View Full Version : Can anyone identify this lure???????? please

Mike Delisser
30-06-2012, 04:56 PM
Gday, can anyone please identify these lures for me. The 2 in the photos are both the same lure. They could be in some tackle stores, I'm not sure, I bought mine from a small stand at either the Tinni n tackle show or the Brizzy Boat Show. The body is 8.5cm long and it's almost 11cm including the bib, they dive around 7-10feet deep. I use them trolling for flathead and they go ok.

81858 81859

30-06-2012, 05:28 PM
Never seen anything similar in plastic before. Does remind me of an old Heddon timber lure i had though.

Mike Delisser
30-06-2012, 06:48 PM
I'm certain they're not wood Tunaticer. No brand on them and only around $10 each and I got them 2 years ago. At the time there were quite a few different models, various sizes but nothing bigger than jack or flatty size.
Perhaps Fighting Whiting comes to mind but again I'm not sure.
I've got an idea the lure below may come from the same stable.
Body 6cm, total inc bib 8cm, dives to around 5 feet.


30-06-2012, 06:58 PM
The last one is called a 'Gecko' I think. I've got a pink version that my Mum bought me from a shop in Marochydore years ago. Great Flathead lure.

Mike Delisser
08-07-2012, 12:10 PM
I found out they're Hawkeye "Fightin Whitin", no longer made unfortunately, best flatty trolling lure I've used.

08-07-2012, 03:29 PM
Depending on the action, I wouldn't think a flathead would mind you dragging a lively lures mad mullet in its place. I would have argued that's what it was if you hadn't got in first with the answer. I've had good results with the livelys.

the baker
08-07-2012, 10:56 PM
While we are on the subject of lures that are not in production. Here are two goodies (DK lures) that were good on the Jacks....


Mike Delisser
09-07-2012, 01:23 AM
Depending on the action, I wouldn't think a flathead would mind you dragging a lively lures mad mullet in its place. I would have argued that's what it was if you hadn't got in first with the answer. I've had good results with the livelys.
Yes I have a few of them, probably prefer the micro mullet from that stable for flathead though, pink with purple stripes is a special. Did you know Lively Lures is pulling out of the tackle stores and only selling on-line from their own web site, strange move I recon.

09-07-2012, 02:23 AM
strange or smart?? cut out middle man, move more stock..... technology is key.