View Full Version : Fireline exceed

25-06-2012, 09:41 AM
Spooled up with 3kg fireline exceed on friday and gave it a good workout over the weekend, seems to cast well and tied a good knot, is a little still but i expect that to settle down in time, one problem that happened was that twice while casting the leader and fireline parted at the knot, this has never happened before with other lines, im suspecting that with repeated casts the line is sawing into the leader, will monitor this in future and im wondering how others have found this line, good, bad or average?.

25-06-2012, 10:25 AM
I've been running exceed alongside the Nanofil - I'm finding that the Exceed breaks for what appears to be no good reason ...... I'm also finding that it will break ..... what I call a shock breakage ( a sudden tug or fast strike will see the line pop )
While the line looks nice & casts reasonably well ..... I would just buy regular fireline or preferably nanofil for the lighter line classes


25-06-2012, 10:36 AM
Gday nagg, that fits in with the breakage on casting, the first time it happened i thought hmmmm?, the next it was "oh oh ive bought a dud"..

25-06-2012, 07:15 PM
I have had the same issues as Chris and so decided to unspool Exceed from my reel and spool up an alternative. I have had this with Fireline before, so will never use it again.

25-06-2012, 09:38 PM
I think most of these "breakages" around the leader knot are actually the braid pinching off the leader by tightening up too much and cutting through.
I have been trialing an addition to the leader knot occasionally (when i remember to add it) and from my recollection, have not had the leader pinched off. The addition is two strands of the braid running parallell with the leader inside the knot, Thinking this might cushion the leader from pinch off.

26-06-2012, 05:59 AM
I have trialed different connection knots and don't have this problem with other brands. It just breaks at weird places and with very little pressure at times. I tried a different rod to see if it was a crack/nick in a runner that I could not find, but no difference. My fishing time is too limited to muck around with issues, I don't have time to solve, so swapped it out and no problems since!

26-06-2012, 09:12 AM
My breakages were often quite far away from the knot & it looked as if the fibres were just coming apart ...... I've seen this happen before on cheap chinese braid . You certainly cannot fish the Exceed to the hilt - like when Jack fishing


26-06-2012, 02:09 PM
I'm also finding that it will break ..... what I call a shock breakage - a sudden tug or fast strike will see the line pop


so do you tell the fishy not to give it a sudden tug? lol, bugger that, I'm over these berkely lines to be honest. I've wasted good money on nanofil and thought it was good until it started breaking. I have a full unsused 12lb spool for sale if anyone is interested for $1.00. anyone?? anyone??

daiwa tournament hyper is what i use mostly . yes i still get wind knots/guide wraps (which annoy the sht of me), especially on windy days but im confident in it if a nice fish grabs it and it casts a mile. its very thin so i wouldnt use it around reefy country though. i would use tuffline for that.

26-06-2012, 03:05 PM
What leader are you using with it? I just put some 3kg exceed on a 1000 Symetre. Casts very well but I too have had a couple of leader knots let go. I've been using 20lb flourocarbon leader joined via a "Cairns Quickie". When the knot lets go the fireline double comes back intact, just minus the leader (and lure).

Going to give it a go with mono leader, but if it happens again it'll be going in the circular file.