to make it more stable IMO. There is no way I would make such a drastic change with no idea if it would make any percievable difference. MAdness.
09-07-2012, 03:26 PM
As mentioned already,the stability issue is caused by the deadrise of the hull.
Modifying the centrecab will do nothing but cost you a lot of money and devalue the boat immensely.
It is a compromise you make when you purchase a boat.
Go with a deadrise that gives you a softer ride and unstable at rest or go with a deadrise which gives you that pounding while underway but extremely stable at rest and while fishing.
It is one factor in a hull that most people either neglect to think about or are unaware of at the time of purchase.
Personally I prefer a boat that is more stable at rest than a hull that gives a smoother ride while travelling because at the end of the day I cannot stand a boat that lays over every time someone moves around the boat.
At the end of the day you don't have many options to fix it cheaply because of the hull shape.
09-07-2012, 03:51 PM
This is the answer.
pm feral cat for details.
09-07-2012, 07:22 PM
firstly - some photos would help. Secondly, some details and specs, such as deadrise; beam; Do you have a self draining deck or what. (self draining decks are higher - therfore so is centre of gravity = more rock at rest) - (Everything is a compromise)
What Breed of boat is it?
Do you have anything else above deck? - ie; when I bought my Dehavilland Trojan - it had 2 off 170 litre fuel tanks which were the helm seats - above deck. Needless to say - they went - replaced by an underfloor tank. Also not to exited with the idea of sitting directly on the fuel tank :o
This is all info we need to know - otherwise our advice is pointless and useless - no offence to any of the previous posters of course;)
10-07-2012, 06:32 PM
thanks mark, your rite i am holding out a bit, but I'll come clean for advice and i got nothing to hide. the boats 6 mtr lightning, no dought a lot of you have seen it for sale for some time. i'd love a fisher or origin but i could die before i can afford one. the boats about 12 years old and hard to find much info on. the thing i like about them is the 6mm hull, you could almost park on the bommies and get away with it. so i'm trying to cheat and buy a boat with a fair bit of deadrise and bitch about stability at rest. to ad some prest up ally along the chime line to act as air pockets for stability is easy for me to do but pur82203ely experimental. any way you'll see by the picks it's defiantly top heavy. so the smart thing would be to remove the top and maybe replace it with 82202some thing lighter. you'l notice the gunnel's are wider the chimes which don't help. hope the pic's work.. cheers ( and excuse the spelling please)82201
10-07-2012, 06:54 PM
if i could add some flotation around the boat and make it handel like that tinny with the boat collar video( without looking to fugly ) i'd be a happy man.......
10-07-2012, 07:06 PM
Hey Bobby,
Can't get the attachments to work? Comes up as invalid. Will google your boat though - don't know a lot about them, but like the 6mm hull
10-07-2012, 07:18 PM
Its wishfull thinking that by welding a bit extra on the chines is going to help by traping air. I hate to be blunt buts not going to do a dam thing for stability on your boat. In reaity you should sell the boat and buy something that will suite your needs. Cutting ands shunting is going to do 2 things, one, your boat will be worth zip. Two, you go to all that expense and heart ach for zero gain and your boat will again be worth zip. Save the coin, sell the boat and buy something else. Reducing a boats weight by that much usally end in the boat riding like a peice of sh!t. I have been in a few boats that had heaps of weight taken out. These boats whee crap afterwards and the owners wished they never did it.
10-07-2012, 07:25 PM
Hey bobby, is this the boat?
10-07-2012, 07:51 PM
no mate, google lightning centre cab and i think you'll find an old add for it. stuart, i know what your saying , it is a bit out there for most people. but the beauty of ally is you can cut and shut all you like. i'm thinking a sealed chamber that holds enough air to make a difference. but how much ?. so just thinking out of the box. any way as stated the centre cab will be come a duel concile most likely..
Heres a picture of what a mate did to his 6mtr Phil Curran (CDM) kit boat to give it more stability........Looks ugly but his final plan is to fill in the top section aswell and use it as some sort of storage.......
I have acctually stood outside the boat underway for a has made the boat alot more stable at rest..........A WA naval arcitect was consolted before the "spontoons" were added.
Any way it has been done so could be done again.
I wish i had a side on shot for you but don't have one sorry.
10-07-2012, 08:44 PM
is it legal for towing width?
10-07-2012, 09:06 PM
Bobby, try adding some weight into your kill tank or hull for a trial. Adding chines will do little for the stability. Its essentially a function of Centre of gravity, centre of boyancy, beam and mass. A flooded keel would make an improvement but would be hard to retrofit
10-07-2012, 09:26 PM
thanks dan, your mates out there with me , if boxed in as you say would be good storage room and look a lot better. doe it affect the ride of the boat underway.. in following seas?? thanks hourse, has floodable kill tank and does help. not talking chimes so much as air tight compartment around boat. much like stabies i suppose. if you could see the pics i posted i think you would agree the top heads to come off.
11-07-2012, 10:06 AM
Maybe a few tractor tubes fitted to each side should help. I wuldnt be addinganything to the externals of the hull but If you feel you need to do something then at least lower your centre of gavity as suggested. I would be seeking advice from a naval architect before touching it with a grinder and welder.
11-07-2012, 10:50 AM
It must really BAD for you to be wanting to make drastic changes to your boat like that......
I am guessing its when your fishing its rocking. Have you tried using a Para-anchor and tying it off to different places around the boat so the front is more into the swell instead of side on.. OR tell the mates they all cant fish the one side of the boat so you can keep it fairly level. move Sinkers and esky to the opposite side your fishing, Fish the opposite side to your live bait tank....
I wouldn't be stuffing around with adding anything extra to your boat that might not work and make the boat as rough as guts while traveling..
11-07-2012, 11:16 AM
Another out of the box option is stabilisers. You see them on mackeral dories and trawlers.
With your solid cabin it might be viable.
If you arent sure what i mean basically you run foldable arms on each side of the boat. these , when deployed, sit out the side of the boat with an arm going into the water- say a metre or so. On the end of each arm is a plate. So the plate uses water pressure to resist tipping one way or the other. When underway these fold up and out of the way thereby not affecting ride.
Sorry for the crap explaination but if you have seen stabilisers on pro boats before you will know what I mean. If you are handy with a welder Im sure you could knock something up relatively cheaply and try them out without making drastic structural changes.
11-07-2012, 06:34 PM
thanks guys, camhawk88 i have seen stabilizers and would be possible with a solid cab but think i would look pretty silly on a 6mtr boat.
really it's a no brainer. the cabs going and duel concile with canopy. i've always liked the idea of the big esky seat and reversible backrest.
shame the pics i posted did not work, i think every one would agree. may be a bit silly to be playing with the hull......should be able to buy concile and canopy and just glue in.. boat has full flat floor so 1mm cutting disc around bottom of the whole cab and seat boxes and out she comes. concile drooped in and glued down... to easy. the cab will be perfect to drop
in to another tinny, a bigger or more beamy one. any way she will be up for sale bucket seats, seat boxes and all... thanks for all the help. cheers..............
11-07-2012, 07:40 PM
Are you going to modify it and then sell???? If so why???
11-07-2012, 08:49 PM
hey ozy, will remove cab complete and replace it with centre console. seat boxes are part cf the cab. suspension seats, rod holders, spotty , glass wind screen with whipper. very good setup just a bit heavy for this boat.
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